Barr Threatens Legal Action Against Governors Over Lockdowns

Guess Fat Billy Barf got some new marching orders from his Orange Overlord. :icon_rolleyes:

The Justice Department will consider taking legal action against governors who continue to impose stringent rules for dealing with the coronavirus that infringe on constitutional rights even after the crisis subsides in their states, Attorney General William Barr said.
Blunt means to deal with the pandemic, such as stay-at-home orders and directives shutting down businesses, are justified up to a point, rr said in an interview Tuesday on ā€œThe Hugh Hewitt Show.ā€ Eventually, though, states should move to more targeted measures, Barr said. He cited the approach laid out by President Donald Trump.

I guess old fat boy and his fat orange boss don't like the 10th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Can you imagine if the President had been permitted to alter the Constitution as he sees fit without going through a Constitutional Convention? Trump would be a dictator worse than Hitler. Thank God the framers anticipated his ilk being President. Bigly!!!
It wasnā€™t that long ago, that true conservatives stood solidly behind the the 10th Amendment along with the rest of the Constitution. But being as we do not have a real conservative President, the Constitution is meaningless (except the Second Amendment).
Question: Are there any real conservatives on USMB? Let ā€˜s see, Trumpsteers are against States Rights, Checks and Balances, Fiscal Responsibility, Freedom of the Press and Speech, nonpartisan departments of the Federal Government Departments, Voter Rights and Equality For example.
Trumpsterism isnā€™t an ideology, itā€™s sycophantism

I honestly wish you guys would make up your minds. Nonpartisan? Really?

Trump is awful for interfering in the Justice Department. For besmirching the FBI which has a long and honorable history of honesty and integrity.

Trump is awful for not interfering in the CDC and telling them to use the tests developed by the WHO instead of using their own.

Trump is awful for not diverting funds from other programs to buy Ventilators and masks and protective gear for Health Care Workers. Or something.

Trump is awful for spending money without paying for his cronies gifts. Trump is awful for pointing that the Democrats were also putting gifts to their cronies into the bills.

I just wish you all would make up your fucking minds. I swear, if Trump walked into a hospital and healed the sick by laying his hands on them, you guys would be demanding impeachment procedures for Trump practicing medicine without a license.

Look, Trump isnā€™t perfect. Obviously. Is Trump better than the alternative we were given in 2016? Just as obviously yes. Is Trump a better choice than Biden? Which Biden are we talking about? The funny uncle Biden who says stupid things? The forgetful Biden who canā€™t remember what he said yesterday? The touchy Biden who canā€™t keep his hands off little girls? In other words, Trump in your description, isnā€™t any worse than Biden. Trump in reality is slightly better.

But I honestly wish you guys would make up your fucking minds. Is Trump awful for interfering with the independence of offices? Or is he awful for not doing so? Is he a terrible man because he says dumb things? Ok, how is Biden a good man for saying dumb things?

Do I wish Trump would settle the fuck down and listen to some of his advisors? Yes. Do I wish those Advisors were able to restrain their urge to stab the man in the back at every chance they can concoct? You bet.

His advisors are not stabbing Trump in the back. They are attempting to give the nation truth and facts. That is NOT stabbing Trump in the back. Have you ever thought to fact check Trumpā€™s rambling misinformation or his advisorā€™s truth?

The position of advisor is both incredibly simple. And complex. First you have to advise the President. But there is no law that he has to take and implement your suggestion. Here is the complex part. You have to accept and support the decision. You canā€™t run and complain to the Press.

Jimmy Carter ignored the advice of his subordinates and went to Three Mike Island personally. He was viewed as a hero for doing so. Carter took the advice of his Generals and approved Desert One. Carter was roundly denigrated as a bumbling incompetent fool when the rescue mission failed spectacularly.

Reagan ignored his advisors when they insisted he agree to Gorbachov who offered to phase out all nuclear missiles in exchange for dropping Star Wars. Reagan refused and history shows that it was one of the nails in the coffin of that failed political regime.

Every President has ignored some advice and accepted other advice. JFK in the Cuban Missile Crisis ignored advice from his Generals. History shows he was right. The Generals grumbled about it but they obeyed.

