Barr testifies 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign


This is a truth. Barr's confirmation of the discomfiting truth sentient observers have pieced together over the past two years: This is a scandal of epic proportions. It is one that threatens the foundations of constitutional government. It is a direct attack on American democracy.

The fact of the matter is that federal intelligence agencies spied on a rival political campaign. They illegally leaked information about that surveillance. They abused their authority to undermine the duly elected president and attempt a soft coup against him. They did so with the near-total cooperation of the American media establishment.

William Barr knew he wasn’t accepting easy duty as he took over AG in the aftermath of these horrific crimes by the Obama Administration. It’s no surprise that the Democrat-media complex attacked him in unison on Wednesday. His sin was disclosing that he wants to find out how the FBI came to spy on the 2016 Trump presidential campaign.

“I think spying did occur,” Mr. Barr told a Senate committee Wednesday, adding that this is “a big deal.” The government has “a lot of rules” in place to guard against abusive “political surveillance,” he said, adding that he has an obligation to examine what happened since “one of the principal roles of the attorney general” is to “make sure that government power is not abused.” Hear, hear.

Mr. Barr said he also wants to know why the Trump campaign wasn’t notified of the FBI’s concerns, as would “normally” happen. He said that “to the extent there were any issues” it was “probably a failure among a group of leaders there at the upper echelon.” His review will also include the actions of the “intelligence agencies more broadly.” See former CIA Director Johnny "The Commie" Brennan.

Mr. Barr has access to documents that the Justice Department has kept from Congress. Ranking House Intelligence Republican Devin Nunes is also sending Mr. Barr eight criminal referrals from his own investigation into l’affaire Russe, including evidence of lying to Congress and manipulating the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. By late spring Mr. Barr may also receive DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s review of FBI actions in 2016 and 2017.
Democrat Party leaders continued their meltdown on Friday following Attorney General Bill Barr’s announcement that the Obama administration was spying on the Trump campaign during the 206 election.

Democrats who were counting on a phony Russia collusion coup to remove Trump as president.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Steny Hoyer and House Judicial Chairman continued to lash out at the Attorney General following the news that was already public for the past half year.
Since Dirty Bob Mueller announced there would be no charges of collusion against the president or anyone in or of his campaign, the Democrats have lost any semblance of sanity they may have had before Trump won the 2016 election. Since the moment they were 100% certain that Hillary would become president, they have descended into a hell of their own making. They spend their days furiously angry, ready and willing to do anything to take Trump down and out. The Fake News Media has been determined to destroy Trump. Democrats are willing to foment an invasion by third-world migrants to prevent Trump from controlling the border and the crisis of illegal immigration. That is how much they hate the fact that Trump is our president. That is how stupefied they have become, so much so that they are now a danger to us all.

Now A.G. Barr stated he would be investigating the spying on the Trump campaign, the Democrats on the committee were shocked, truly stunned. These folks, for over two years, have had massive amounts of actual proof that the Obama administration illegally attempted to eliminate Trump from the running by trying to plant its own spies in the campaign and surveil under prohibited pretexts. The "Russia Collusion" hoax was devised by persons with power in the FBI, the DOJ, the NSA and the Obama administration. Once Hillary lost the election they were in danger of exposure. Her supporters in the Obama administration, the FBI, and the DOJ then implemented a stratagem to undo his victory. Hillary is a callous, nasty piece of work.

For nearly two years it has been clear, proven beyond all doubt, that a self-important faction at the FBI and DOJ, with covert approval of then-president Obama, conspired to see that Trump would not be elected. Once he was, they amped up their plan to see that he would be removed from office. They embarked on their scheme to frame him, his family, friends and campaign staff for colluding with Russia. All along it was them, setting him up, planting spies, involving persons in the UK and Australia. That is how deceptive, how venal, these people are. And all along, only the Clinton campaign colluded with Russians. Only Clinton paid for fabricated "opposition research." Mueller was hired to cover up their despicable conspiracy in which so many of his own pals were involved. As hard as he and his team of professional saboteurs tried, they found no provable evidence of collusion with Russians and that has always been the end game then never seemed to plan for, that in the end, they would need courtroom level evidence of something that didn't occur.

