Barbra Bush in hospital Liberals show their true tolerance.

The kind of hate shown in the OP is really pathetic. It's driven by our extreme ideologies. It clearly shows that some people are so immersed/consumed by their ideology that they can't even think like a rational human being.
This isn't the first time we have seen this kind of hate. It seems whenever a high profile individual becomes ill or needs a serious medical procedure, the feeble-minded haters come our from under their rock and spew their disgusting hate. In recent times I've seen haters on this board wish death upon, George HW Bush, Harry Reid, George W Bush, Barrack Obama and Muslims in general.
The question is, how did these people get to be that way?
‘Die f*cking bitch’: Depraved cretins wish death on ailing former first lady Barbara Bush
?Die f*cking bitch?: Depraved cretins wish death on ailing former first lady Barbara Bush | Twitchy
This again puts light on how loving and tolerant those on the left are. Wishing the death of a sick old lady.


Doctor Grosz @doctorgrosz

Barbara Bush has been hospitalized. In other news: that old **** is apparently still alive.

There are many like this at the link.......I again and warmed by the out pouring of sympathy for a elderly lady.

The wishing her well by liberals were so apparent dont you think?

Alter Tatil @altermali

Barbara Bush hospitalized, why dont you just die fcking bitch.

This shit is disgusting and this is the true face of liberals mean hate filled trolls that wish the death of a 88 year old woman.

Is it disgusting. But hardly limited to liberals. Amoral apathetic people cross all political lines.

Hope she gets better.

People say this but truth is I hardly ever see it happening from both sides... Oh I am sure there are a few assholes who wish ill of a liberal who is ill but no where near the number that the left seems to show.
rw hypocrites.

Go whine to someone who cares.

Are you with your liberal brethren who wishing Babara to die?
People wishing Barbara Bush would die are scum.

Just like the people here who wished Reid would die when he was in the hospital



Let's all pray that his condition is terminal.


I hope Reid dies in agony.
That he dies a slow agonizing death.
When the bulletin came across Fox my wife actually began screaming "Dear God! Make him die!" I would have preferred a Samurai Warrior with sword.

"Happy plaque embolus day, Harry" May the ER crew mistakenly slather your chest with nitropaste and be out of stock on acetylcholine injection when they notice your heart rate going to 22bpm.

There definitely is a God.

We can only hope.

Only hope what?

That his condition is terminal. He's an old man. It's time for him to go. Even if he recovers, perhaps this is the start of a slow degeneration of his health.

If he dies, I'll buy the first round.

Yea Karma, ever think that dying a slow excruciating death might just be his Karma for the low life garbage he is?

I wish that the corrupt Harry Reid contracts some type of uncurable disease which leads to a slow and agonizing death.
rw hypocrites.

Go whine to someone who cares.

Are you with your liberal brethren who wishing Babara to die?
People wishing Barbara Bush would die are scum.

Just like the people here who wished Reid would die when he was in the hospital


Yea Karma, ever think that dying a slow excruciating death might just be his Karma for the low life garbage he is?

I wish that the corrupt Harry Reid contracts some type of uncurable disease which leads to a slow and agonizing death.
Yea young libertarians and anarchist are kind of asshole that way.
rw hypocrites.

Go whine to someone who cares.

Are you with your liberal brethren who wishing Babara to die?
People wishing Barbara Bush would die are scum.

Just like the people here who wished Reid would die when he was in the hospital


Yea Karma, ever think that dying a slow excruciating death might just be his Karma for the low life garbage he is?

I wish that the corrupt Harry Reid contracts some type of uncurable disease which leads to a slow and agonizing death.

The Assholes. They did the same to Mandella's thread.
It's really heart-rending when political disputes and opposition crosses over into pure hatred and apathy. What is wrong with people nowadays? Has it always been like this and I've just been too wrapped up in myself to notice? (nod to Douglas Adams)
Did Barbara Bush do anything to be worth that kind of vitriol? Did Harry Reid?
Did Barbara Bush do anything to be worth that kind of vitriol? Did Harry Reid?

Maybe not but she is pretty crazy and mean. I never especially liked her but would not have said some of the things that wingers said abou Harry Reid when he was sick.
That's what liberals are like. Would you expect a junkyard dog not to growl? Same thing.

Leftists (who Americans call 'liberals' for some strange reason) are everywhere motivated by spite and envy. They hate success and wealth much more than they dislike poverty. A society where all are poor (except for the vanguard of the proletariat, that is themselves) suits them just fine. The poorer the plebs, the more dependent they are of the state and the more servile.
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Did Barbara Bush do anything to be worth that kind of vitriol? Did Harry Reid?

Maybe not but she is pretty crazy and mean. I never especially liked her but would not have said some of the things that wingers said abou Harry Reid when he was sick.

It's all a matter of opinion. For example you seem crazy and mean - though somehow I doubt if you are particularly pretty.
Are you with your liberal brethren who wishing Babara to die?
People wishing Barbara Bush would die are scum.

Just like the people here who wished Reid would die when he was in the hospital


I wish that the corrupt Harry Reid contracts some type of uncurable disease which leads to a slow and agonizing death.

The Assholes. They did the same to Mandella's thread.

Were they? I just saw some talk about who Mandela actually was. At least that's what I did.
rw hypocrites.

Go whine to someone who cares.

Are you with your liberal brethren who wishing Babara to die?
People wishing Barbara Bush would die are scum.

Just like the people here who wished Reid would die when he was in the hospital


Yea Karma, ever think that dying a slow excruciating death might just be his Karma for the low life garbage he is?

I wish that the corrupt Harry Reid contracts some type of uncurable disease which leads to a slow and agonizing death.

Yeahhhhh -I knew there was a reason the hypocrisy was a bit thick in here.

Are you with your liberal brethren who wishing Babara to die?
People wishing Barbara Bush would die are scum.

Just like the people here who wished Reid would die when he was in the hospital


I wish that the corrupt Harry Reid contracts some type of uncurable disease which leads to a slow and agonizing death.

Yeahhhhh -I knew there was a reason the hypocrisy was a bit thick in here.


Have I ever wished the death of a democrat? You need to separate libertarians from conservatives here. Libertarians are more liberal then conservative.
That's what liberals are like. Would you expect a junkyard dog not to growl? Same thing.

Leftists (who Americans call 'liberals' for some strange reason) are everywhere motivated by spite and envy. They hate success and wealth much more than they dislike poverty. A society where all are poor (except for the vanguard of the proletariat, that is themselves) suits them just fine. The poorer the plebs, the more dependent they are of the state and the more servile.


the common mistake the ignorant leftard sheeple are making across the boards and timeline - they consider themselves to be chosen to rule the plebs. The plebs are always "the other", not THEM.
When they are the first to pave the road to the sacrificial altar they all shriek and cry and whine the same across the boards and time - WHY ME? I supported this!!!!

that's why :lol:
Did Barbara Bush do anything to be worth that kind of vitriol? Did Harry Reid?

Maybe not but she is pretty crazy and mean. I never especially liked her but would not have said some of the things that wingers said abou Harry Reid when he was sick.

It's all a matter of opinion. For example you seem crazy and mean - though somehow I doubt if you are particularly pretty.


right on spot

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