Barr testifies 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign

You want to trust the deep state, you're only hurting the cause, twisted sister.
thanks for the warning, comrade :itsok:
every freaking day.

every freaking day someone has to redefine "totally void of intelligence".

at least that's done for today.
Democrats have collectively lost the ability to think for themselves.
If it wasn't so disappointing, and damaging to our country, it might even be funny. Like Colbert doing his lame Trump impression every night.
thanks for the warning, comrade :itsok:
every freaking day.

every freaking day someone has to redefine "totally void of intelligence".

at least that's done for today.
Democrats have collectively lost the ability to think for themselves.
If it wasn't so disappointing, and damaging, it might be funny.
i'm all for listening to counter viewpoints, but they so seldom put them up. they deny, they scream, they bitch and moan, and revert to extreme name calling almost every single time.

annoying as hell.
Q: If the Democrats can spend two years chasing nothing, how can they deny that this investigation is warranted?
A: They cannot. At this point they have to justify the Mueller debacle, and must also bear scrutiny for why it ever began.

I can hear the Democrats screaming "Witch Hunt" already, and it sounds pretty sweet to me.

Barr testifies 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign

"I think spying did occur. The question is whether it was adequately predicated. … I think it’s my obligation. Congress is usually very concerned with intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies staying in their proper lane," he testified before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, while noting that "spying on a political campaign is a big deal."

While vowing to release Special Counsel Robert Mueller's now-completed Russia report in a matter of days, Barr also announced Tuesday that he was reviewing the origins of the Russia investigation at the FBI and the Justice Department.
The Carter Page FISA Warrant (Spying) is being reviewed and the origins of the counter intelligence investigation, by the Justice Dept's IG, as it should be.

I have no problem with that....
As long as it doesn't find anything.
However if a bunch of people are indicted for espionage and obstruction you'll start claiming it's a witch hunt.
BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr says “I think spying did occur” against the Trump campaign under President Obama.
View attachment 255097

BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr says “I think spying did occur” against the Trump campaign under President Obama.

Official Trump War Room on Twitter

Ewwww your little bitch is crooked told you, told you lol heheeh We told you all this pos loser was covering up. Problems are THEY WON'T DO A THING TO THIS BASTARD JUST LIKE CLINTON
Stop spitting all over your monitor. What Barr needs is not thinking it happened, he needs proof it happened.

So fucked, huh?

You mean like proof that Trump and Putin colluded to steal the 2016 POTUS election from HIllary.
And unlike Barr, Mueller never told the country he ”thinks” Trump colluded with Russia.
Democrat Party leaders continued their meltdown on Friday following Attorney General Bill Barr’s announcement that the Obama administration was spying on the Trump campaign during the 206 election.

Democrats who were counting on a phony Russia collusion coup to remove Trump as president.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Steny Hoyer and House Judicial Chairman continued to lash out at the Attorney General following the news that was already public for the past half year.

Using the standards applied to Trump, their efforts to prevent any investigation into the OA's spying should be considered obstruction of justice.
If they obstruct Justice or give false statements, I'd say it will be charged. Those FISA warrants stamped "VERIFIED" and signed by Comey, when Comey testified to Congress that they were "Unverified" that's looks bad!
Democrat Party leaders continued their meltdown on Friday following Attorney General Bill Barr’s announcement that the Obama administration was spying on the Trump campaign during the 206 election.

Democrats who were counting on a phony Russia collusion coup to remove Trump as president.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Steny Hoyer and House Judicial Chairman continued to lash out at the Attorney General following the news that was already public for the past half year.

Using the standards applied to Trump, their efforts to prevent any investigation into the OA's spying should be considered obstruction of justice.
If they obstruct Justice or give false statements, I'd say it will be charged. Those FISA warrants stamped "VERIFIED" and signed by Comey, when Comey testified to Congress that they were "Unverified" that's looks bad!
Quote Comey testifying the dossier was not at all verified....
Democrat Party leaders continued their meltdown on Friday following Attorney General Bill Barr’s announcement that the Obama administration was spying on the Trump campaign during the 206 election.

Democrats who were counting on a phony Russia collusion coup to remove Trump as president.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Steny Hoyer and House Judicial Chairman continued to lash out at the Attorney General following the news that was already public for the past half year.

