BARR told Trump to his face, "you're going to lose, you're humiliating yourself: pettiness, acrimony, punching down, chaos--we're tired of this shit"

But getting your throat slit is a choice, so it's voluntary., according to you Flynn "chose" the same why the victim of a rapist "chooses" to get her throat slit. You really don't get the meaning of the term "free choice," do you, dumbass? Servile bootlickers just don't understand concepts like "free choice."

It's sad that you can't argue without lying about what I said. Again, getting your throat slit is not a choice.
Because, fuckinging moron, going to prison is the worse option. Going to prison is the comparison with getting your throat slit in your twisted anology.

That's why you refused to answer my question I asked repeatedly, which is worse, going to prison or going broke. You wouldn't answer it because you realized the answer destroys your argument.

Both are bad options. Where did you say bad options don't count? If they don't count, that includes spending every last dime you have on lawyers.

I didn't answer your question because it doesn't matter. It's a side show. Being given a choice between two bad options is not voluntary. It's compulsion.
You've presented no facts. You are a constant circle jerk who says nothing. You need to be instituted. I'm not kidding.
Yes, I didn't present the known facts. Everyone already knows them.
No, fucking moron, I changed nothing. You're merely arguing absurdum.
Of course you changed something. First you said it was "voluntary" if he was given a choice. Then you changed that to it has to be a "viable option." If that's the case, then how does spending every last dime you have on lawyers constitute a "viable option?"
Both are bad options. Where did you say bad options don't count? If they don't count, that includes spending every last dime you have on lawyers.

I didn't answer your question because it doesn't matter. It's a side show. Being given a choice between two bad options is not voluntary. It's compulsion.

I never said otherwise. And yes, you refused to answer because the answer destroys your argument.

Watch this...

Which is worse, going to prison or going broke?

Answer: going to prison is worse.

See how easy that is? Yet you couldn't bring yourself to answer.
It doesn't matter who dragged the case out, it was extortion, pure and simple. Flynn should never been in court.
Flynn lied to the FBI about his involvement with Russia contacts. That's more than worthy of a court appearance.
I never said otherwise. And yes, you refused to answer because the answer destroys your argument.

Watch this...

Which is worse, going to prison or going broke?

Answer: going to prison is worse.

See how easy that is? Yet you couldn't bring yourself to answer.
It doesn't matter, dumb fuck. Both are bad options. A choice between two bad options imposed on you is not a free choice. It's tyranny.
Flynn lied to the FBI about his involvement with Russia contacts. That's more than worthy of a court appearance.
He should never have been interrogated by a couple of deep state apparatchiks. He wasn't suspected of any crime.
I never said there was more than one case. I said he pleaded guilty twice. First in Contreras' court; then in Sullivan's court, Sullivan ordered the prosecution to provide any exculpatory evidence, opening the door to Flynn motioning to withdraw his guilty plea. Instead, Flynn committed to his guilty plea to Sullivan.

Well now you are just making shit up as you go. First you said it was in 2 separate courts.

faun said:
He pleaded guilty in two separate courts when his case was handed to a second judge and that second judge offered him the opportunity to submit a plea to his court.
There was only ever one court- the US Federal District Court for D.C. Now you are claiming he entered more than one plea. If you think he did that, then post the second one.

He pled guilty in his first appearance, he doesn't have to do it again just because the judge changes- it's still the same case, with the same court record.

Sullivan's discovery order was appropriate because he was holding the case open. Judges don't formally accept the plea agreement until they sentence the defendant. That's when the defendant finds out if the court will go along with the deal.

A defendant can withdraw a guilty plea right up to the point where the sentence is passed. The judge will ask them one final time if they want to change their mind, he will caution the defendant that he is not bound by the agreement, the case cannot be appealed, and violation of the terms of the plea deal are grounds for an administrative conviction on the original charge.

Almost always, the court will go along with the plea agreement. But they are not required to.

What NEVER happened was Flynn pleading guilty more than once, or to more than one count of the 1001 violation. The only way that would happen is if additional charges were added later, or if the case was dropped and a new indictment was brought with different charges.

There is also the very questionable legal principle of charging perjury in an investigation where there was no underlying crime. Perjury has elements like every other crime, and one of the elements is that the false statement is intended to affect the outcome of a case. When there is no crime, there is no outcome to manipulate with a false statement. They were questioning Flynn about a phone call that was not improper in any way, and then charged him with lying about it.

The FBI's own documents show that it was a pretextual investigation, intentionally disguised as a defensive briefing. They admit that. They knew exactly what was said on the call, they were listening in. They had no cause to question Flynn about it. It was a setup, pure and simple. Charging someone for obstructing an investigation that shouldn't even be happening is not a legitimate application of the statute, which is why they DISMISSED the charges. With prejudice, I might add...
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You said Flynn should have never gone to court. That's not a fact, that's an idiotic opinion coming from a total ignoramus.
I didn't say it was a fact. It's my opinion. That fact that he was indicted shows that our legal system is thoroughly corrupt
It doesn't matter, dumb fuck. Both are bad options. A choice between two bad options imposed on you is not a free choice. It's tyranny.

Of course it matters, fucking moron. For one, your analogy absurdum fails you because a woman facing rape or death faces that as the victim of a crime and of no fault of her own; whereas Flynn faced his consequences because he chose to break the law. Even worse for you, prison or broke were not his only choices, which is how you falsely framed it. He could have solicited for financial aid with a gofundme page. He could have opted for a public defender. So no, he didn't have to pick betweeen prison or going broke. And he picked the worst situation, which was go to prison.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

It doesn't matter, dumb fuck. Both are bad options. A choice between two bad options imposed on you is not a free choice. It's tyranny.

Again, fucking moron, prison or bankrupt weren't his only choices. You're flopping around now like a dying fish over your own creation of false choices.
Both are bad options. Where did you say bad options don't count? If they don't count, that includes spending every last dime you have on lawyers.
Flynn spent more on lawyers after pleading guilty than he did before.

That's not putting up a defense, that's trying to have your cake and eat it too.
If that's the case, then how does spending every last dime you have on lawyers constitute a "viable option?"

It's not a viable option.

That's why you should never lie to the FBI, or that will become your only option. That and pleading guilty.

If you're going to be stupid enough to lie to the FBI, you shouldn't complain when the feds make a federal case of it.

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