Barr testifies 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign

It has nothing to do with people hating trump.

It has to do with the following fscts:

1) A Trum campain advisor getting caught on a wire tap of a Russian suspect.
2) Trump lying about his campaign connections with Russia
3) Trump campaign people lying about Russian contacts
4) Trump lying about his business interests in Russia
5 Russia did interfere in Trump's favor.

THAT is what this is about.

If you don't like it, tell your fat assed POS buddy to quit his fucking lying & hiding his tax returns.
Jesis fuck you people are dumber that shit

dumb as in asking for shit you have no legal recourse to do so? when the right demanded obama's birth cert you said he didn't have to provide more than he has and now - you're the exact mother fucker you were mocking then.

son, you simply will NEVER be smart enough to understand the depths of your stupidity.

Wow, you're a stupid fucking birther too.
Obama was the first birther, claimed to be born in Kenya when he was peddling a book on race relations. He was lying of course, he was born in Hawaii. The Hillary Campaign were the second birthers.

Brain-dead cons are a riot. :mm:
Yesterday, an exchange between Democrat Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and AG William Barr during a Senate Appropriations hearing tore the space-time continuum for the institutional left. What appeared to careful observers of the Trump-RUSSIA collusion fable as a simple statement of fact, was an earth-shattering, scandalous, shocking blasphemy to those invested and implicated in the greatest political scandal in American history.
Great, and I said all along I would wait for Mueller's report to be released and I accepted it as fair and accurate when it did.

Now about Obama claiming he was born in Kenya .... let's see your proof......
It has nothing to do with people hating trump.

It has to do with the following fscts:

1) A Trum campain advisor getting caught on a wire tap of a Russian suspect.
2) Trump lying about his campaign connections with Russia
3) Trump campaign people lying about Russian contacts
4) Trump lying about his business interests in Russia
5 Russia did interfere in Trump's favor.

THAT is what this is about.

If you don't like it, tell your fat assed POS buddy to quit his fucking lying & hiding his tax returns.
Jesis fuck you people are dumber that shit

dumb as in asking for shit you have no legal recourse to do so? when the right demanded obama's birth cert you said he didn't have to provide more than he has and now - you're the exact mother fucker you were mocking then.

son, you simply will NEVER be smart enough to understand the depths of your stupidity.

Wow, you're a stupid fucking birther too.
Obama was the first birther, claimed to be born in Kenya when he was peddling a book on race relations. He was lying of course, he was born in Hawaii. The Hillary Campaign were the second birthers.

Brain-dead cons are a riot. :mm:
don't you have some russia to go be blaming for something?
No, why would I?
Why do you listen to that fat pillhead?
Listening to talk radio is an excellent one-stop shop for analyzing the opinions and thought processes of much of the Right.

A vast majority of what I read here, for example, can be tied directly to what I had earlier heard on talk radio.

I have, dozens of times, seen threads started using the same stories and words that had just been used by Rush or Sean. Incredible.

And now we have a President who is clearly getting his cues from talk radio, because that's where his "base" is.

Great stuff. It's like its own little language.
Is that what CNN told you?
Talk about being uninformed. You deny Russia interfered. How stupid are yopu?

Yes they did, on HILLARY'S SIDE you dolt! So did Ukraine, and let me tell ya, your side is SCREWED! Now they will soon have Assange, and what is he going to say, lololol!

So Russia worked on Hillary's side by helping Trimp win.

You assfucks get dumber with every post.

Do you actually understand this is a public forum? Do you know how to make a point without being a complete clown?

Listen REALDUMB, I wish I knew where you really were, cause when the walls come down on your baloney, I would be standing outside laughing so as the news media would appear.

Yes, yes, I know you are in mommies basement, I just don't know where mommies basement is, lol.

And honestly, can you not swear without asterisks! Young people may be reading, and you are an embarrassment to this forum, and the civil society at large.
Ahhhhhhhhh. Poor baby.

I guess posting iues & racial slurs is more in your liking.
Are you calling me a bigot? Be careful with what you say. Show me where I said ANYTHING about race being good, or bad.

