Barrack Obama and Joe Biden released current Taliban leader from GITMO.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Another huge blunder by Obama/Biden.

More American blood on Joe's hands

Hundreds of released Gitmo detainees back to killing Americans​

Biden reversed Trump's order to keep Guantanamo Bay open after assuming office​

Last month, the president freed his first prisoner — accused terrorist Abdul Latif Nasser — leaving the number of remaining detainees at 39. Ten others have been cleared for release, including some of Osama bin Laden’s bodyguards and 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s safehouse operator, according to Gitmo parole board documents.

Still other detainees have appealed to the Biden administration through their pro-bono defense lawyers to ensure their release, despite the risk of them returning to militant activities. The suspected 20th hijacker, Mohammad al-Qahtani, and a dozen other inmates are slated for parole hearings this year, documents reveal.

Biden is clearing out the cells despite being fully briefed by his intelligence agencies that one in three released detainees have gone back to fighting against America — and some have actually managed to kill more Americans.

"Based on trends identified during the past 17 years, we assess that some detainees currently at GTMO will seek to reengage in terrorist or insurgent activities after they are transferred," a recent US intelligence report warned.

According to the December 2020 declassified report by the Office of National Intelligence, a total of 229 of the 729 detainees released from Gitmo have reengaged in terrorist activities, including conducting and planning attacks and recruiting and funding terrorists. That’s a recidivism rate of 31%. (The share would be even higher if US intelligence included engagement in anti-US statements or propaganda in its definition of "terrorist activities.")

Some of the repeat offenders have since died or been recaptured, but 151 — or 66% — are still at large, the document reveals.

And some have American blood on their hands. At least 12 released detainees have launched attacks on US forces in Afghanistan and killed about a half-dozen American soldiers and civilians. The exact figure remains classified.

In fact, most of the former detainees found reengaging in terrorist activities are Afghans, which raises security alarms given the Taliban’s sacking of the US-backed government in Kabul and the flood of largely unvetted Afghan refugees being resettled in US cities. More than 200 Afghan prisoners have been repatriated from Gitmo.

One notorious Gitmo recidivist, Abdullah Gulam Rasoul, became the Taliban’s operations commander in southern Afghanistan soon after his 2007 release from the prison. He was blamed for masterminding a surge in roadside attacks against American troops and organizing assaults on US aircraft in Afghanistan.

The Taliban has relied on former detainees to fill other key leadership roles as well, including the "Taliban Five" who were released by President Obama in 2014 over Pentagon objections and are now top dogs in the revamped enemy group. As the Post first reported Monday, at least one of the freed Taliban commanders engaged in talks with Biden diplomats to secure the precipitous withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. In addition, Mullah Zakir was sent from Gitmo to Afghanistan in 2007, where he became one of the Taliban’s top military chiefs.

Another huge blunder by Obama/Biden.

More American blood on Joe's hands

Hundreds of released Gitmo detainees back to killing Americans​

Biden reversed Trump's order to keep Guantanamo Bay open after assuming office​

Last month, the president freed his first prisoner — accused terrorist Abdul Latif Nasser — leaving the number of remaining detainees at 39. Ten others have been cleared for release, including some of Osama bin Laden’s bodyguards and 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s safehouse operator, according to Gitmo parole board documents.

Still other detainees have appealed to the Biden administration through their pro-bono defense lawyers to ensure their release, despite the risk of them returning to militant activities. The suspected 20th hijacker, Mohammad al-Qahtani, and a dozen other inmates are slated for parole hearings this year, documents reveal.

Biden is clearing out the cells despite being fully briefed by his intelligence agencies that one in three released detainees have gone back to fighting against America — and some have actually managed to kill more Americans.

"Based on trends identified during the past 17 years, we assess that some detainees currently at GTMO will seek to reengage in terrorist or insurgent activities after they are transferred," a recent US intelligence report warned.

According to the December 2020 declassified report by the Office of National Intelligence, a total of 229 of the 729 detainees released from Gitmo have reengaged in terrorist activities, including conducting and planning attacks and recruiting and funding terrorists. That’s a recidivism rate of 31%. (The share would be even higher if US intelligence included engagement in anti-US statements or propaganda in its definition of "terrorist activities.")

Some of the repeat offenders have since died or been recaptured, but 151 — or 66% — are still at large, the document reveals.

And some have American blood on their hands. At least 12 released detainees have launched attacks on US forces in Afghanistan and killed about a half-dozen American soldiers and civilians. The exact figure remains classified.

In fact, most of the former detainees found reengaging in terrorist activities are Afghans, which raises security alarms given the Taliban’s sacking of the US-backed government in Kabul and the flood of largely unvetted Afghan refugees being resettled in US cities. More than 200 Afghan prisoners have been repatriated from Gitmo.

One notorious Gitmo recidivist, Abdullah Gulam Rasoul, became the Taliban’s operations commander in southern Afghanistan soon after his 2007 release from the prison. He was blamed for masterminding a surge in roadside attacks against American troops and organizing assaults on US aircraft in Afghanistan.