Where the advisors to Trump fail is the acceptance of his Decision. They rush out and complain and whine and do not do the job of a subordinate. Accept and enact the decision of your superior.

The President is the Chief Executive. Right or wrong his decision providing it is legal is binding. If you can not carry out those instructions then you can resign, or not. Either way you shut the hell up. Nobody has shut the hell up yet. They run their mouths constantly. With that in mind it would be hard for me to listen with an open mind to your advice. Knowing that before I get done shaking after I take a leak the Press will know whatever it is and be running with it.
Guess Fat Billy Barf got some new marching orders from his Orange Overlord. :icon_rolleyes:

The Justice Department will consider taking legal action against governors who continue to impose stringent rules for dealing with the coronavirus that infringe on constitutional rights even after the crisis subsides in their states, Attorney General William Barr said.
Blunt means to deal with the pandemic, such as stay-at-home orders and directives shutting down businesses, are justified up to a point, rr said in an interview Tuesday on ā€œThe Hugh Hewitt Show.ā€ Eventually, though, states should move to more targeted measures, Barr said. He cited the approach laid out by President Donald Trump.

I guess old fat boy and his fat orange boss don't like the 10th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Can you imagine if the President had been permitted to alter the Constitution as he sees fit without going through a Constitutional Convention? Trump would be a dictator worse than Hitler. Thank God the framers anticipated his ilk being President. Bigly!!!
but you hate the very first one. amazing.
well the governors are in fact acting as kings, and we are their subjects and not following their decrees is a death sentence. hly shit. Really. we get the finger, and the scolding for not obeying. you will do as they say or else. Listen to them.
Guess Fat Billy Barf got some new marching orders from his Orange Overlord. :icon_rolleyes:

The Justice Department will consider taking legal action against governors who continue to impose stringent rules for dealing with the coronavirus that infringe on constitutional rights even after the crisis subsides in their states, Attorney General William Barr said.
Blunt means to deal with the pandemic, such as stay-at-home orders and directives shutting down businesses, are justified up to a point, Barr said in an interview Tuesday on ā€œThe Hugh Hewitt Show.ā€ Eventually, though, states should move to more targeted measures, Barr said. He cited the approach laid out by President Donald Trump.

I was looking at the Covid 19 cases in Idaho compared to those in Ventura County, Ca. Idaho has more cases by far. Idaho = 1736 cases 48 deaths. VC = 428 cases 13 deaths. Population of Idaho is 1.7 million. Ventura County has 890,000 people. Stay at home orders work. If States want to become the new test beds for death counts due to opening up too soon, all I can say is watch and see what happens.

You've never seen a case. You are fed by the media and you parrot it like the rest of you shills do.
Guess Fat Billy Barf got some new marching orders from his Orange Overlord. :icon_rolleyes:

The Justice Department will consider taking legal action against governors who continue to impose stringent rules for dealing with the coronavirus that infringe on constitutional rights even after the crisis subsides in their states, Attorney General William Barr said.
Blunt means to deal with the pandemic, such as stay-at-home orders and directives shutting down businesses, are justified up to a point, Barr said in an interview Tuesday on ā€œThe Hugh Hewitt Show.ā€ Eventually, though, states should move to more targeted measures, Barr said. He cited the approach laid out by President Donald Trump.

I was looking at the Covid 19 cases in Idaho compared to those in Ventura County, Ca. Idaho has more cases by far. Idaho = 1736 cases 48 deaths. VC = 428 cases 13 deaths. Population of Idaho is 1.7 million. Ventura County has 890,000 people. Stay at home orders work. If States want to become the new test beds for death counts due to opening up too soon, all I can say is watch and see what happens.

You've never seen a case. You are fed by the media and you parrot it like the rest of you shills do.
dude exactly. they all act like they are the experts and never seen shit. here's shit.

Guess Fat Billy Barf got some new marching orders from his Orange Overlord. :icon_rolleyes:

The Justice Department will consider taking legal action against governors who continue to impose stringent rules for dealing with the coronavirus that infringe on constitutional rights even after the crisis subsides in their states, Attorney General William Barr said.
Blunt means to deal with the pandemic, such as stay-at-home orders and directives shutting down businesses, are justified up to a point, rr said in an interview Tuesday on ā€œThe Hugh Hewitt Show.ā€ Eventually, though, states should move to more targeted measures, Barr said. He cited the approach laid out by President Donald Trump.

