Barr Indicts Eight For Funneling M$LLONS In Foreign Donations To Schiff, Clinton And Top Senate Dem

From the Department of Justice:

Earlier today, an indictment was unsealed against the CEO of an online payment processing company, and seven others, charging them with conspiring to make and conceal conduit and excessive campaign contributions, and related offenses, during the U.S. presidential election in 2016 and thereafter.

Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division and Assistant Director in Charge Timothy R. Slater of the FBI’s Washington Field Office made the announcement.

A federal grand jury in the District of Columbia indicted Ahmad “Andy” Khawaja, 48, of Los Angeles, California, on Nov. 7, 2019, along with George Nader, Roy Boulos, Rudy Dekermenjian, Mohammad “Moe” Diab, Rani El-Saadi, Stevan Hill and Thayne Whipple. The 53 count indictment charges Khawaja with two counts of conspiracy, three counts of making conduit contributions, three counts of causing excessive contributions, 13 counts of making false statements, 13 counts of causing false records to be filed, and one count of obstruction of a federal grand jury investigation. Nader is charged with conspiring with Khawaja to make conduit campaign contributions, and related offenses. Boulos, Dekermenjian, Diab, El-Saadi, Hill, and Whipple are charged with conspiring with Khawaja and each other to make conduit campaign contributions and conceal excessive contributions, and related offenses.

According to the indictment, from March 2016 through January 2017, Khawaja conspired with Nader to conceal the source of more than $3.5 million in campaign contributions, directed to political committees associated with a candidate for President of the United States in the 2016 election. By design, these contributions appeared to be in the names of Khawaja, his wife, and his company. In reality, they allegedly were funded by Nader. Khawaja and Nader allegedly made these contributions in an effort to gain influence with high-level political figures, including the candidate. As Khawaja and Nader arranged these payments, Nader allegedly reported to an official from a foreign government about his efforts to gain influence.

IT'S HAPPENING! Bill Barr Indicts 8 People For Illegally Funneling Millions In Foreign Money To Hillary’s Campaign in 2016 - C-VINE Network
It wouldn't surprise me much if this were, at least partially, true. I also wouldn't surprise me if these same people tried to influence the Trump campaign too. They're not ideologues, they just want access to whoever is in power.

Nader is an adviser to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates and a consultant to Blackwater founder Erik Prince. In January 2018, special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators questioned Nader in connection to suspicions that the UAE had been involved with President Trump’s 2016 campaign.[2] In December 2019, Nader was charged in U.S. federal court with violating campaign finance laws by allegedly also using over three and half million dollars to reach out to Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign for the U.S. Presidency, through a front.[3]
Why would millions of dollars be funneled to Schiff and Clinton?

You don’t suppose the donors wanted something in return for their money, do you?
Col Angus: "Why would millions of dollars be funneled to Schiff and Clinton?"
For funding Hillary's unwinnable quest for the presidency. She is so dishonest, she scared off any honest investors in the Democrat Party, and indeed, there are honest Democrats still living, who are starting to see the depth of the lies of the Deep State in arranging the fall of President Trump, who has done none of the things Democrats accused him of.

I have a feeling the Deep State is going out of business in the near future.
No bail and solitary confinement until all trials are over! Let’s handle this shit!


Now, who do you suppose is on that list of 8?
Or would you prefer that Attorney General Barr should become a flower on the wall?​

This is only part of what they were trying to tie up the new Administration from finding. The Entire Democrat Party is owned by Russia, China and Iran.
From the Department of Justice:

Earlier today, an indictment was unsealed against the CEO of an online payment processing company, and seven others, charging them with conspiring to make and conceal conduit and excessive campaign contributions, and related offenses, during the U.S. presidential election in 2016 and thereafter.

Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division and Assistant Director in Charge Timothy R. Slater of the FBI’s Washington Field Office made the announcement.

A federal grand jury in the District of Columbia indicted Ahmad “Andy” Khawaja, 48, of Los Angeles, California, on Nov. 7, 2019, along with George Nader, Roy Boulos, Rudy Dekermenjian, Mohammad “Moe” Diab, Rani El-Saadi, Stevan Hill and Thayne Whipple. The 53 count indictment charges Khawaja with two counts of conspiracy, three counts of making conduit contributions, three counts of causing excessive contributions, 13 counts of making false statements, 13 counts of causing false records to be filed, and one count of obstruction of a federal grand jury investigation. Nader is charged with conspiring with Khawaja to make conduit campaign contributions, and related offenses. Boulos, Dekermenjian, Diab, El-Saadi, Hill, and Whipple are charged with conspiring with Khawaja and each other to make conduit campaign contributions and conceal excessive contributions, and related offenses.

According to the indictment, from March 2016 through January 2017, Khawaja conspired with Nader to conceal the source of more than $3.5 million in campaign contributions, directed to political committees associated with a candidate for President of the United States in the 2016 election. By design, these contributions appeared to be in the names of Khawaja, his wife, and his company. In reality, they allegedly were funded by Nader. Khawaja and Nader allegedly made these contributions in an effort to gain influence with high-level political figures, including the candidate. As Khawaja and Nader arranged these payments, Nader allegedly reported to an official from a foreign government about his efforts to gain influence.

IT'S HAPPENING! Bill Barr Indicts 8 People For Illegally Funneling Millions In Foreign Money To Hillary’s Campaign in 2016 - C-VINE Network
It wouldn't surprise me much if this were, at least partially, true. I also wouldn't surprise me if these same people tried to influence the Trump campaign too. They're not ideologues, they just want access to whoever is in power.

Nader is an adviser to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates and a consultant to Blackwater founder Erik Prince. In January 2018, special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators questioned Nader in connection to suspicions that the UAE had been involved with President Trump’s 2016 campaign.[2] In December 2019, Nader was charged in U.S. federal court with violating campaign finance laws by allegedly also using over three and half million dollars to reach out to Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign for the U.S. Presidency, through a front.[3]
Maybe, but the chances of Trump's election were small. I didn't bet a dime on him but could have had 5-1 odds.
Why would millions of dollars be funneled to Schiff and Clinton?

You don’t suppose the donors wanted something in return for their money, do you?
Col Angus: "Why would millions of dollars be funneled to Schiff and Clinton?"
For funding Hillary's unwinnable quest for the presidency. She is so dishonest, she scared off any honest investors in the Democrat Party, and indeed, there are honest Democrats still living, who are starting to see the depth of the lies of the Deep State in arranging the fall of President Trump, who has done none of the things Democrats accused him of.

I have a feeling the Deep State is going out of business in the near future.
There likely has never been a moment when our gov't did not have self-serving traitors. At best we can drain the swamp but there will always be those who only serve the interests of Americans when they conveniently dovetail with their own.

"Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." - Lord Acton
will you morons repost this story every month as if it happened just now?

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