Using the standards applied to Trump, their efforts to prevent any investigation into the OA's spying should be considered obstruction of justice.
If they obstruct Justice or give false statements, I'd say it will be charged. Those FISA warrants stamped "VERIFIED" and signed by Comey, when Comey testified to Congress that they were "Unverified" that's looks bad!
Quote Comey testifying the dossier was not at all verified....
Comey’s confession: dossier not verified before, or after, FISA warrant
Comey’s confession: dossier not verified before, or after, FISA warrant

Lying to the Court, concealing clearly pertinant information, especially in an ex parte hearing is REALLY bad stuff. Stay tuned.
Democrat Party leaders continued their meltdown on Friday following Attorney General Bill Barr’s announcement that the Obama administration was spying on the Trump campaign during the 206 election.

Democrats who were counting on a phony Russia collusion coup to remove Trump as president.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Steny Hoyer and House Judicial Chairman continued to lash out at the Attorney General following the news that was already public for the past half year.

Using the standards applied to Trump, their efforts to prevent any investigation into the OA's spying should be considered obstruction of justice.
If they obstruct Justice or give false statements, I'd say it will be charged. Those FISA warrants stamped "VERIFIED" and signed by Comey, when Comey testified to Congress that they were "Unverified" that's looks bad!
Quote Comey testifying the dossier was not at all verified....
Comey’s confession: dossier not verified before, or after, FISA warrant
Comey’s confession: dossier not verified before, or after, FISA warrant

Lying to the Court, concealing clearly pertinant information, especially in an ex parte hearing is REALLY bad stuff. Stay tuned.
a) that’s an opinion piece, not news;

b) there’s no quote of exactly what Comey actually said;

c) whatever was attributed to Comey in that opin piece is hearsay;

d) even what is ascribed to Comey is not that none of the dossier was verified;

and e) you have no evidence that the parts of the dossier that were presented to the FISC were not verified
BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr says “I think spying did occur” against the Trump campaign under President Obama.
View attachment 255097

BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr says “I think spying did occur” against the Trump campaign under President Obama.

Official Trump War Room on Twitter

Ewwww your little bitch is crooked told you, told you lol heheeh We told you all this pos loser was covering up. Problems are THEY WON'T DO A THING TO THIS BASTARD JUST LIKE CLINTON
Stop spitting all over your monitor. What Barr needs is not thinking it happened, he needs proof it happened.

So fucked, huh?

You mean like proof that Trump and Putin colluded to steal the 2016 POTUS election from HIllary.
And unlike Barr, Mueller never told the country he ”thinks” Trump colluded with Russia.

What are you afraid of? Knowing you have been full of shit?

An Investigation is needed to be sure Obama and his intelligence apparatus and DOJ spied
On a political opponent.

Why wouldn’t you want the truth? Cuz you lie?
Our government spies on every friggin body, why should they be the exception? (rhetorical & /sarc)

None of you ever hear of the Church Committee?
So you're fine with Trump's DOJ spying on the eventual Democrat nominee?
and if we allow this against trump cause we hate him, the right will adopt this as a viable tactic in todays climate.

it's the nature of the beast.
It has nothing to do with people hating trump.

It has to do with the following fscts:

1) A Trum campain advisor getting caught on a wire tap of a Russian suspect.
2) Trump lying about his campaign connections with Russia
3) Trump campaign people lying about Russian contacts
4) Trump lying about his business interests in Russia
5 Russia did interfere in Trump's favor.

THAT is what this is about.

If you don't like it, tell your fat assed POS buddy to quit his fucking lying & hiding his tax returns.
Jesis fuck you people are dumber that shit
Bummer Mueller was unable to find sufficient probable cause to indict him on anything. Could not find a single crime. Trump's probably the cleanest guy in DC, well, except for Pence, and Ivanka and her husband, and Don Jr.

Kind of a bummer that your Russian Collusion Hoax has turned into an investigation into illegal spying by the Obama Administration. What is it about all these torpedoes that the Left keeps dropping into the water, that keep turning around on them?
Now the deep state douchebags are wriggling on the hook. This will be fund to watch.
Deep state?
Believe sandy hook was an undercover job?
Believe we landed on the moon?

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