Luntz issues a sober warning to Dems

Frank Luntz is a long time conservative republican pollster. He helped create the attitude that has shaped the Republican party. He is now shocked at the monster he helped create.

He didn't create anything you dumbassed racist.

Good grief. I thought you knew when to quit lying.
Wow, quite the discovery there Columbo.

What has been established (if you believe the polling) is that 7 out of 10 republicans (not all voters) support the blob. That isn’t too good considering he lost the last election

I rarely rely on polling because polls are always skewed in some way
Trump inherited what he has. He didn't build shit. The people employed were employed in his fathers company that he inherited. The people he hired at the Trump organization work in a company his daddy created. Fred Trump is still creating jobs for people, not Donald. How many people has trump cheated out of money? Most native born Americans aren't doctors, scientists or engineers. Most are low skilled people, many are ignorant and can't speak proper english. Trump is the one who has damaged America.

He inherited a business, that he then expanded into an enterprise that has employed thousands.

A CNNMoney analysis calculates at least 34,000 jobs attributable to the Donald.
But that's not the whole picture. There are likely other jobs that might not exist without Trump. Economists call this the "multiplier effect."

New York's Broadway shows are a good example. Visitors who come to see shows, may stay at least a night or two at New York City hotels and spend money at restaurants and stores. So any analysis on the economic and job impact of Broadway takes into account more than just ticket sales and employment of actors, singers and stage hands.

The same holds true for Trump's resorts and hotels.

Bless him.


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