BARR told Trump to his face, "you're going to lose, you're humiliating yourself: pettiness, acrimony, punching down, chaos--we're tired of this shit"

WOW, I don't need to add ANYTHING to that. Well except his appeal to VIOLENCE and the violent. Barr didn't mention that, at least in this reporting...

"You're going to lose because there's going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are
just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent
chaos, and they're just going to say, 'We're tired of this sh*t.' "

Barr told Trump to his face 'you're going to lose' because he was humiliating himself at COVID briefings: book

Sarah K. Burris
July 21, 2021

Carol Leonnig and Phil Rucker's new book I Alone Can Fix It contains some stories about former Attorney General Bill Barr using surprisingly blunt language to convince former President Donald Trump to stop doing daily coronavirus briefings.

"I feel you are going to lose the election," Barr told Trump in April 2020 as the virus was killing more Americans, according to the reporters. "I feel you are actually losing touch with your own base."

Some of the Trump fans that Barr had talked to when traveling had confided in him that they were bothered by Trump's petty squabbles with his perceived enemies when they needed him. They, like most Americans, wanted steady leaders that could steer the country through the pandemic and bring back the economy.

"I have yet to meet anybody who supports you who hasn't said to me, 'We love the president, but would you please tell him to turn it back a bit?'" Barr said according to the new book. "You're going to lose because there's going to be enough people who otherwise would vote for you who are just tired of the acrimony, the pettiness, the punching down and picking a fight at every moment, and the apparent chaos, and they're just going to say, 'We're tired of this sh*t.' "

“There’s an invisible contract we all signed at birth,” it begins, introducing the idea (threadbare and moth-eaten these days) that citizens deserve to expect things from their government. Their own efforts and labor ought to form part of “a promise: Every hour we work means longer days of freedom and security." Ed Markey, 2020

Sure. Sure he did. 🙄
You can't lie to them in an investigation, but what you tell them off the record is protected by our US Constitution. You can tell them anything you want.
Federal law enforcement is never "off the record" when it comes to lying to them.

Q:What if a confidential informant lies?

A:They are subject to perjury charges, filing a false police report or related charges.
No, the claim that a guilty plea is voluntary is a government imposed fiction.
If that is so of a guilty plea, it has to also hold for a not-guilty plea. Logic requires reciprocal application.

Such as if a person can be forced to tell a lie, he can be forced to tell the truth.
Federal law enforcement is never "off the record" when it comes to lying to them.

Q:What if a confidential informant lies?

A:They are subject to perjury charges, filing a false police report or related charges.

So WTF does this site have to do with what we are discussing? If I'm at a bar drinking a beer, and an FBI agent is sitting next to me and asks what I'm drinking, I can tell him cranberry juice and I would be held in contempt about lying to an FBI agent? That's ridiculous. So yes, there is on the record and off the record discussions. On the record I'd have to take an oath to tell nothing but the truth. Off the record I'm protected by the right to free speech. I can say anything I want to any government agent.
Relationships between men and women? Especially Western women who are not left leaning but indoctrinated Progressives!

"Indoctrinated Progressives"????? Boy you've got ways of dismissing everyone who doesn't look, think, or act like a racists asshole!!!

Women aren't "indoctrinated". We learn that we need to grow a spine when we get passed over for promotions, and then are asked to train the people who got the job we applied for.

We learn that men want to screw around with impunity and bring home social diseases, and women are supposed to take the anti-biotics and not ask why.

We learn that in a divorce, men will lie, hide their assets, and seek to screw over their wives and take everything.

We learn that our bosses will steal all of our good ideas and pass them off as their own.

We learned that men don't want women to make decisions about our own bodies, and that white men consider themselves to be smarter and better than even white women - all evidence to the contrary.

The Republican Party urged women to vote against the Equal Rights Amendment because Republicans would always take care of women's rights.

We also learned that it's only rape, when non-whites do it. White boys, well, she was drunk. What did she expect? Or she was "asking for it". More than 99% of rapists never go to jail.

This is how women are "indoctrinated".
So WTF does this site have to do with what we are discussing? If I'm at a bar drinking a beer, and an FBI agent is sitting next to me and asks what I'm drinking, I can tell him cranberry juice and I would be held in contempt about lying to an FBI agent? That's ridiculous. So yes, there is on the record and off the record discussions. On the record I'd have to take an oath to tell nothing but the truth. Off the record I'm protected by the right to free speech. I can say anything I want to any government agent.

If the FBI agent identifies himself to you and says he'd like to question you about a crime, and you lie to him, about anything, yes you can be charged.

You don't have to take an oath to tell the truth in order for you to be charged for lying. You can be charged for lying to any government agent, including the DMV.

I cannot believe that conservatives are trying to claim they have the right to lie to the government, with impunity. What happened to morals or honesty?
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Of course no Biden dick sucking prog is will allow anyone to forget it. The prosecutor dropped the charges. end of story.


