BARR told Trump to his face, "you're going to lose, you're humiliating yourself: pettiness, acrimony, punching down, chaos--we're tired of this shit"

They were threatening him with the use of force, asshole. That choice isn't what "voluntary" means.

You are still running away from explaining what "involuntary" means. We both know why.

There was no use of force, fucking moron. He committed a crime for which he was facing legal consequences. That's on him for breaking the law. That too was voluntary.

According to your own definition, getting raped is "voluntary" if the perp gives you a choice of that or getting your throat slit.

No, fucking moron, that would not be voluntary since getting your throat slit is not a viable option.
Except for the fact that in order to plead guilty, you have to do so to the judge, under oath.

Pleading guilty when you're not guilty is perjury.
And Flynn perjured himself when he then stated under oath he was.not guilty of his crimes. The judge mentioned a possible new perjury charge. Then the foreign agent felon was pardoned by his orange God. At which time Flynn admitted guilt officially for the third time by accepting the pardon.
How does that alter the fact that the plea bargain is not voluntary? So you commit a crime by pleading guilty with a gun pointed at your head? You go to jail for pleading guilty and you go to jail for not pleading guilty.
and that's your conception of "voluntary?"

You are fucking brain damaged.

Does it hurt tying yourself into a pretzel to try to cling to the theory that Flynn isn't a treasonous criminal. The guy wanted Trump to declare martial law and seize the voting machines. Not to mention he was also a paid agent for Turkey, while he was the NSA.
Arresting you for committing a crime is not violence, you fucking moron.

Of course it is, asshole. It may be justified violence, but it's still the use of force.

Only a NAZI asshole would deny that arresting someone is suing force against him.
And Flynn perjured himself when he then stated under oath he was.not guilty of his crimes.

Pleading not guilty is perjury? You really a king sized dumbass.

The judge mentioned a possible new perjury charge. Then the foreign agent felon was pardoned by his orange God. At which time Flynn admitted guilt officially for the third time by accepting the pardon.

That's prog fantasy, not reality.
Does it hurt tying yourself into a pretzel to try to cling to the theory that Flynn isn't a treasonous criminal.
Trying to claim Flynn is guilty or treason requires you to twist yourself into knots. John Podesta did exactly the same thing. So where are his indictments? The bottom line is that you lying progs are the world's biggest hypocrites

The guy wanted Trump to declare martial law and seize the voting machines. Not to mention he was also a paid agent for Turkey, while he was the NSA.

I don't recall Flynn doing any of that.

done contrary to or without choice

not subject to control of the will
So getting raped is voluntary, according to you, so long as the perp gives you the choice of getting your throat slit. The definition assumes the choice is a free choice. Not one limited by the government.

What is the source for this trash?

Here's the Google definition:

1. done without will or conscious control."she gave an involuntary shudder"

2. done against someone's will; compulsory."a policy of involuntary repatriation"

According to the second definition, Flynn's "choice" was not voluntary.
It might be illegal if you had even a shred of evidence, but since you're just making that up, you just look like the fucking moron you are.
You're the one who insists that if a rapist offers you the choice of getting your throat slit if you don't comply with his demands, then it's "voluntary."
There was no use of force, fucking moron. He committed a crime for which he was facing legal consequences. That's on him for breaking the law. That too was voluntary.

There was no use of force!


"Legal consequences" means the government use of force against him. That's what law is, you fucking moron.

If I have a gun in my pocket so no one can see it, and I tell you to give me all your money or I'll shoot you, have I used force against you?
No, fucking moron, that would not be voluntary since getting your throat slit is not a viable option.
Oh, so now you've changed your answer to "viable option." So how is forcing you to spend every dime you have on legal fees "viable" but not having your throat slit? They would appear equally "viable" to any rational person.
So getting raped is voluntary, according to you, so long as the perp gives you the choice of getting your throat slit. The definition assumes the choice is a free choice. Not one limited by the government.

What is the source for this trash?

Here's the Google definition:

1. done without will or conscious control."she gave an involuntary shudder"

2. done against someone's will; compulsory."a policy of involuntary repatriation"

According to the second definition, Flynn's "choice" was not voluntary.
No, you fucking moron, "done without choice" is "involuntary," not voluntary. And Flynn chose to plead guilty. The very definition of voluntary

Are you ever not a fucking moron?


Now you're comparing choosing to breaking the law ... with rape.

You're the one who insists that if a rapist offers you the choice of getting your throat slit if you don't comply with his demands, then it's "voluntary."

Sadly, now you're lying about what I said. Did I really say that's voluntary?? Let's pull up the tape and see...

No, fucking moron, that would not be voluntary since getting your throat slit is not a viable option.

[emphasis added to highlight your lie]
No one believes anything Dims claim about why they did something. That's all just so much blather. I didn't even bother to read the rest of your swill.

I don't give anyone credit but the Ukrainians. However, the bottom line is that the Dims didn't help them. The Dims tried to obstruct giving aid to them. There is simply no denying that.
They wouldn't lie for your pos trump so your ah withheld aid
No, you fucking moron, "done without choice" is "involuntary," not voluntary. And Flynn chose to plead guilty. The very definition of voluntary

Are you ever not a fucking moron?


Now you're comparing choosing to breaking the law ... with rape.

But getting your throat slit is a choice, so it's voluntary., according to you Flynn "chose" the same why the victim of a rapist "chooses" to get her throat slit. You really don't get the meaning of the term "free choice," do you, dumbass? Servile bootlickers just don't understand concepts like "free choice."
Oh, so now you've changed your answer to "viable option." So how is forcing you to spend every dime you have on legal fees "viable" but not having your throat slit? They would appear equally "viable" to any rational person.

Because, fuckinging moron, going to prison is the worse option. Going to prison is the comparison with getting your throat slit in your twisted anology.

That's why you refused to answer my question I asked repeatedly, which is worse, going to prison or going broke. You wouldn't answer it because you realized the answer destroys your argument.
Sadly, now you're lying about what I said. Did I really say that's voluntary?? Let's pull up the tape and see...

[emphasis added to highlight your lie]
Yes, we both agree that you're changing your definition of "choice." Now it has to be "viable." So what's "viable" about spending every last dime you have on lawyers?

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