Media Matters are ya! Nah, you are to REALDUMB, they would never even tolerate someone as slooooooooow as you-)
I am saying you accept those posts without having a freaking fit. Why don't you jump up & down & cry to the moderators about those who make racist & bigoted posts? Why?

You sit there is silent approval, that's why.

Talk about being uninformed. You deny Russia interfered. How stupid are yopu?

Yes they did, on HILLARY'S SIDE you dolt! So did Ukraine, and let me tell ya, your side is SCREWED! Now they will soon have Assange, and what is he going to say, lololol!

So Russia worked on Hillary's side by helping Trimp win.

You assfucks get dumber with every post.

Do you actually understand this is a public forum? Do you know how to make a point without being a complete clown?

Listen REALDUMB, I wish I knew where you really were, cause when the walls come down on your baloney, I would be standing outside laughing so as the news media would appear.

Yes, yes, I know you are in mommies basement, I just don't know where mommies basement is, lol.

And honestly, can you not swear without asterisks! Young people may be reading, and you are an embarrassment to this forum, and the civil society at large.
Ahhhhhhhhh. Poor baby.

I guess posting lies & racial slurs is more in your liking.
werent you just bitching about someone calling you names?
Nope. Not me. Try to keep up with the conversation or shut he fuck up.
dumb as in asking for shit you have no legal recourse to do so? when the right demanded obama's birth cert you said he didn't have to provide more than he has and now - you're the exact mother fucker you were mocking then.

son, you simply will NEVER be smart enough to understand the depths of your stupidity.

Wow, you're a stupid fucking birther too.
Obama was the first birther, claimed to be born in Kenya when he was peddling a book on race relations. He was lying of course, he was born in Hawaii. The Hillary Campaign were the second birthers.

Brain-dead cons are a riot. :mm:
Yesterday, an exchange between Democrat Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and AG William Barr during a Senate Appropriations hearing tore the space-time continuum for the institutional left. What appeared to careful observers of the Trump-RUSSIA collusion fable as a simple statement of fact, was an earth-shattering, scandalous, shocking blasphemy to those invested and implicated in the greatest political scandal in American history.
Great, and I said all along I would wait for Mueller's report to be released and I accepted it as fair and accurate when it did.

Now about Obama claiming he was born in Kenya .... let's see your proof......

From the Bio Obama The Liar used to hawk a book on race relations long before he ever considered running for President. He's a liar of course, he was born in Hawaii, but "Born in Hawaii and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii" just doesn't have that same kick that "Born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia and Hawaii" does.

So, Obama was the first birther, the Hillary Campaign, the second.
Wow, you're a stupid fucking birther too.
Obama was the first birther, claimed to be born in Kenya when he was peddling a book on race relations. He was lying of course, he was born in Hawaii. The Hillary Campaign were the second birthers.

Brain-dead cons are a riot. :mm:
Yesterday, an exchange between Democrat Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and AG William Barr during a Senate Appropriations hearing tore the space-time continuum for the institutional left. What appeared to careful observers of the Trump-RUSSIA collusion fable as a simple statement of fact, was an earth-shattering, scandalous, shocking blasphemy to those invested and implicated in the greatest political scandal in American history.
Great, and I said all along I would wait for Mueller's report to be released and I accepted it as fair and accurate when it did.

Now about Obama claiming he was born in Kenya .... let's see your proof......

From the Bio Obama The Liar used to hawk a book on race relations long before he ever considered running for President. He's a liar of course, he was born in Hawaii, but "Born in Hawaii and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii" just doesn't have that same kick that "Born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia and Hawaii" does.

So, Obama was the first birther, the Hillary Campaign, the second.

I said, prove Obama claimed he was born in Kenya ... not prove his publisher claimed he was born in Kenya.

Brain-dead cons are a riot. :mm:

This is for all big mouthed dumbases who claimed Russia did not interfere for Trump in the 2016 election.
Print it out
Read it
Shove it up your fat ignorant asses.
Here's your own report, seems it might fit better in your orifice. You flatly claim that "Russia interfered for Trump", but your report disagrees with you. Note the underlined words, and in particular the last two notations:

"Russia, like its Soviet predecessor, has a history of conduction covert influence campaigns focused on US presidential elections..."

