Luntz issues a sober warning to Dems

My hunch is that for every one guy that says, “Gee, now that I know he’s a convicted felon, I’m going to vote for him because, I was going to bang a porn star, pay her to remain quiet, and take part in a three person conspiracy to do it but now...I know that is going to be actionable”, there are three guys who say, “Convicted felon? Pass.”
NDAs are perfectly legal.

The FEC & DOJ both looked at them.

Appeals courts will toss the bullshit "felonys".
My hunch is that for every one guy that says, “Gee, now that I know he’s a convicted felon, I’m going to vote for him because, I was going to bang a porn star, pay her to remain quiet, and take part in a three person conspiracy to do it but now...I know that is going to be actionable”, there are three guys who say, “Convicted felon? Pass.”
Ok, so what we’ve established is that we both have an opinion. Grats!
If there are any folks out there in the swing states that legitimately could go "either way", the conviction will definitely mean something.

A recent poll showed that 70% of the GQP as you put it are still planning to vote for Trump. That is 7 out of 10 REPUBLICANS.

The conviction means Trump was persecuted.
Ok, so what we’ve established is that we both have an opinion. Grats!
Wow, quite the discovery there Columbo.

What has been established (if you believe the polling) is that 7 out of 10 republicans (not all voters) support the blob. That isn’t too good considering he lost the last election
If he is a psychopath, he is not a murderer. Joe is a psychopath murderer. Congenital lying near every sentence it seems. Checking his watch on the tarmac with the caskets of the soldiers he killed showed you what he is.
How is Biden a murderer, you moron?
If there are any folks out there in the swing states that legitimately could go "either way", the conviction will definitely mean something.

A recent poll showed that 70% of the GQP as you put it are still planning to vote for Trump. That is 7 out of 10 REPUBLICANS.

Can Trump win without that 30%?
Some of these swing counties only have a 10k swing.
I live in a swing state. In my swing state is Detroit. In Detroit are a lot of minorities already on the edge with Biden. Now they see The Man going with false charges and convictions???

Oh honey. Good luck.
Your rationale smells funny.
It may turn out that the successful delays of the other trials won it for Trump.

This was the weakest of the trials, the biggest stretch, and the easiest one to characterize as partisan.
Yet won handily. That should tell folks that Trump is at least equally screwed with the other cases.
Good grief.

How many people don't pay any taxes on millions in income (of dubious sources, no less) for several years and have the IRS allowing the statute of limitations to expire while the IRS investigators have all the evidence ready?
He isn’t on trial for that, dupe.
He isn’t on trial for that, dupe.
No shit. Do you know what the statute of limitations even means? Nobody goes on trial for anything when that expires.

Why did the IRS and federal prosecutors allow it to expire???? IRS whistleblowers and the rest of America wants to know.
No shit. Do you know what the statute of limitations even means? Nobody goes on trial for anything when that expires.

Why did the IRS and federal prosecutors allow it to expire???? IRS whistleblowers and the rest of America wants to know.
He paid those taxes, dupe.
He paid those taxes, dupe.
I find leftists the most uninformed people in the world.

No, he didn't. His sugar daddy tried to head off the charges for 2016-2018 by paying some of his back taxes well after when they were due. He never paid for 2014-2015, which THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS HAD ALREADY RUN OUT.

Obviously, you're ignorant of what the statute of limitations mean as well as the facts. No surprise here, leftists are not informed nor are they very smart, generally speaking.

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