As Peter Strzok said at the time to his lover Lisa Page "I don't think there id any "there" there.

The facts are in. It was all a grand scam to deprive voters of their duly-elected President who these self-appointed tyrants could not abide. The nation has suffered tremendously for their crimes and they will be judged harshly.

This is a truth. Barr's confirmation of the discomfiting truth sentient observers have pieced together over the past two years: This is a scandal of epic proportions. It is one that threatens the foundations of constitutional government. It is a direct attack on American democracy.

The fact of the matter is that federal intelligence agencies spied on a rival political campaign. They illegally leaked information about that surveillance. They abused their authority to undermine the duly elected president and attempt a soft coup against him. They did so with the near-total cooperation of the American media establishment.

William Barr knew he wasn’t accepting easy duty as he took over AG in the aftermath of these horrific crimes by the Obama Administration. It’s no surprise that the Democrat-media complex attacked him in unison on Wednesday. His sin was disclosing that he wants to find out how the FBI came to spy on the 2016 Trump presidential campaign.

“I think spying did occur,” Mr. Barr told a Senate committee Wednesday, adding that this is “a big deal.” The government has “a lot of rules” in place to guard against abusive “political surveillance,” he said, adding that he has an obligation to examine what happened since “one of the principal roles of the attorney general” is to “make sure that government power is not abused.” Hear, hear.

Mr. Barr said he also wants to know why the Trump campaign wasn’t notified of the FBI’s concerns, as would “normally” happen. He said that “to the extent there were any issues” it was “probably a failure among a group of leaders there at the upper echelon.” His review will also include the actions of the “intelligence agencies more broadly.” See former CIA Director Johnny "The Commie" Brennan.

Mr. Barr has access to documents that the Justice Department has kept from Congress. Ranking House Intelligence Republican Devin Nunes is also sending Mr. Barr eight criminal referrals from his own investigation into l’affaire Russe, including evidence of lying to Congress and manipulating the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. By late spring Mr. Barr may also receive DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s review of FBI actions in 2016 and 2017.
"I think spying did occur."

Why do you listen to that fat pillhead?
Listening to talk radio is an excellent one-stop shop for analyzing the opinions and thought processes of much of the Right.

A vast majority of what I read here, for example, can be tied directly to what I had earlier heard on talk radio.

I have, dozens of times, seen threads started using the same stories and words that had just been used by Rush or Sean. Incredible.

And now we have a President who is clearly getting his cues from talk radio, because that's where his "base" is.

Great stuff. It's like its own little language.
Is that what CNN told you?
Is that the talk radio response to everything? Actually, yeah, it is. I know that because I listen to it myself. As I said. Personal, daily observation.

Talk radio wingers accusing others of getting their information from a biased source. The absolute pinnacle of both irony and hypocrisy.
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Democrat Party leaders continued their meltdown on Friday following Attorney General Bill Barr’s announcement that the Obama administration was spying on the Trump campaign during the 206 election.

Democrats who were counting on a phony Russia collusion coup to remove Trump as president.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Steny Hoyer and House Judicial Chairman continued to lash out at the Attorney General following the news that was already public for the past half year.

Using the standards applied to Trump, their efforts to prevent any investigation into the OA's spying should be considered obstruction of justice.
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Colmy admitted surveillance of Trump personnel took place. He also admitted that they had an inside man. Now what is the definition of spying again?
There's no indictment of the boychinkins meeting with a Russian spy for dirt on Hillary. I'm fine with that so long as the facts are in the open.

I'm also fine with Comey destroying Hillary's career because some NYC FBI agents threatened to leak unless he did … so long as the facts are in the open, and if Barr opens this can of worms they better be in the open.

I suspect McCain and some in the FBI thought Trump presented a clear danger to the Republic. Let's find out.

But I don't recall FBI agents going to jail over Ruby Ridge, Waco and fucking up the Atlanta Olympics bombing.

Anthrax also. Don't forget how Wrong Way Mueller went after the wrong guy -- for years
That's true.

