Barney Frank Says Super Committee Failure Is 'Good News' For Democrats


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
well, on one hand I give him props for his candor, on another, well, we knew this didn't we? they never wanted a deal. *shocker* :lol:

Oh and no Moonie Sites here and forget wsj, we got the real deal, if its in huffpo, its gold standard.:rolleyes:

Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said the congressional supercommittee's failure Monday to come to an agreement on spending reforms was "good news" because it will help to end the Bush-era tax cuts and give Democrats more bargaining power in budget negotiations.

Barney Frank Says Super Committee Failure Is 'Good News' For Democrats
well, on one hand I give him props for his candor, on another, well, we knew this didn't we? they never wanted a deal. *shocker* :lol:

Oh and no Moonie Sites here and forget wsj, we got the real deal, if its in huffpo, its gold standard.:rolleyes:

Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said the congressional supercommittee's failure Monday to come to an agreement on spending reforms was "good news" because it will help to end the Bush-era tax cuts and give Democrats more bargaining power in budget negotiations.

Barney Frank Says Super Committee Failure Is 'Good News' For Democrats

It performed as designed.
I just read that Representative Frank has announced his retirement. I wish I knew how to do an Internet farting noise.
Barney will not be running for re-election it was just announced. Smart move. I wonder how many other Dems will bail before the inevitable defeat by the Republicans....
[ame=]Boehner Christmas II - YouTube[/ame]

The sucker got suckerpunched.

There will be REAL cuts to the budget..and the Bush tax cuts are history.


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