Barr calls trump a consummate narcissist

Barr says trump always put his own interest above everyone else's, including the nation's. But he enabled him for years.
Try changing your underwear more than once a week jimboliar, it might help you do your thinking from your head instead of your pelosi.
I don't really care... now give me another thumbs down....or create some tall tale about your made up life.... that oil baroness is always entertaining
Educated in the finest Madrassas, the world's only female oil mogul in 1950, hobnobbed with powerful political leaders in the 1940s -- she really has quite the storied and impressive background, doesn't she?

I just wonder how she is still able to post at 107, myself.
Don't try and tell me what I mean, leftist.

This is why you're not taken serious. Nobody with an ounce of sense listens to left loons
If you want Trump to get his hands on classified documents again,you are making a death wish. Judging from trumps love for Poootin, he may have been planning on selling him a few files.

You better pick a new horse, the orange one is coming up lame.
If you want Trump to get his hands on classified documents again,you are making a death wish. Judging from trumps love for Poootin, he may have been planning on selling him a few files.

You better pick a new horse, the orange one is coming up lame.
Lame? The way you morons keep promoting him and entering him in the race?
You idiots are getting him elected jimboliar. Poopeypants is on his last legs and Kumswalla is too stupid to know where the White House even is.
Are you America haters really this stupid?
If you want Trump to get his hands on classified documents again,you are making a death wish. Judging from trumps love for Poootin, he may have been planning on selling him a few files.

You better pick a new horse, the orange one is coming up lame.

Gfy I'm no Trump fan but it's between him and your corrupt Pedo? He'll get my vote

Barr says trump always put his own interest above everyone else's, including the nation's. But he enabled him for years.
How did Barr enable Trump? Barr certainly didn’t use the Justice Department as a partisan weapon. If Trump directed him to do so, he defied that directive.
I thought Trump only hired the best. Seems I remember hearing that somewhere.
The fact that Trump is full of shit sometimes doesn't change the fact that he was our most effective President since Eisenhower. The man is a superior problem solver, and God knows that is exactly what we will need after the current buffoon's term is over.

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