I'm sure politics influenced Ruby Ridge, and the FBI was covering up using Weaver as an informant. Politics were at Waco too, but I didn't think there was the same level of evil there. Imo the FBI was implicated in homicide at Ruby Ridge … but no one was charged. Not much came out of the Atl clusterfuck, but I think incompetence was the major culprit.

But when people start saying "let's see the indictments ……" Well. Hillary wasn't indicted and neither were Trump's kids. We just don't send people to jail over politics unless the major motivation is just taking bribes like Duke Cunningham, and that was a tragedy.

Comey and McCabe were covering the legacy careers with handling Hillary's emails, and there were agents in NYC who hated her and wanted her destroyed.

I'll be more than surprised if there isn't the same with Russiagate. But like Hillary, it doesn't mean something doesn't stink in Trumpland.

I don't think the Clintons or Trump can claim victim status.

Following leads if those leads turned out wrong, is not some conspiracy or a sign of incompetence.

All leads need followed to determine of a problem did occur.

This rightwing bullshit & the FBI is pure 100% bullshit.

Trump gave them plenty of reasons to suspect.

I love how the same people who complain about Ruby Ridge & Waco think it is OK to gun down an unarmed black kid for not obeying instructions.
BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr says “I think spying did occur” against the Trump campaign under President Obama.
View attachment 255097

BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr says “I think spying did occur” against the Trump campaign under President Obama.

Official Trump War Room on Twitter

Ewwww your little bitch is crooked told you, told you lol heheeh We told you all this pos loser was covering up. Problems are THEY WON'T DO A THING TO THIS BASTARD JUST LIKE CLINTON
Stop spitting all over your monitor. What Barr needs is not thinking it happened, he needs proof it happened.

So fucked, huh?

You mean like proof that Trump and Putin colluded to steal the 2016 POTUS election from HIllary.
There's no indictment of the boychinkins meeting with a Russian spy for dirt on Hillary. I'm fine with that so long as the facts are in the open.

I'm also fine with Comey destroying Hillary's career because some NYC FBI agents threatened to leak unless he did … so long as the facts are in the open, and if Barr opens this can of worms they better be in the open.

I suspect McCain and some in the FBI thought Trump presented a clear danger to the Republic. Let's find out.

But I don't recall FBI agents going to jail over Ruby Ridge, Waco and fucking up the Atlanta Olympics bombing.

Anthrax also. Don't forget how Wrong Way Mueller went after the wrong guy -- for years
That's true.

I'm sure politics influenced Ruby Ridge, and the FBI was covering up using Weaver as an informant. Politics were at Waco too, but I didn't think there was the same level of evil there. Imo the FBI was implicated in homicide at Ruby Ridge … but no one was charged. Not much came out of the Atl clusterfuck, but I think incompetence was the major culprit.

But when people start saying "let's see the indictments ……" Well. Hillary wasn't indicted and neither were Trump's kids. We just don't send people to jail over politics unless the major motivation is just taking bribes like Duke Cunningham, and that was a tragedy.

Comey and McCabe were covering the legacy careers with handling Hillary's emails, and there were agents in NYC who hated her and wanted her destroyed.

I'll be more than surprised if there isn't the same with Russiagate. But like Hillary, it doesn't mean something doesn't stink in Trumpland.

I don't think the Clintons or Trump can claim victim status.

Following leads if those leads turned out wrong, is not some conspiracy or a sign of incompetence.

All leads need followed to determine of a problem did occur.

This rightwing bullshit & the FBI is pure 100% bullshit.

Trump gave them plenty of reasons to suspect.

I love how the same people who complain about Ruby Ridge & Waco think it is OK to gun down an unarmed black kid for not obeying instructions.

So mad. :102:

You bet on the wrong horse, huh?

It’s pretty fucked that you wanted the coup to succeed.
The person who signed the FISA warrant application without verifying the Dossier should be in prison. Period.
Barr "thinks"? Really?
Yes, he thinks! What are your educational credentials compared to AG Barr?
The point is he is supposed to know. Not spew conspiracy theories.