DHS assesses that the types of systems Russian actors targeted or compromised were not involved in vote tallying."

As you can see, Russia has a history of attempted influence, and we've known that for decades. Notice also the terms "efforts", "aspired", "desire", and "goals". Nothing in these terms even hints that Russians were successful, and that is what you are claiming. You are wrong. Maybe next time you should read your own reference?

View attachment 255352
These are the debunked fake news claims by the disgraced liars James Crapper and Johnny "The Commie" Brennan. None of this justifies Obama illegally spying on American Citizens and a rival political campaign. Obama's corrupt DOJ and FBI repeatedly swore false oaths that they had verified, corroborated, reliable probable cause to believe that a member of the Trump campaign was knowingly in a criminal conspiracy with a foreign state to commit felonies. They repeatedly lied to the Court. They concealed that the only "evidence" they had was this POC dossier, that was UNVERIFIED. They concealed from the Court that it was funded by Crooked Hillary's campaign. The crap you posted doesn't justify spying on Americans, all it is unsupported probability, much like what got us into the War in Iraq on the Intelligence Assumptions of WMD that turned out to just as fictitious as the crap you posted.

Obama's Corrupt FBI and DOJ lied to the court about the lack of verification they had for their claims and they lied to the court by concealing Crooked Hillary's funding, because had they revealed either, their request for spying authority would have been denied. When you lie and repeatedly swear false oaths, the spying that results is illegal and a crime.

Now you can scream and rail all you like, but this is going to be investigated, just like Trump was, to your applause.

What are you so scared of? If they are innocent and pure as you claim, then they surely welcome this examination by Grand Jury which will show them as free from any crime as Trump was.
I've asked and so far you scaredy cats haven't stated what they did. Why can't you just say what they did? saying they interfered, doesn't tell me anything. how did they interfere is the next question. And how does anyone know they actually did anything. note what that was.
There is no answer for how did they interfere because they did not interfere.
Conservatives want to move America forward, liberals want to investigate America in an attempt to disassemble it.

EVERY one of our intelligence agencies said they did. But you keep believing Trump & Putin. You are a poor excuse for n American.
You mean Jim Clapper said they did.
As did the heads of every division.
Did they? Prove it.
Dude can’t complete with flat out liars . No objectivity is hard to out do. Minds made up, no matter what evidence there is, well useless
Our government spies on every friggin body, why should they be the exception? (rhetorical & /sarc)

None of you ever hear of the Church Committee?
So you're fine with Trump's DOJ spying on the eventual Democrat nominee?
So what'd you do? Stop reading once you got to the question mark? Or do you truly not understand sarcasm, the nature of a rhetorical question and what the Church Committee determined in regards to domestic spying by our government.
It has nothing to do with people hating trump.

It has to do with the following fscts:

1) A Trum campain advisor getting caught on a wire tap of a Russian suspect.
2) Trump lying about his campaign connections with Russia
3) Trump campaign people lying about Russian contacts
4) Trump lying about his business interests in Russia
5 Russia did interfere in Trump's favor.

THAT is what this is about.

If you don't like it, tell your fat assed POS buddy to quit his fucking lying & hiding his tax returns.
Jesis fuck you people are dumber that shit

dumb as in asking for shit you have no legal recourse to do so? when the right demanded obama's birth cert you said he didn't have to provide more than he has and now - you're the exact mother fucker you were mocking then.

son, you simply will NEVER be smart enough to understand the depths of your stupidity.

Wow, you're a stupid fucking birther too.
Obama was the first birther, claimed to be born in Kenya when he was peddling a book on race relations. He was lying of course, he was born in Hawaii. The Hillary Campaign were the second birthers.

Brain-dead cons are a riot. :mm:
Yesterday, an exchange between Democrat Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and AG William Barr during a Senate Appropriations hearing tore the space-time continuum for the institutional left. What appeared to careful observers of the Trump-RUSSIA collusion fable as a simple statement of fact, was an earth-shattering, scandalous, shocking blasphemy to those invested and implicated in the greatest political scandal in American history.
Or, guilty people react like that
Barr states, "I think spying did occur" and offers not one single syllable to back up his claim.