You're such a fucking moron. :cuckoo:

Fucking moron, it matters not if the prosecution drops charges after a conviction. If you weren't such a fucking moron, you'd understand that's why prosecutors submitted a motion to the court to dismiss the case -- because it was still an active case despite prosecutors dropping the charges. That's why Trump came in and pardoned Flynn -- because the court was not approving that motion.
I'm not going to argue with a psycho over this trivia.


Your concession, offered after I showed YOU were the one who said he had a choice, is graciously accepted.

And your refusal to answer the question, which is worse, going to prison or going broke answers for you. Obviously, going to prison is worse. Far worse. Which is why you don't want to answer that question since the answer absolutely decimates your idiotic claim that Flynn pleaded guilty to avoid bankruptcy.
Except for the fact that in order to plead guilty, you have to do so to the judge, under oath.

Pleading guilty when you're not guilty is perjury.
How does that alter the fact that the plea bargain is not voluntary? So you commit a crime by pleading guilty with a gun pointed at your head? You go to jail for pleading guilty and you go to jail for not pleading guilty.
and that's your conception of "voluntary?"

You are fucking brain damaged.
Mueller prosecuted him with smears and lies, you colosal dumfuck. What you object to is a person using his Constitutional right to defend himself. You're a fucking NAZI.

He had every right to defend himself. Instead, he pleaded guilty. In two separate courts.

You're such a fucking moron. :cuckoo:

Fucking moron, it matters not if the prosecution drops charges after a conviction. If you weren't such a fucking moron, you'd understand that's why prosecutors submitted a motion to the court to dismiss the case -- because it was still an active case despite prosecutors dropping the charges. That's why Trump came in and pardoned Flynn -- because the court was not approving that motion.
Says you. Rational people disagree. Trump pardoned Flynn because he knew that the judge had it in for Flynn. There is simply no reasoning with brain damaged Nazi Trump haters.
I can't believe the obsession with Flynn. He didn't do anything wrong, the FBI admitted that there were no inappropriate contacts with foreign parties. Mueller too.

It is completely normal for the people in an incoming administration to talk to their counterparts from other countries. It happens every time a new President is elected. The Obama administration was pushing a lie about Trump and Russia, the Russians knew it was a lie, the Trump people knew it was a lie, and the FBI knew it was a lie.

Flynn told Kislyak not to overreact to the sanctions Obama has imposed for Russian "interference". That is not an inappropriate thing for Flynn to say. The FBI knew exactly what Flynn said, they were tapping the call. They had no reason to even question him about it. Flynn was fired for not telling Pence the exchange with Kislyak took place, because a reporter asked Pence about the call and Pence said Flynn hadn't talked about the sanctions or something to that effect. That wasn't exactly true, and it embarrassed Pence that he said it.

The FBI put Flynn in a perjury trap, bankrupted him with legal expenses, and coerced a guilty plea by threatening to prosecute his son. Meanwhile, ther same FBI people were lying to the FISA court to secure their warrants to spy on Trump. It's completely outrageous.

The FBI is a joke, they have lost all credibility and it cannot be restored. They don't even record their interviews. They take notes and write up a 302 later, and somehow that's supposed to be an objective account?

All the resources of the combined intelligence services of the US, the investigatory power of the Congress, Attorney Generals and District Attorneys in multiple States, and all the prosecutions of the people in Trump's orbit- 6 years later, not one single criminal charge has been brought against Trump. He must be the most investigated person in US history.

Not content, the dems twice impeached him- which destroyed the impeachment clause by making impeachment a political weapon, instead of the Constitutional remedy for criminality or Treason by high officials that the Framers intended.


And then they forced him to plead guilty.


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He had every right to defend himself. Instead, he pleaded guilty. In two separate courts.
Having to defend yourself is a bigger penalty than being convicted, you dumbfuck. Defending yourself costs millions of dollars. It's all just part of the DOJ scam.
That's nothing but your opinion. It has no credibility. Lying to Mike Pence was not a crime, you NAZI moron.

False, fucking moron. That's according to Mike Pence, who admitted he lied to the FBI.

Your concession, offered after I showed YOU were the one who said he had a choice, is graciously accepted.

And your refusal to answer the question, which is worse, going to prison or going broke answers for you. Obviously, going to prison is worse. Far worse. Which is why you don't want to answer that question since the answer absolutely decimates your idiotic claim that Flynn pleaded guilty to avoid bankruptcy.
If I said "give me all your money or I'll blow your brains out," would you consider the choice you make "voluntary?"
He didn't break the law. That's a Mueller lie. The bottom line is that he plead guilty only because of Mueller's extortion. No admission of guilt that is the result of government compulsion is worth spit.

Of course he broke the law. He told the FBI he did not discuss the sanctions with Kislyak. That was a lie since he did discuss the sanctions with Kislyak.
If that is so of a guilty plea, it has to also hold for a not-guilty plea. Logic requires reciprocal application.

Such as if a person can be forced to tell a lie, he can be forced to tell the truth.
You are too focking dumb to breath. I didn't say he couldn't be forced to tell the truth. I said a plea bargain is not voluntary. So a plea bargain isn't necessarily the truth, which is what you NAZIs keep saying.

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