I guess old fat boy and his fat orange boss don't like the 10th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Can you imagine if the President had been permitted to alter the Constitution as he sees fit without going through a Constitutional Convention? Trump would be a dictator worse than Hitler. Thank God the framers anticipated his ilk being President. Bigly!!!
It wasnā€™t that long ago, that true conservatives stood solidly behind the the 10th Amendment along with the rest of the Constitution. But being as we do not have a real conservative President, the Constitution is meaningless (except the Second Amendment).
Question: Are there any real conservatives on USMB? Let ā€˜s see, Trumpsteers are against States Rights, Checks and Balances, Fiscal Responsibility, Freedom of the Press and Speech, nonpartisan departments of the Federal Government Departments, Voter Rights and Equality For example.
Trumpsterism isnā€™t an ideology, itā€™s sycophantism

I honestly wish you guys would make up your minds. Nonpartisan? Really?

Trump is awful for interfering in the Justice Department. For besmirching the FBI which has a long and honorable history of honesty and integrity.

Trump is awful for not interfering in the CDC and telling them to use the tests developed by the WHO instead of using their own.

Trump is awful for not diverting funds from other programs to buy Ventilators and masks and protective gear for Health Care Workers. Or something.

Trump is awful for spending money without paying for his cronies gifts. Trump is awful for pointing that the Democrats were also putting gifts to their cronies into the bills.

I just wish you all would make up your fucking minds. I swear, if Trump walked into a hospital and healed the sick by laying his hands on them, you guys would be demanding impeachment procedures for Trump practicing medicine without a license.

Look, Trump isnā€™t perfect. Obviously. Is Trump better than the alternative we were given in 2016? Just as obviously yes. Is Trump a better choice than Biden? Which Biden are we talking about? The funny uncle Biden who says stupid things? The forgetful Biden who canā€™t remember what he said yesterday? The touchy Biden who canā€™t keep his hands off little girls? In other words, Trump in your description, isnā€™t any worse than Biden. Trump in reality is slightly better.

But I honestly wish you guys would make up your fucking minds. Is Trump awful for interfering with the independence of offices? Or is he awful for not doing so? Is he a terrible man because he says dumb things? Ok, how is Biden a good man for saying dumb things?

Do I wish Trump would settle the fuck down and listen to some of his advisors? Yes. Do I wish those Advisors were able to restrain their urge to stab the man in the back at every chance they can concoct? You bet.

His advisors are not stabbing Trump in the back. They are attempting to give the nation truth and facts. That is NOT stabbing Trump in the back. Have you ever thought to fact check Trumpā€™s rambling misinformation or his advisorā€™s truth?

The position of advisor is both incredibly simple. And complex. First you have to advise the President. But there is no law that he has to take and implement your suggestion. Here is the complex part. You have to accept and support the decision. You canā€™t run and complain to the Press.

Jimmy Carter ignored the advice of his subordinates and went to Three Mike Island personally. He was viewed as a hero for doing so. Carter took the advice of his Generals and approved Desert One. Carter was roundly denigrated as a bumbling incompetent fool when the rescue mission failed spectacularly.

Reagan ignored his advisors when they insisted he agree to Gorbachov who offered to phase out all nuclear missiles in exchange for dropping Star Wars. Reagan refused and history shows that it was one of the nails in the coffin of that failed political regime.

Every President has ignored some advice and accepted other advice. JFK in the Cuban Missile Crisis ignored advice from his Generals. History shows he was right. The Generals grumbled about it but they obeyed.

Where the advisors to Trump fail is the acceptance of his Decision. They rush out and complain and whine and do not do the job of a subordinate. Accept and enact the decision of your superior.

The President is the Chief Executive. Right or wrong his decision providing it is legal is binding. If you can not carry out those instructions then you can resign, or not. Either way you shut the hell up. Nobody has shut the hell up yet. They run their mouths constantly. With that in mind it would be hard for me to listen with an open mind to your advice. Knowing that before I get done shaking after I take a leak the Press will know whatever it is and be running with it.

