Barney Frank to marry

Hes another faggot who had a boyfriend that ran a male prostitution ring out of an apartment he lived in. Homosexuality not only is an abomination,it is a matter of choice,perversion,and illegitimate alternative lifestyles shouldnt be equated to the balance of gender of marriage. Keep that shit up north. a lib he's good people.
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Hes another faggot who had a boyfriend that ran a male prostitution ring out of an apartment he lived in. Homosexuality not only is an abomination,it is a matter of choice,perversion,and illegitimate alternative lifestyles shouldnt be equated to the balance of gender of marriage. Keep that shit up north. a lib he's good people.

Better than in-bred types who run their own children out of town!!!

The only thing Barbette deserves is ........................................

There really is someone for everyone isn't there?

You've just ruined my day. You mean there's a possibility some on this board will actually procreate? Now that IS a problem and one we won't see from Barney!!! :eek:
Hes another faggot who had a boyfriend that ran a male prostitution ring out of an apartment he lived in. Homosexuality not only is an abomination,it is a matter of choice,perversion,and illegitimate alternative lifestyles shouldnt be equated to the balance of gender of marriage. Keep that shit up north. a lib he's good people.

Better than in-bred types who run their own children out of town!!!

Oh, you mean the folks in TN I keep bumping into that for some strange reason keep voting Democrat?
Newt is a perfect example of republican morality ....

You are a perfect example of leftist hypocrisy.

You praise a crook like Barney Frank, who ran a prostitution racket out of his apartment, while attacking Newt for cheating on his wife.


Because Frank has a "D" after his name and that is the ONLY thing a partisan pile of shit like you cares about.

too funny for comment. Both moral giants, Mitt and Newt were in bed with fanny and freddie, and the republicans controlled congress as well. Mitt, of course, only screwed working class Americans. Still too funny and hypocritical. You jokers are hilarious and always good for a morning laugh.

You fucking sociopath.
Newt is a perfect example of republican morality ....

You are a perfect example of leftist hypocrisy.

You praise a crook like Barney Frank, who ran a prostitution racket out of his apartment, while attacking Newt for cheating on his wife.


Because Frank has a "D" after his name and that is the ONLY thing a partisan pile of shit like you cares about.

too funny for comment. Both moral giants, Mitt and Newt were in bed with fanny and freddie, and the republicans controlled congress as well. Mitt, of course, only screwed working class Americans. Still too funny and hypocritical. You jokers are hilarious and always good for a morning laugh.

You fucking sociopath.

watch out Midcant will get some Quotes from some Far Lefty to put you in your favorite is from Red Fox......"Midcan?....aint that a receptacle you put dog shit in?".......
Let's see, democrats hate Gingrich because of his alleged infidelity but they like Barney Frank even though his true love was running a male prostitution ring out of his apartment. Double standard?

No it's absolutely not a double standard to the morally backward libtard media.

ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING nasty, discusting, unGodly, disturbing, immoral, twisted, perverted, and sexually devious gives these sick imps a boner.

A sexually promiscusous homosexual congressman deeply immersed in the sexually perverse "gay lifestyle" sends a shiver up their spine.

Throw in corruption, self-indulgence, and hate for christians, conservatism, traditional families, and the human race as a whole...

...he's the perfect politician.

And to think, the guy our party might consider electing was governor of his state. Ughh... I shutter to think.
The fact is you libs love him because he furthers your sick social agenda.

It doesn't matter how corrupt and disgusting the guy is plain face. He's gay, so that means he's a good politician.
No it's absolutely not a double standard to the morally backward libtard media.

ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING nasty, discusting, unGodly, disturbing, immoral, twisted, perverted, and sexually devious gives these sick imps a boner.

A sexually promiscusous homosexual congressman deeply immersed in the sexually perverse "gay lifestyle" sends a shiver up their spine.

Kind of obsessed with the "lifestyle", aren't you? WORRIED?!?! :eusa_eh:
Kind of obsessed with the "lifestyle", aren't you? WORRIED?!?! :eusa_eh:


Frank has a "D" after his name; which is the ONLY thing you care about. That he is a PROVEN crook who was largely responsible for the 2008 financial meltdown doesn't bother you, he has a "D" after his name - which is the ONLY thing you care about.
Kind of obsessed with the "lifestyle", aren't you? WORRIED?!?! :eusa_eh:

Frank has a "D" after his name; which is the ONLY thing you care about. That he is a PROVEN crook who was largely responsible for the 2008 financial meltdown doesn't bother you, he has a "D" after his name - which is the ONLY thing you care about.

What does the (D) have to do with his lifestyle? You're jumping around a little here. If you want to know about how the Frank Law was abused, you need to talk Newt, NOT Barney. Gingrich was the one greasing the wheels of fraud in his "advisory" and "historical" capacities. Don't DARE call it lobbying, eh? :doubt:
What does the (D) have to do with his lifestyle?

You don't defend him because of his lifestyle, you defend him because he's a party member. If he were a Republican, like Larry Craig, you'd call him a pervert, like you called Craig.

You're jumping around a little here. If you want to know about how the Frank Law was abused, you need to talk Newt, NOT Barney.

Right, Newt is an Infidel, Frank is an exalted party member.

Gingrich was the one greasing the wheels of fraud in his "advisory" and "historical" capacities. Don't DARE call it lobbying, eh? :doubt:

What Gingrich did or did not do has no bearing on the fact that Frank is a crook. You defend Frank because you're a partisan pile of shit who only cares about your party - not the health of the nation.
What does the (D) have to do with his lifestyle?

You don't defend him because of his lifestyle, you defend him because he's a party member. If he were a Republican, like Larry Craig, you'd call him a pervert, like you called Craig.

Don't recall calling him a "pervert". Cite? I think I referred to him as a "tap dancer". :cool:
Don't recall calling him a "pervert". Cite? I think I referred to him as a "tap dancer". :cool:

A distinction without a difference.

You have a party, you don't have principles.

What does this have to do with principles, except that the CONS only expect them out of the other guy? Craig was ridiculed for that very fact, not because he was gay.
What does this have to do with principles, except that the CONS only expect them out of the other guy? Craig was ridiculed for that very fact, not because he was gay.

It has everything to do with principles.

You support Frank because he is a party member - that is 100% of the reason.

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