BARR told Trump to his face, "you're going to lose, you're humiliating yourself: pettiness, acrimony, punching down, chaos--we're tired of this shit"

You're deranged, fucking moron. The vast majority of lawbreakers are never shot.

There is something severely wrong with your malfunctioning brain. :cuckoo:
Yes, they comply before they are shot. Anyone who thinks the police do not use guns to enforce the law is a brain dead moron.
You're a raving lunatic to think following the law is not voluntary.

ROFL! Only raving lunatics believe following the law is voluntary. If it's "voluntary," what happens if I don't file my income taxes? "Voluntary" means you can ignore it with no penalties of any kind.
You're deranged, fucking moron. The vast majority of lawbreakers are never shot.

There is something severely wrong with your malfunctioning brain. :cuckoo:
ROFL, so if it wasn't voluntary, the police would never arrest anyone? They would just shoot people breaking the law?

You are a major fucking moron.
Yes, they comply before they are shot. Anyone who thinks the police do not use guns to enforce the law is a brain dead moron.

They use guns to stop threats, ya fucking moron. Anything beyond that is criminal. You are truly fucked in the head. :cuckoo:
ROFL! Only raving lunatics believe following the law is voluntary. If it's "voluntary," what happens if I don't file my income taxes? "Voluntary" means you can ignore it with no penalties of any kind.


Wrong, fucking moron. "Voluntary" merely means having the ability to choose...


proceeding from the will or from one's own choice or consent

People can choose whether or not to voluntarily follow the law.
That's exactly what a plea bargain is, moron.

No it's not. Are you ever not a fucking moron? Ever???

People who are guilty plead guilty because they know that trying to fight in court over charge(s) they know they committed will very likely lead to a conviction anyway and a harsher sentence. And while there are a few who believe their innocent who plead guilty, they do so because they believe prosecutors might be able to prove they're guilty in a court of law. Bug no person in their right mind would choose to go to prison to avoid going broke. That's one of thd dumbest things you've ever said here. And given some of the moronic shit you post, that's quite impressive.
ROFL, so if it wasn't voluntary, the police would never arrest anyone? They would just shoot people breaking the law?

You are a major fucking moron.

No fucking moron, that's your claim. I'm the one saying police don't [legally] shoot people for breaking the law. They do often shoot people who are a threat to others' safety.
They use guns to stop threats, ya fucking moron. Anything beyond that is criminal. You are truly fucked in the head. :cuckoo:
ROFL! When you arrest someone, what do they do, say "pretty please?" What do they do if you point a gun on them when they come to arrest you?

Your ignoring the fundamental facts and focusing on appearances because you don't want to admit how government operates.
No fucking moron, that's your claim. I'm the one saying police don't [legally] shoot people for breaking the law. They do often shoot people who are a threat to others' safety.
Sure they do. If you refuse to comply with their demands and defend yourself, then they will shoot you.

You're pretending cops never use those things in their holsters.
He pleaded guilty in two separate courts when his case was handed to a second judge and that second judge offered him the opportunity to submit a plea to his court.
No, that's not true. There has only ever been one case- United States v. Flynn. It was brought in the US Federal Court for the District of Columbia.

The first judge was Rudy Contreras. Flynn appeared before Judge Contreras and pled guilty on December 1 to one count as reflected in the charging document I linked. The guilty plea is the plea agreement, and the statement of charges describes the offense.

Judge Contreras also sits on the FISA court, and he was removed from the Flynn case in the very beginning due to the FISA conflict. Judge Sullivan was appointed. Sullivan was the only judge that ever heard any arguments on any of the motions in the Flynn case.

He was the one that dragged out the case forever, and refused to dismiss it even after the DOJ dropped the prosecution and the DC Circuit Courty of Appeals ordered him to dismiss it. He only finally let go of it when Trump issued the pardon to put an end to Flynn's ordeal.