Based on Trumpā€™s ignorance about what he has said, thank God for his advisors!
It seems his ignorance he spews, doesnā€™t seem to bother you.
This is life and death, ignorance is unacceptable.
What is wrong with you?
Last edited:
well the governors are in fact acting as kings, and we are their subjects and not following their decrees is a death sentence. hly shit. Really. we get the finger, and the scolding for not obeying. you will do as they say or else. Listen to them.
I though freedom was in charge. Guess governors are?
It's about time. there is nothing in the Constitution that authorizes Governors to order citizens to remain in their homes under penalty of fines and incarceration.
Press conference today, Trump was in his office. He's still saying he "could" prevent Governor Kemp from opening up Georgia. But he won't. He is being magnanimous and letting Kemp decide. That is total horseshit. Trump does NOT have that authority. He's the only one who thinks he's got that power.
Guess Fat Billy Barf got some new marching orders from his Orange Overlord. :icon_rolleyes:

The Justice Department will consider taking legal action against governors who continue to impose stringent rules for dealing with the coronavirus that infringe on constitutional rights even after the crisis subsides in their states, Attorney General William Barr said.
Blunt means to deal with the pandemic, such as stay-at-home orders and directives shutting down businesses, are justified up to a point, rr said in an interview Tuesday on ā€œThe Hugh Hewitt Show.ā€ Eventually, though, states should move to more targeted measures, Barr said. He cited the approach laid out by President Donald Trump.

I guess old fat boy and his fat orange boss don't like the 10th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Can you imagine if the President had been permitted to alter the Constitution as he sees fit without going through a Constitutional Convention? Trump would be a dictator worse than Hitler. Thank God the framers anticipated his ilk being President. Bigly!!!
It wasnā€™t that long ago, that true conservatives stood solidly behind the the 10th Amendment along with the rest of the Constitution. But being as we do not have a real conservative President, the Constitution is meaningless (except the Second Amendment).
Question: Are there any real conservatives on USMB? Let ā€˜s see, Trumpsteers are against States Rights, Checks and Balances, Fiscal Responsibility, Freedom of the Press and Speech, nonpartisan departments of the Federal Government Departments, Voter Rights and Equality For example.
Trumpsterism isnā€™t an ideology, itā€™s sycophantism

I honestly wish you guys would make up your minds. Nonpartisan? Really?

Trump is awful for interfering in the Justice Department. For besmirching the FBI which has a long and honorable history of honesty and integrity.

Trump is awful for not interfering in the CDC and telling them to use the tests developed by the WHO instead of using their own.

Trump is awful for not diverting funds from other programs to buy Ventilators and masks and protective gear for Health Care Workers. Or something.

Trump is awful for spending money without paying for his cronies gifts. Trump is awful for pointing that the Democrats were also putting gifts to their cronies into the bills.

I just wish you all would make up your fucking minds. I swear, if Trump walked into a hospital and healed the sick by laying his hands on them, you guys would be demanding impeachment procedures for Trump practicing medicine without a license.

Look, Trump isnā€™t perfect. Obviously. Is Trump better than the alternative we were given in 2016? Just as obviously yes. Is Trump a better choice than Biden? Which Biden are we talking about? The funny uncle Biden who says stupid things? The forgetful Biden who canā€™t remember what he said yesterday? The touchy Biden who canā€™t keep his hands off little girls? In other words, Trump in your description, isnā€™t any worse than Biden. Trump in reality is slightly better.

But I honestly wish you guys would make up your fucking minds. Is Trump awful for interfering with the independence of offices? Or is he awful for not doing so? Is he a terrible man because he says dumb things? Ok, how is Biden a good man for saying dumb things?

Do I wish Trump would settle the fuck down and listen to some of his advisors? Yes. Do I wish those Advisors were able to restrain their urge to stab the man in the back at every chance they can concoct? You bet.

His advisors are not stabbing Trump in the back. They are attempting to give the nation truth and facts. That is NOT stabbing Trump in the back. Have you ever thought to fact check Trumpā€™s rambling misinformation or his advisorā€™s truth?

The position of advisor is both incredibly simple. And complex. First you have to advise the President. But there is no law that he has to take and implement your suggestion. Here is the complex part. You have to accept and support the decision. You canā€™t run and complain to the Press.

