Barr shreds indictment: Pathetically weak TDS abomination, abuse of power, wouldnt be brought against others, lousy case, shameful episode in history

Like those two impeachments based on doctored evidence?
If you could show any doctored evidence, you wouldn't look like such a proud liar-for-fascism. But you can't, so you do.

Keep up the good work. We're counting on you to keep us informed. Whenever fascists weep, it's a signal that good things are happening in the USA. From what we currently see, we know things are going great.
Cohen went to prison for doing Trump's dirty work but the big guy gets to walk, right?
Cohen went to prison because he is a dirty scumbag coward and was a terrible lawyer.
If you could show any doctored evidence, you wouldn't look like such a proud liar-for-fascism. But you can't, so you do.

Keep up the good work. We're counting on you to keep us informed. Whenever fascists weep, it's a signal that good things are happening in the USA. From what we currently see, we know things are going great.
In one instance he doctored this text msg:

"The committee was discussing its motion to recommend that former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows be held in contempt of Congress for refusing to hand over information over which Trump has exerted executive privilege. (The full House voted to hold Meadows in contempt on Tuesday and referred him to the Department of Justice for prosecution.)

The Federalist reports, however, that Schiff doctored text messages he presented to the committee, altering the text and creating the false impression in a visual presentation that he was quoting original text messages rather than fabrications.

Sean Davis reports:

During a hearing Monday night on the riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, Adam Schiff claimed to have proof that a member of Congress texted former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows to instruct former Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the 2020 presidential election results.
Not only did Schiff misrepresent the substance of the text message and its source, he even doctored original text messages, which were obtained and reviewed by The Federalist in their entirety.

One message, which Schiff attributed to a Republican lawmaker, was doctored to read: “On January 6, 2021, Vice President Mike Pence, as President of the Senate, should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all.”

He cited the message as an argument for compelling Meadows to testify, and holding him in contempt.

But the original message came from former Department of Defense Inspector General Joseph Schmitz, who had drafted and summarized legal arguments that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) forwarded to Meadows. And Schiff left out the full exchange, which read (emphasis added):

On January 6, 2021, Vice President Mike Pence, as President of the Senate, should call out all the electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all — in accordance with guidance from founding father Alexander Hamilton and judicial precedence.
‘No legislative act,’ wrote Alexander Hamilton in Federalist No. 78, ‘contrary to the Constitution, can be valid.’ The court in Hubbard v. Lowe reinforced this truth: ‘That an unconstitutional statute is not a law at all is a proposition no longer open to discussion.’ 226 F. 135, 137 (SDNY 1915), appeal dismissed, 242 U.S. 654 (1916).
Following this rationale, an unconstitutionally appointed elector, like an unconstitutionally enacted statute, is no elector at all.

Schiff omitted the portions in bold, above, which referred to a legal basis for rejecting electors. "

That's not about the imperachments. That's just weird unrelated random butthurt about Schiff.
Actually they impeached Trump over the Jan 6th "insurrection".

OH I figure if he only did it this one time that he didn't do it the other times (that were reported in the news when they happened) and have since been *FACT-CHECKED* to death, so that the truth about it has been contorted into Russian mis-information.

But he did doctor evidence in both impeachments, and did present doctored evidence again during the Jan 6th hearings.
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It was passed over before by federal prosecutors as not having any substance to go on.
Federal prosecutors arent able to indict a sitting president. They did prosecute Cohen for his part in the scheme.
Cohen went to prison because he is a dirty scumbag coward and was a terrible lawyer.
Federal prosecutors in Trump's own DOJ named your boy as "Individual 1" as an unindicted co- conspirator & said that Trump directed Cohen to initiate the payment to Daniels. The only reason Trump wasen't indicted along with Cohen was because he was POTUS.

Facts matter whether you, Trump & the rest of you like it or not. Btw, there are witnesses that can corroborate every single thing that Cohen has testified to, so yours, Trump's & the rest of you Trump lackey's attacks on his credibility will mean nothing in that courtroom. Nothing.

Now you can go back to the Land Of Make Believe.
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Federal prosecutors arent able to indict a sitting president. They did prosecute Cohen for his part in the scheme.
They prosecuted Cohen for different offenses that Cohen admitted to, including perjury.
Since when has a court accepted guilt merely by association to a felon?
If that were the case Obama, Biden, and Hillary would have been thrown in prison years ago.
Federal prosecutors in Trump's own DOJ
There ^ is one of your misapprehensions. You fail to grasp that the DOJ (like the Dept of State) is littered with the holdovers of Dim Appointees. It’s Democrat deep state central.
named your boy as "Individual 1" as an unindicted co- conspirator

See above.
& said that Trump directed Cohen to initiate the payment to Daniels.
Same reply. But regardless, paying for an NDA isn’t illegal, anyway.
The only reason Trump wasen't indicted along with Cohen was because he was POTUS.
Plus, of course, there was no crime committed.
Facts matter whether you, Trump & the rest of you like it or not.
I keep preaching that to you libturds. So, try practicing it if you’re finally persuaded. 👍
Btw, there are witnesses that can corroborate every single thing that Cohen has testified to,
Sure. 🙄 Exactly WHO THE fuck will corroborate private conversations between a scumbag lawyer and the President?
so yours, Trump's & the rest of you Trump lackey's attacks on his credibility will mean nothing in that courtroom. Nothing.
The lack of evidence might. 👍
They prosecuted Cohen for different offenses that Cohen admitted to
One of those offenses was illegal campaign contributions. Those contributions was the payment to Stormy Daniels which Trump was a part of.

They’re not accepting guilt based on association with a felon. Trump was a part of the scheme.
Part of the problem is charges aren't brought against some simply because they are politicians. Hopefully that stops here.

I think we'd find that if they started combing through everyone's affairs in D.C. and applied the law fairly there'd be a lot of job openings in the federal government after all the indictments.
well your boy Trump is going to jail for life
Don’t be ridiculous. There’s no way that’s gonna happen.
and instead of doing something about it to support The Donald you're busy attacking me.
:cuckoo: I’ll assist Trump during the election run. I don’t work for his lawyer.
what good does that do for you?
I don’t attack you. I expose your bullshit. You don’t care for that. I don’t care.
One of those offenses was illegal campaign contributions. Those contributions was the payment to Stormy Daniels which Trump was a part of.

They’re not accepting guilt based on association with a felon. Trump was a part of the scheme.
Bull Shit. They had Michael Cohen on wire-fraud and tax evasion along with perjury.
They offered him a reduced sentence if he signed their fake confession claiming Trump new about it.
They tried the same thing with every other Trump associate they arrested. Michael Cohen is the only one to take the deal.

Fact is Stormy Daniels signed a statement that she never was paid hush money in the first place.
The whole story was made up to get Trump to quit his campaign.
You're taking the word of a corrupt FBI who has been caught trying to set Trump up concerning their fake Russian Collusion scam. They have texts from agents talking about what they called a Plan B.....which was later called Crossfire-Hurricane (look it up if you dare) paid for my the Hillary campaign. She even was stupid enough to claim it as a campaign expense and had to pay a fine of $132,000.00.
Stupid fuckers like you don't care if they're lying to us about it because you're just a bunch of brainless lemmings doing what you're told. The media tells you who to hate and when to hate. They're leading you silly fuckwads around by a chain thru your fucking nosies.
I think we'd find that if they started combing through everyone's affairs in D.C. and applied the law fairly there'd be a lot of job openings in the federal government after all the indictments.

We can hope. Nothing I'd like better than retaliatory investigations and prosecutions.

Let them destroy themselves.

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