Barr shreds indictment: Pathetically weak TDS abomination, abuse of power, wouldnt be brought against others, lousy case, shameful episode in history

We can hope. Nothing I'd like better than retaliatory investigations and prosecutions.

Let them destroy themselves.
Figure the odds on that ever happening.
Democrats run Washington.
Have run it for the last 100 years or so.
The party of slavery and Jim Crow will never be held accountable.
My wife was in D.C. during Vietnam.
They were throwing wild parties and sniffing coke and taking LSD and you can bet members of congress were in the middle of it.
Figure the odds on that ever happening.
Democrats run Washington.
Have run it for the last 100 years or so.
The party of slavery and Jim Crow will never be held accountable.
My wife was in D.C. during Vietnam.
They were throwing wild parties and sniffing coke and taking LSD and you can bet members of congress were in the middle of it.

If you believe Democrats run things even when Republicans run the White House, Senate and House, you might as well throw in the towel.

I think you are just making excuses for the Republicans failures for holding Democrats accountable.

Which again.......
He asked a good question. All this talk about what is in the indictment is pure speculation.
It's been widely reported just about everywhere. Are you now saying that your beloved media don't know their asses from a whole in the ground? If so, I'd have to say I agree with you on that but for the fact that you lefties believe everything your media tells you about everything else. Now you seem to be questioning your very own media.
Something completely foreign to the Trump cult, apparently.

Trial by jury, where both sides present evidence? COMMUNISM!

Trump isn't in office. And even when he was, he wasn't able to bring your lusted-for Stalinist utopia into being.

So, how did faking pouty stories about Democrats work in getting the election overthrown?

What's that? It failed completely? The courts told you to stuff it, and the world laughed at you? How about that. Better luck with it this time.
Yeah like the russian collusion lie?
It's been widely reported just about everywhere. Are you now saying that your beloved media don't know their asses from a whole in the ground? If so, I'd have to say I agree with you on that but for the fact that you lefties believe everything your media tells you about everything else. Now you seem to be questioning your very own media.

Yes, it has been widely reported and discussed everywhere. But all that reporting and discussion is based on pure speculation.
If you believe Democrats run things even when Republicans run the White House, Senate and House, you might as well throw in the towel.

I think you are just making excuses for the Republicans failures for holding Democrats accountable.

Which again.......
What Republican failures?
Defunding the police?
Opening the Southern Borders?
What are these Republican failures?
Seems to me the biggest problem in Washington is they haven't thrown every Democrat saboteur in prison for the rest of their lives.
One mistake is trusting the Democrats to ever do what they promise to do.
What Republican failures?

Hillary would be the major one.

Defunding the police?
Opening the Southern Borders?
What are these Republican failures?
Seems to me the biggest problem in Washington is they haven't thrown every Democrat saboteur in prison for the rest of their lives.
One mistake is trusting the Democrats to ever do what they promise to do.

Rant or address the issue.
It's been said 500 times.

You are upset that the Republicans gave Hillary a few pass but the Democrats won't now do the same for Trump.
So you're saying that Republicans told Comey to not charge Hillary, and the Republicans told Hillary to use the fake Steele Dossier to create the fake Russian Collusion scandal?
This is all the Republican's fault that Biden stole an election too?
There ^ is one of your misapprehensions. You fail to grasp that the DOJ (like the Dept of State) is littered with the holdovers of Dim Appointees. It’s Democrat deep state central.

See above.

Same reply. But regardless, paying for an NDA isn’t illegal, anyway.

Plus, of course, there was no crime committed.

I keep preaching that to you libturds. So, try practicing it if you’re finally persuaded. 👍

Sure. 🙄 Exactly WHO THE fuck will corroborate private conversations between a scumbag lawyer and the President?

The lack of evidence might. 👍
There's this thingy called a voice recorder, dope. Trump is hitting the panic button & losing what mind & had left because he knows they have his sorry ass in a the bag.

And there isn't a thing that his asseaters like Graham, Pence & Jordan can do about it.

Cry, cry, cry, piss & moan & see what good it does them. :abgg2q.jpg:
There ^ is one of your misapprehensions. You fail to grasp that the DOJ (like the Dept of State) is littered with the holdovers of Dim Appointees. It’s Democrat deep state central.

See above.

Same reply. But regardless, paying for an NDA isn’t illegal, anyway.

Plus, of course, there was no crime committed.

I keep preaching that to you libturds. So, try practicing it if you’re finally persuaded. 👍

Sure. 🙄 Exactly WHO THE fuck will corroborate private conversations between a scumbag lawyer and the President?

The lack of evidence might. 👍
So you're saying that Republicans told Comey to not charge Hillary, and the Republicans told Hillary to use the fake Steele Dossier to create the fake Russian Collusion scandal?
This is all the Republican's fault that Biden stole an election too?

Trump had 4 years. You have a lifetime of excuses.
Trump had 4 years. You have a lifetime of excuses.
Excuses for what?
Excuses for why the left has decided that all they need is a vegetable of some sort and run him as a candidate and they can get him in office?
Excuses for the fact that we haven't been able to stop the Democrat Party from cheating?
The fact remains that if somebody had an infinity gauntlet and snapped their fingers and every Democrat in America disappeared it would make America a 100% better country.
How is that my fault?
Should I make the excuse that over 100 Democrats are card carrying communists?
Is that my fault?
There's this thingy called a voice recorder, dope. Trump is hitting the panic button & losing what mind & had left because he knows they have his sorry ass in a the bag.

And there isn't a thing that his asseaters like Graham, Pence & Jordan can do about it.

Cry, cry, cry, piss & moan & see what good it does them. :abgg2q.jpg:
If you tried to be a dumber imbecile, you couldn’t. You’re already there. Rock bottom.

I’ve already addressed your no point, ya dickwad. If it was recorded by his lawyer it is covered under attorney client privilege. If the NYC DA then says, “we assert an exception to that rule, judge. The law forbids it to be applied to criminal conversations.” That’s true but it isn’t applicable absent some clear showing that it was a criminal conversation.” A simple attorney client chat about payment for an NDA isn’t criminal. And there’s no coverup of a NON crime, either.
Yeah like the russian collusion lie?
Youy're _still_ pushing your "no collusion" big lie? You are desperate.

Come on. Even the Republican senate said you're lying. You need to up your game and tell better lies.
Youy're _still_ pushing your "no collusion" big lie? You are desperate.

Come on. Even the Republican senate said you're lying. You need to up your game and tell better lies.
Hillary already paid a fine for paying for that lie. You still believing it, proves how stupid you are.
Hillary already paid a fine for paying for that lie. You still believing it, proves how stupid you are.
At least you're up to date with the latest crazy talking points. That will earn you big brownie points with your cult. Sure, the gaslighting has no effect on normal people, but that's not what you're after.

And obviously, the gaslighting will also have no effect on the legal system. It won't save DearLeader from conviction. None of your conspiracy shrieking has ever had any effect on anything. If it did, DearLeader would have been gloriously reinstated as president. Your masters don't feed you that stuff because it affects reality. They feed it to you because it keeps you hysterical and obedient.

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