There are no other plea deals, no other courts, and no other indictments were ever brought against Flynn.
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No it's not. Are you ever not a fucking moron? Ever???

People who are guilty plead guilty because they know that trying to fight in court over charge(s) they know they committed will very likely lead to a conviction anyway and a harsher sentence. And while there are a few who believe their innocent who plead guilty, they do so because they believe prosecutors might be able to prove they're guilty in a court of law. Bug no person in their right mind would choose to go to prison to avoid going broke. That's one of thd dumbest things you've ever said here. And given some of the moronic shit you post, that's quite impressive.
In other words, the are extorted. A voluntary plea would mean nothing would happen to you if you declined. That's what voluntary means.

Every mugger gives his victim a choice, hand over your money or I will shoot you. According to you, that's voluntary.

Wrong, fucking moron. "Voluntary" merely means having the ability to choose...

proceeding from the will or from one's own choice or consent

People can choose whether or not to voluntarily follow the law.
ROFL! You are such a fucking moron. If a rapist tells his victim "take off your clothes or I will cut your throat," is that voluntary? according to you, it is. After all, the victim was given a choice.

Can you explain what non voluntary would be?
He was the one that dragged out the case forever, and refused to dismiss it even after the DOJ dropped the prosecution and the DC Circuit Courty of Appeals ordered him to dismiss it.
Sullivan wasn’t the only one dragging the case out. Flynn decided to enlist the now disgraced Sydney Powell who attempted to reverse his guilty plea like two years after he made it and flooded the court with nonsense requests for discovery that were pretty bonkers.

Powell dragged it out long enough for Barr to appoint some cronies to “review” the case and drop charges even though they were just waiting on sentencing. Sullivan felt the DoJ was playing politics and wanted to have some opinions on it. The appeals court ordered Sullivan to drop it but there was an en banc review that called out the precious ruling as being pretty nuts, and it was. The en banc review from the appeals court allowed Sullivan to continue to weigh whether he was required to dismiss the case or not.
Sullivan wasn’t the only one dragging the case out. Flynn decided to enlist the now disgraced Sydney Powell who attempted to reverse his guilty plea like two years after he made it and flooded the court with nonsense requests for discovery that were pretty bonkers.

Powell dragged it out long enough for Barr to appoint some cronies to “review” the case and drop charges even though they were just waiting on sentencing. Sullivan felt the DoJ was playing politics and wanted to have some opinions on it. The appeals court ordered Sullivan to drop it but there was an en banc review that called out the precious ruling as being pretty nuts, and it was. The en banc review from the appeals court allowed Sullivan to continue to weigh whether he was required to dismiss the case or not.
It doesn't matter who dragged the case out, it was extortion, pure and simple. Flynn should never been in court.
It doesn't matter who dragged the case out, it was extortion, pure and simple. Flynn should never been in court.
It does matter who dragged it out if you’re attempting to claim that you only pled guilty to avoid dragging it out.

Flynn lied to the FBI. Everyone knows it.
It does matter who dragged it out if you’re attempting to claim that you only pled guilty to avoid dragging it out.

Flynn lied to the FBI. Everyone knows it.
I never made such a claim, moron.

The FBI had no business conducting a criminal investigation of Flynn, especially when they didn't tell him they were.
ROFL! When you arrest someone, what do they do, say "pretty please?" What do they do if you point a gun on them when they come to arrest you?

Your ignoring the fundamental facts and focusing on appearances because you don't want to admit how government operates.


Fucking moron, if you point a gun at them, you're the threat I'm describing and they will shoot you.

Thanks for proving me right.
Sure they do. If you refuse to comply with their demands and defend yourself, then they will shoot you.

You're pretending cops never use those things in their holsters.

I'm pretending no such thing. You'd know that if you weren't such a fucking moron. If you're a threat to their safety of others, they will draw their firearms and possibly use them. They cannot legally shoot someone who's not threatening anyone's safety.

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