BARR told Trump to his face, "you're going to lose, you're humiliating yourself: pettiness, acrimony, punching down, chaos--we're tired of this shit"

It does matter who dragged it out if you’re attempting to claim that you only pled guilty to avoid dragging it out.
It matters when the government is dragging it out to compel something they are not entitled to, and withholding exculpatory evidence for 2+ years (that showed they had no derogatory information on Flynn).

Flynn lied to the FBI. Everyone knows it.
The "lie" was saying he didn't remember something, in a meeting was a setup as shown in the FBI's own internal messages and emails.

They had investigated Flynn. They found no derogatory information of any kind. They closed the investigation. They knew the phone calls with Kislyak were nothing, and said so among themselves.

Then McCabe and Stzrok and Comey came up with the scheme to set the perjury trap. They knew the Russia collusion was a Clinton campaign smear, they had nothing derogatory on Trump.

They needed to "flip" someone on the inside to produce a crime to justify their outrageous investigation- FBI analysts and attorneys were running out and buying liability insurance!

So corrupt, and Durham has done nothing. :(

No, that's not true. There has only ever been one case- United States v. Flynn. It was brought in the US Federal Court for the District of Columbia.

The first judge was Rudy Contreras. Flynn appeared before Judge Contreras and pled guilty on December 1 to one count as reflected in the charging document I linked. The guilty plea is the plea agreement, and the statement of charges describes the offense.

Judge Contreras also sits on the FISA court, and he was removed from the Flynn case in the very beginning due to the FISA conflict. Judge Sullivan was appointed. Sullivan was the only judge that ever heard any arguments on any of the motions in the Flynn case.

He was the one that dragged out the case forever, and refused to dismiss it even after the DOJ dropped the prosecution and the DC Circuit Courty of Appeals ordered him to dismiss it. He only finally let go of it when Trump issued the pardon to put an end to Flynn's ordeal.

There are no other plea deals, no other courts, and no other indictments were ever brought against Flynn.

I never said there was more than one case. I said he pleaded guilty twice. First in Contreras' court; then in Sullivan's court, Sullivan ordered the prosecution to provide any exculpatory evidence, opening the door to Flynn motioning to withdraw his guilty plea. Instead, Flynn committed to his guilty plea to Sullivan.


Fucking moron, if you point a gun at them, you're the threat I'm describing and they will shoot you.

Thanks for proving me right.
Nope. I wouldn't be pulling a gun on them if they weren't trying to arrest me. I was no threat until they attacked me. The police instigated the event. They brought it on themselves, not the other way around, dumbass.
I'm pretending no such thing. You'd know that if you weren't such a fucking moron. If you're a threat to their safety of others, they will draw their firearms and possibly use them. They cannot legally shoot someone who's not threatening anyone's safety.
Yes you are.

I'm not a thrreat to anyone until the police come to arrest me. Then I'm a threat only to people who intend to use violence against me.

Only a congenital dumbass is capable of believing that following laws is voluntary.

Since that is "voluntary," can you define an action that would be involuntary? You still haven't done that.

Fucking moron, if you point a gun at them, you're the threat I'm describing and they will shoot you.

Thanks for proving me right.
The police are the ones intending to use violence against me if I don't comply with their demands. If they were private citizens, you would be within your rights to shoot them.
In other words, the are extorted. A voluntary plea would mean nothing would happen to you if you declined. That's what voluntary means.

Every mugger gives his victim a choice, hand over your money or I will shoot you. According to you, that's voluntary.


Again, fucking moron, you're basing that on your own mistaken definition of the word, "voluntary."
I'm pretending no such thing. You'd know that if you weren't such a fucking moron. If you're a threat to their safety of others, they will draw their firearms and possibly use them. They cannot legally shoot someone who's not threatening anyone's safety.
They are the ones threatening someone's safety. They use violence against you, and then they get to shoot you if you don't comply, and you claim laws are not enforced with guns?

You're a fucking NAZI moron.

Again, fucking moron, you're basing that on your own mistaken definition of the word, "voluntary."

Your definition of "voluntary" is the definition big brother uses.

Please give us an example of "involuntary" so we can all laugh at it.
You're upset because CNN was smart enough to stake out Stone's property after it was announced Stone was facing probable arrest?
They weren't that smart, dumbass. Mueller tipped them off. That's probably illegal.
ROFL! You are such a fucking moron. If a rapist tells his victim "take off your clothes or I will cut your throat," is that voluntary? according to you, it is. After all, the victim was given a choice.

Can you explain what non voluntary would be?

Again, fucking moron, no one was threatening to rape Flynn. He was facing a criminal charge and had the choice to fight it or surrender to it. He chose the latter.
Again, fucking moron, no one was threatening to rape Flynn. He was facing a criminal charge and had the choice to fight it or surrender to it. He chose the latter.
They were threatening him with the use of force, asshole. That choice isn't what "voluntary" means.

You are still running away from explaining what "involuntary" means. We both know why.
It matters when the government is dragging it out to compel something they are not entitled to, and withholding exculpatory evidence for 2+ years (that showed they had no derogatory information on Flynn).

The "lie" was saying he didn't remember something, in a meeting was a setup as shown in the FBI's own internal messages and emails.

They had investigated Flynn. They found no derogatory information of any kind. They closed the investigation. They knew the phone calls with Kislyak were nothing, and said so among themselves.

Then McCabe and Stzrok and Comey came up with the scheme to set the perjury trap. They knew the Russia collusion was a Clinton campaign smear, they had nothing derogatory on Trump.

They needed to "flip" someone on the inside to produce a crime to justify their outrageous investigation- FBI analysts and attorneys were running out and buying liability insurance!

So corrupt, and Durham has done nothing. :(

Thd lie was denying discussing sanctions with Kislyak.
Again, fucking moron, no one was threatening to rape Flynn. He was facing a criminal charge and had the choice to fight it or surrender to it. He chose the latter.
According to your own definition, getting raped is "voluntary" if the perp gives you a choice of that or getting your throat slit.
They are the ones threatening someone's safety. They use violence against you, and then they get to shoot you if you don't comply, and you claim laws are not enforced with guns?

You're a fucking NAZI moron.
Arresting you for committing a crime is not violence, you fucking moron.

If the FBI agent identifies himself to you and says he'd like to question you about a crime, and you lie to him, about anything, yes you can be charged.

You don't have to take an oath to tell the truth in order for you to be charged for lying. You can be charged for lying to any government agent, including the DMV.

I cannot believe that conservatives are trying to claim they have the right to lie to the government, with impunity. What happened to morals or honesty?

Bullshit. Why do you think they lied to the General about it not being a conversation of official capacity. That's what they told him after he asked whether he should get a lawyer or not.
They weren't that smart, dumbass. Mueller tipped them off. That's probably illegal.

It might be illegal if you had even a shred of evidence, but since you're just making that up, you just look like the fucking moron you are.

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