Luntz issues a sober warning to Dems

Personally, I know of no predictions "the bottom would fall out" of Trump's support if he was convicted. The sources I read and watch always said a guilty verdict would only impact those in the persuadable middle. The post verdict polling I've seen indicates that it what has happened.

Anyone that did not understand no one who has not been persuaded by the theft of charitable donations, rape, tax fraud, insurrection, and a promise to corrupt the DoJ in ways previously thought unimaginable was going to be persuaded by 34 felony convictions.
What I don't know -- and I'm sure as hell no expert on this -- is how soft Biden's support is. I'd guess Trump will flat-out lose some votes, but would that be enough to make up for those who just don't bother voting at all? I'd guess a majority of voters blame Biden for the inflation, they look at the Dems as being softer on immigration, and he's just so damn old. Those are the big three.

Trump's support is much stronger than Biden's, I'd think, in terms of intensity.
Dumbass, 100 million is not a donation to Trump campaign and would be pumped into her elect-Trump superpac regardless.

In 2020 she put up 90 mil and no, Trump wasn’t convicted in 2020, so there is no cause and effect you idiots try claim.
????? whatever.
Yes, his toupee looks like a raccoon crawled onto his head and died. Stipulated.

But other than that, Frank Luntz strikes me as one of the most sincere and serious people on the ugly political stage. Yes, he's among the many who are horrified by what has happened to the GQP, but he consistently offers straightforward views in both directions. He actually pays attention and listens, which is rare.

Anyway, in this quick clip he makes it clear that (a) the guilty verdict has had little real impact on the election, (b) that it's going to very close with Trump having a very good chance to win, and (c) that while more young people may go to the polls over the abortion issue, the issue itself is probably not important enough to the overall electorate to matter that much.

At the moment, this looks like November is Trump's to lose. He remains in good shape.

He hit the tree but missed the target. Biden's weakness is that he is the incumbent and there is always a slice of America that blames the incumbent for their perceived ills which affects his approval rate. Trump's weakness is that he is a buffoon and has zero policies that address the ills of those people. This will be a close election with Biden picking up some votes from independents tired of Trump's buffoonery and Trump picking up some votes from Biden's incumbency drag. Same result. Close election Biden edges out is my prediction but it could go the other way too.
If there are any folks out there in the swing states that legitimately could go "either way", the conviction will definitely mean something.

A recent poll showed that 70% of the GQP as you put it are still planning to vote for Trump. That is 7 out of 10 REPUBLICANS.

If there are any folks out there in the swing states that legitimately could go "either way", the conviction will definitely mean something.

Unless they see what happened as purely politically, which is what I expect will happen. There are those out there who are going to be disgusted with what the dems are doing, and that will affect their vote.
Yes, his toupee looks like a raccoon crawled onto his head and died. Stipulated.

But other than that, Frank Luntz strikes me as one of the most sincere and serious people on the ugly political stage. Yes, he's among the many who are horrified by what has happened to the GQP, but he consistently offers straightforward views in both directions. He actually pays attention and listens, which is rare.

Anyway, in this quick clip he makes it clear that (a) the guilty verdict has had little real impact on the election, (b) that it's going to very close with Trump having a very good chance to win, and (c) that while more young people may go to the polls over the abortion issue, the issue itself is probably not important enough to the overall electorate to matter that much.

At the moment, this looks like November is Trump's to lose. He remains in good shape.

Frank is an excellent analysist / pollster, and I remember Don Imus always making fun of his toupee also, back in the day.
Frank Luntz is a long time conservative republican pollster. He helped create the attitude that has shaped the Republican party. He is now shocked at the monster he helped create.

It's funny how eveybody is always warning the dems about something. The fact that people say this is trumps election to lose shows that a larger problem exists in this country that is not political.
That's what we call FAKE NEWS. Frank isn't conservative at all, he's a political moderate - but I guess to people like you, anyone to the right of Karl Marx is a radical.
The guilty verdict has had little real impact on the election?

That is where Lutz is wrong. After the conviction Trump raised $200 million overnight, and never Trumper's even gave him money and will now vote for Trump. And over what exactly? Bookkeeping errors?

Put him in jail and maybe that support doubles.

No, the DNC has helped Trump win more than anyone else could.

It openly exposes their corruption, and they're too deaf, dumb, and blind to recognize they've gone too far. Their ownership of the 'media' has made them reckless.
That's what we call FAKE NEWS. Frank isn't conservative at all, he's a political moderate - but I guess to people like you, anyone to the right of Karl Marx is a radical.
No. IM2 is correct. Frank is a conservative and has spent his life stoking anger and fear on the right and recently had a near death experience that made him question his selfish pursuit of division for profit. He has since moderated his outlook but he is a wolf in a new sheep's clothing. Maybe he is less of a mercenary but he has a long trail of bodies to live down. We will see.

I also agree with IM2 that everyone is acting like the Democrats are not likeable enough to draw people away from Donald Trump. Excuse the fuck out of me while I puke. Accepting Donald Trump's destructive path through this country because one doesnt like the culture of people who vote liberal is unfixable. That is a you problem, not a Dem problem.

Unless they see what happened as purely politically, which is what I expect will happen. There are those out there who are going to be disgusted with what the dems are doing, and that will affect their vote.
Another poll proudly cited by blob supporters trumpeted that the %of support remained the same. No bump
What I don't know -- and I'm sure as hell no expert on this -- is how soft Biden's support is. I'd guess Trump will flat-out lose some votes, but would that be enough to make up for those who just don't bother voting at all? I'd guess a majority of voters blame Biden for the inflation, they look at the Dems as being softer on immigration, and he's just so damn old. Those are the big three.

Trump's support is much stronger than Biden's, I'd think, in terms of intensity.
No question the devotion to Trump among The Following is cult-like. We've known that for years. It didn't help in 2020.

Poll: 49% of Independents think Trump should drop out post-guilty verdict​

Dumbass, 100 million is not a donation to Trump campaign and would be pumped into her elect-Trump superpac regardless.

In 2020 she put up 90 mil and no, Trump wasn’t convicted in 2020, so there is no cause and effect you idiots try claim.

You're right, there was no 'cause and effect', your corrupt 'conviction' didn't stop anything. 🤡
Your unsubstantiated "opinions".

1. Trump will win, Biden is obviously too old.
2. Trump just got $200m in cash after his "conviction", so his campaign is just fine.
3. Shit-show? Republican conventions are BORING. Democrats have problems with all kinds of protesters, pro-Hamas, anti-Israel, Genocide Joe, so the dems are considering a virtual convention, that is the real shit-show.
1. Trump acts mentally older and more impaired than Biden.
2. I don’t believe any cash figures coming out of the Trump camp. Got the receipts?
3. You don’t think having a felon as your candidate is a problem? Take off your MAGA glasses!
1. Trump acts mentally older and more impaired than Biden.
2. I don’t believe any cash figures coming out of the Trump camp. Got the receipts?
3. You don’t think having a felon as your candidate is a problem? Take off your MAGA glasses!
1. Trump does real press conferences and rallys without teleprompters. Senile Biden needs to be led off the stage.

2. The cash is in the bank.

3. Trump is only a felon in democrat districts. Biden is too old and senile in every district.
1. Trump does real press conferences and rallys without teleprompters. Senile Biden needs to be led off the stage.

2. The cash is in the bank.

3. Trump is only a felon in democrat districts. Biden is too old and senile in every district.
Trump doesn’t gave a prayer this November.


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