The Congress critters should not try to obstruct him from investigating.
Nancy Pelosi could have stopped this whole charade anytime she wanted to, but she won't. Don't buy into that innocent Aunt Nancy mask she wears and think she doesn't know everything that's going on --she's been on the House Intelligence Committee since before 9/11....she is as deep as you get into the swamp.
the "spying" mr barr was referring to was WARRANTED SURVEILLANCE

Trump in 2010: WikiLeaks 'disgraceful,' there 'should be like death penalty or something'

Trump in 2010: WikiLeaks 'disgraceful,' there 'should be like death penalty or something'

- WikiLeaks is founded by Assange.
2007 - WikiLeaks posts the procedures manual for Camp Delta, the US detention center in Guantánamo Bay.
September 2008 - WikiLeaks posts emails from vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's Yahoo account.
April 5, 2010 - WikiLeaks posts a video showing a US military helicopter firing on and killing two journalists and several Iraqi civilians in 2007. The military claims that the helicopter crew believed the targets were armed insurgents, not civilians.
July 25, 2010 - WikiLeaks posts more than 90,000 classified documents related to the Afghanistan war.
August 20, 2010 - Swedish prosecutors issue an arrest warrant for Assange based on allegations of sexual assault from two female WikiLeaks volunteers.
August 21, 2010 - The Swedish prosecutor's office announces it is rescinding the arrest warrant.
August 31, 2010 - Assange is questioned by Stockholm police and told of the charges against him.
October 22, 2010 - WikiLeaks publishes classified military documents from the Iraq war.
November 20, 2010 - The Stockholm Criminal Court issues an international arrest warrant for Assange.
November 28, 2010 - WikiLeaks begins publishing diplomatic cables from US embassies.
December 7, 2010 - Turns himself in to London authorities. Assange is remanded in custody.
December 16, 2010 - Is released on bail and put on house arrest.
February 24, 2011 - A judge rules in support of Assange's extradition to Sweden. Assange's lawyers file an appeal.
April 24, 2011 - WikiLeaks begins releasing classified military documents providing details on the behavior and treatment of detainees being held at the US Navy's detention facility at Guantánamo Bay.
September 2, 2011 - WikiLeaks releases its archive of more than a quarter million US diplomatic cables.
November 2, 2011 - Appeals court judges in London rule in favor of Assange being extradited to Sweden.
November 15, 2011 - The UK Judicial Office announces Assange has applied to take his appeal against extradition to Sweden to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.
May 30, 2012 - The British Supreme Court denies Assange's appeal against extradition to Sweden but grants him two weeks to file an appeal. This is unusual, because rulings are supposed to be final.
June 19, 2012 - Assange enters the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, requesting political asylum.
August 16, 2012 - Ecuador announces it has granted asylum to Assange.
August 19, 2012 - Makes a public address from the balcony of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, demanding that the United States drop its "witch-hunt" against WikiLeaks.
September 26, 2012 - Delivers a speech via satellite to a full conference room at the United Nations, asking the US government to end its actions against him and his website. The event is held by the Mission of Ecuador on UN grounds but is not officially sponsored by the world body.
November 2012 - Assange's book, "Cypherpunks: Freedom and the Future of the Internet," is published.
February 10, 2015 - Metropolitan Police Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe tells LBC Radio the operation guarding Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London is "sucking our resources in" as costs spiral to more than 10 million pounds ($15.3 million).
May 11, 2015 - The Swedish Supreme Court denies Assange's appeal to dismiss an arrest warrant for allegations of sexual assault.
July 3, 2015 - France rejects Assange's request for "protection" after he publishes an open letter in national newspaper Le Monde.
August 13, 2015 - Swedish prosecutors announce they are dropping allegations involving sexual molestation and coercion as statutes of limitations in the investigation run out this month. However, the allegation of suspicion of rape still stands, and he may be investigated until 2020, Swedish prosecutors have said.
February 5, 2016 - A UN rights working group says its investigation found that Assange is being arbitrarily detained by the governments of Sweden and the United Kingdom.
May 25, 2016 - A Swedish court upholds the arrest warrant for Assange, with a Swedish prosecutor saying there's still probable cause to prosecute him on a rape allegation and that "the risk of him evading justice is still large."