Jimmy Carter ignored the advice of his subordinates and went to Three Mike Island personally. He was viewed as a hero for doing so. Carter took the advice of his Generals and approved Desert One. Carter was roundly denigrated as a bumbling incompetent fool when the rescue mission failed spectacularly.

Reagan ignored his advisors when they insisted he agree to Gorbachov who offered to phase out all nuclear missiles in exchange for dropping Star Wars. Reagan refused and history shows that it was one of the nails in the coffin of that failed political regime.

Every President has ignored some advice and accepted other advice. JFK in the Cuban Missile Crisis ignored advice from his Generals. History shows he was right. The Generals grumbled about it but they obeyed.

Where the advisors to Trump fail is the acceptance of his Decision. They rush out and complain and whine and do not do the job of a subordinate. Accept and enact the decision of your superior.

The President is the Chief Executive. Right or wrong his decision providing it is legal is binding. If you can not carry out those instructions then you can resign, or not. Either way you shut the hell up. Nobody has shut the hell up yet. They run their mouths constantly. With that in mind it would be hard for me to listen with an open mind to your advice. Knowing that before I get done shaking after I take a leak the Press will know whatever it is and be running with it.

Based on Trumpā€™s ignorance about what he has said, thank God for his advisors!
It seems his ignorance he spews, doesnā€™t seem to bother you.
This is life and death, ignorance is unacceptable.
What is wrong with you?

Do you know how many crazy ideas were tossed around by experts trying to save Apollo 13? I am sure it was hundreds, perhaps thousands. From crazy ideas, come good ones, if you are, as we used to say in the Army, Spitballing ideas to try and come up with a good one.

It used to happen all the time. We used to encourage people to think outside the box. So letā€™s talk about the Trump idea that has your panties in a twist. It is by the way the same reactions we saw when people pointed out that UV-C and sunlight would kill Coronavirus. People like you started running around saying this was fake and that there had been no testing on this.

Well there hadnā€™t been a lot of testing. But we knew for a long time how UV-C worked. It welded parts of the DNA strand together, making it impossible for the DNA to replicate. Sunlight is the best disinfectant is another one of those old sayings that has proven to be true in every single case. It is like some dolt screaming we donā€™t know if this Virus floats to the stratosphere because we havenā€™t tested to see if it is affected by Gravity.

Stupid ideas from Politicians is pretty much the norm. It isnā€™t unusual. If I decided that someone should not have an office because they said something stupid then frankly, we would not have any Politicians anywhere in the nation. Obama when he was asked about Heart Disease and a Heart Transplant suggested that perhaps we have to draw the line at some point, and just give the patient a Pain Pill.

Experts today are running around screaming we are giving too many pain pills, and we should just let the patients suffer.

I think they are both stupid for saying that. The experts and the politicians. But hey, I am one of those folks who believes in maximum freedom for all.

I have seen Congressmen ask if we have considered the idea of Guam, the Island, tipping over and capsizing if we put more troops on the island. I have seen Senators make asinine statements too. On both sides of the isle.

So what came from Trumpā€™s stupid comment? Every single news organization ran around like the sky was falling and did multiple news stories about how you canā€™t do that without killing yourself. They explained for the umteenth time how UV and Disinfectants work and how both are toxic to the human body. Yes, they kill Corona, but they also kill the host, which is me and thee, well perhaps thee, I wouldnā€™t have done it even if the Surgeon General had suggested it.

So do we eliminate candidates for saying something, anything stupid? Or is there a threshold we have to surpass? Less than ten a week, theyā€™re golden. More than ten a week, they are out of there. Or do we accept that everyone in Politics is going to say something stupid. Probably every day, and often multiple times a day. Because we all say something stupid all the time.

Because if you say we canā€™t have someone saying something stupid, then no candidate for any office is qualified to be elected. None of them. Not Democrats, nor Republicans.
I guess old fat boy and his fat orange boss don't like the 10th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Can you imagine if the President had been permitted to alter the Constitution as he sees fit without going through a Constitutional Convention? Trump would be a dictator worse than Hitler. Thank God the framers anticipated his ilk being President. Bigly!!!
The blue state governors are guilty of overreach.

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