This is the typical bull shit appointment we expect from Trump; an appointment that will eventually be FIRED by Trump.

How long will Barr last B4 he is FIRED by Trump?
Yes they did, on HILLARY'S SIDE you dolt! So did Ukraine, and let me tell ya, your side is SCREWED! Now they will soon have Assange, and what is he going to say, lololol!

So Russia worked on Hillary's side by helping Trimp win.

You assfucks get dumber with every post.

Do you actually understand this is a public forum? Do you know how to make a point without being a complete clown?

Listen REALDUMB, I wish I knew where you really were, cause when the walls come down on your baloney, I would be standing outside laughing so as the news media would appear.

Yes, yes, I know you are in mommies basement, I just don't know where mommies basement is, lol.

And honestly, can you not swear without asterisks! Young people may be reading, and you are an embarrassment to this forum, and the civil society at large.
Ahhhhhhhhh. Poor baby.

I guess posting lies & racial slurs is more in your liking.
werent you just bitching about someone calling you names?
Nope. Not me. Try to keep up with the conversation or shut he fuck up.
Barr testifies 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign

yep it was you.

busted up fucking liar.
Obama was the first birther, claimed to be born in Kenya when he was peddling a book on race relations. He was lying of course, he was born in Hawaii. The Hillary Campaign were the second birthers.

Brain-dead cons are a riot. :mm:
Yesterday, an exchange between Democrat Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and AG William Barr during a Senate Appropriations hearing tore the space-time continuum for the institutional left. What appeared to careful observers of the Trump-RUSSIA collusion fable as a simple statement of fact, was an earth-shattering, scandalous, shocking blasphemy to those invested and implicated in the greatest political scandal in American history.
Great, and I said all along I would wait for Mueller's report to be released and I accepted it as fair and accurate when it did.

Now about Obama claiming he was born in Kenya .... let's see your proof......

From the Bio Obama The Liar used to hawk a book on race relations long before he ever considered running for President. He's a liar of course, he was born in Hawaii, but "Born in Hawaii and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii" just doesn't have that same kick that "Born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia and Hawaii" does.

So, Obama was the first birther, the Hillary Campaign, the second.

I said, prove Obama claimed he was born in Kenya ... not prove his publisher claimed he was born in Kenya.

Brain-dead cons are a riot. :mm:

Lets see his college transcripts and records.

Brain-dead cons are a riot. :mm:
Yesterday, an exchange between Democrat Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and AG William Barr during a Senate Appropriations hearing tore the space-time continuum for the institutional left. What appeared to careful observers of the Trump-RUSSIA collusion fable as a simple statement of fact, was an earth-shattering, scandalous, shocking blasphemy to those invested and implicated in the greatest political scandal in American history.
Great, and I said all along I would wait for Mueller's report to be released and I accepted it as fair and accurate when it did.

Now about Obama claiming he was born in Kenya .... let's see your proof......

From the Bio Obama The Liar used to hawk a book on race relations long before he ever considered running for President. He's a liar of course, he was born in Hawaii, but "Born in Hawaii and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii" just doesn't have that same kick that "Born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia and Hawaii" does.

So, Obama was the first birther, the Hillary Campaign, the second.

I said, prove Obama claimed he was born in Kenya ... not prove his publisher claimed he was born in Kenya.

Brain-dead cons are a riot. :mm:

Lets see his college transcripts and records.
Sure, right after trump releases his.
Our government spies on every friggin body, why should they be the exception? (rhetorical & /sarc)

None of you ever hear of the Church Committee?
So you're fine with Trump's DOJ spying on the eventual Democrat nominee?
So what'd you do? Stop reading once you got to the question mark? Or do you truly not understand sarcasm, the nature of a rhetorical question and what the Church Committee determined in regards to domestic spying by our government.
So what'd you do? Stop reading once you got to the question mark? Or do you truly not understand sarcasm and the nature of a rhetorical question?
Whatever shred of respectability Barr might have had...he lost with that tin foil hat performance

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