July 22, 2016 - WikiLeaks publishes nearly 20,000 emails from Democratic National Committee staffers. The hacked emails appear to show the committee favoring presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders during the US presidential primary. On July 29, Assange tells CNN's Anderson Cooper that the email release was timed to coincide with the start of the Democratic National Convention.
September 15, 2016 - WikiLeaks announces via Twitter that "If Obama grants Manning clemency, Assange will agree to US prison in exchange, despite its clear unlawfulness," referring to Chelsea Manning, the imprisoned former Army intelligence analyst convicted of violating the Espionage Act.
September 16, 2016 - A Swedish appeals court states again that the arrest warrant for Assange on allegations of rape still stands. This is the eighth time the European arrest warrant has been tested in a Swedish court. All eight judgments have gone against Assange.
October 7, 2016 - WikiLeaks begins publishing hacked emails from Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta.
November 14, 2016 - WikiLeaks tweets that Assange is giving a statement in the presence of a Swedish prosecutor regarding allegations he sexually assaulted two women in the country six years ago.
January 3, 2017 - During an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News, Assange says that the Russian government was not the source of the hacked DNC emails. He also denies talking to Russian President Vladimir Putin and says he did not have contact with the campaign for US President-elect Donald Trump.
April 20, 2017 - US Attorney General Jeff Sessions announces that the Department of Justice is preparing charges for Assange, and that his arrest is a "priority."
May 19, 2017 - Swedish prosecutors drop their investigation of rape allegations against Assange, ending a nearly seven-year legal impasse.
December 12, 2017 - Becomes a naturalized citizen of Ecuador.
March 27, 2018 - Assange's internet communications outside of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London are suspended for at least the second time since October 2016. The government accuses him of failing to commit to an agreement not to release messages interfering with other nations' affairs.
October 19, 2018 - Assange directs his legal team to launch proceedings against the government of Ecuador for "violating his fundamental rights."
October 29, 2018 - Assange's lawsuit against Ecuador is rejected by an Ecuadorean court. During a video-linked hearing, Judge Karla Martinez alerts Assange he will have to abide by the new rules imposed by Ecuador's embassy in London.
November 2018 - An inadvertent court filing in a case unrelated to Assange reveals that the WikiLeaks founder has been charged under seal in a US federal court. "Another procedure short of sealing will not adequately protect the needs of law enforcement at this time because, due to the sophistication of the defendant and the publicity surrounding the case, no other procedure is likely to keep confidential the fact that Assange has been charged," prosecutors wrote in the August 22 filing that was unsealed on November 8. The US Justice Department investigation of Assange and WikiLeaks dates to at least 2010.
November 27, 2018 - The Guardian reports that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort secretly met with Assange several times inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, including around the time Manafort was made a top figure in the Trump campaign. The Guardian, citing sources, reports Manafort met with Assange in 2013, 2015 and in the spring of 2016. Manafort denies ever meeting Assange.
April 11, 2019 - Assange is arrested by the Metropolitan Police in London on an extradition warrant from the US Justice Department. He is charged with conspiracy to attempt to hack a computer in connection with the 2010 release of classified military info obtained via Manning. Assange's attorney says the indictment is troubling because of its implications for freedom of the press.

when will dumbo donny figure out "what is going on" so he can stop demonizing our devoted US intelligence agencies??

Barr "thinks"? Really?
Yes, he thinks! What are your educational credentials compared to AG Barr?
The point is he is supposed to know. Not spew conspiracy theories.

The Congress critters should not try to obstruct him from investigating.
Nancy Pelosi could have stopped this whole charade anytime she wanted to, but she won't. Don't buy into that innocent Aunt Nancy mask she wears and think she doesn't know everything that's going on --she's been on the House Intelligence Committee since before 9/11....she is as deep as you get into the swamp.

Using the standard applied to Trump, what are they afraid of? They should jump at the chance to show their hands are clean.

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