The Taliban has relied on former detainees to fill other key leadership roles as well, including the "Taliban Five" who were released by President Obama in 2014 over Pentagon objections and are now top dogs in the revamped enemy group. As the Post first reported Monday, at least one of the freed Taliban commanders engaged in talks with Biden diplomats to secure the precipitous withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. In addition, Mullah Zakir was sent from Gitmo to Afghanistan in 2007, where he became one of the Taliban’s top military chiefs.

Not surprised as the Democrat's love justifying prisoner's as being locked up unjustly, and to their utter surprise (maybe not), the prisoner's rape or kill again when released. I said it, and I'll keep saying it - Biden is a national security threat to this nation.
And Orange Jesus released 5,000 Talibans, including the new President


But keep spinning!
Clusterfuck Joe just released all Tollybon, AlQaeda, and ISIS fighters in a week.
Clusterfuck Joe just released all Tollybon, AlQaeda, and ISIS fighters in a week.
Ain't that sweet. One of the released G Bay terrorists is now in charge in Afghanistan and is bearing down on American detainees in that country as we speak. In one of the programs I saw ov TV this morning, over 10,000 American citizens are not being allowed clearance to get out of Afghanistan and sev:eral have already been beheaded, drawn, and quartered by the Taliban. Thanks Joe Biden for causing calamity by not getting civilians out before your unilateral disregard for our military advisers we furnished you to avoid such mayhem and loss of American lives in Afghanistan.

Plz check into a local funny farm, sir, and give back the oval office to Donald Trump who won the hearts of the majority of the American voters Nov. 3, 2020, but who was swindled of millionsof our votes that were replaced by the illegal votes of a handful of leftists who poisoned the well with thousands of votes apiece to give unpopular you the desk Bill Clinton dirtied with his sick issue on dozens of unlucky ladies who were afraid of crossing the rapist in chief due to the power of the office placed in his calumnious hands and mouth for eight years of disregard for American women due to his arrogance of power.
Another huge blunder by Obama/Biden.

More American blood on Joe's hands

Hundreds of released Gitmo detainees back to killing Americans​

Biden reversed Trump's order to keep Guantanamo Bay open after assuming office​

Last month, the president freed his first prisoner — accused terrorist Abdul Latif Nasser — leaving the number of remaining detainees at 39. Ten others have been cleared for release, including some of Osama bin Laden’s bodyguards and 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s safehouse operator, according to Gitmo parole board documents.

Still other detainees have appealed to the Biden administration through their pro-bono defense lawyers to ensure their release, despite the risk of them returning to militant activities. The suspected 20th hijacker, Mohammad al-Qahtani, and a dozen other inmates are slated for parole hearings this year, documents reveal.

Biden is clearing out the cells despite being fully briefed by his intelligence agencies that one in three released detainees have gone back to fighting against America — and some have actually managed to kill more Americans.

"Based on trends identified during the past 17 years, we assess that some detainees currently at GTMO will seek to reengage in terrorist or insurgent activities after they are transferred," a recent US intelligence report warned.

According to the December 2020 declassified report by the Office of National Intelligence, a total of 229 of the 729 detainees released from Gitmo have reengaged in terrorist activities, including conducting and planning attacks and recruiting and funding terrorists. That’s a recidivism rate of 31%. (The share would be even higher if US intelligence included engagement in anti-US statements or propaganda in its definition of "terrorist activities.")

Some of the repeat offenders have since died or been recaptured, but 151 — or 66% — are still at large, the document reveals.

And some have American blood on their hands. At least 12 released detainees have launched attacks on US forces in Afghanistan and killed about a half-dozen American soldiers and civilians. The exact figure remains classified.

In fact, most of the former detainees found reengaging in terrorist activities are Afghans, which raises security alarms given the Taliban’s sacking of the US-backed government in Kabul and the flood of largely unvetted Afghan refugees being resettled in US cities. More than 200 Afghan prisoners have been repatriated from Gitmo.

One notorious Gitmo recidivist, Abdullah Gulam Rasoul, became the Taliban’s operations commander in southern Afghanistan soon after his 2007 release from the prison. He was blamed for masterminding a surge in roadside attacks against American troops and organizing assaults on US aircraft in Afghanistan.

The Taliban has relied on former detainees to fill other key leadership roles as well, including the "Taliban Five" who were released by President Obama in 2014 over Pentagon objections and are now top dogs in the revamped enemy group. As the Post first reported Monday, at least one of the freed Taliban commanders engaged in talks with Biden diplomats to secure the precipitous withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. In addition, Mullah Zakir was sent from Gitmo to Afghanistan in 2007, where he became one of the Taliban’s top military chiefs.



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Another huge blunder by Obama/Biden.

More American blood on Joe's hands

Hundreds of released Gitmo detainees back to killing Americans​

Biden reversed Trump's order to keep Guantanamo Bay open after assuming office​

Last month, the president freed his first prisoner — accused terrorist Abdul Latif Nasser — leaving the number of remaining detainees at 39. Ten others have been cleared for release, including some of Osama bin Laden’s bodyguards and 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s safehouse operator, according to Gitmo parole board documents.

Still other detainees have appealed to the Biden administration through their pro-bono defense lawyers to ensure their release, despite the risk of them returning to militant activities. The suspected 20th hijacker, Mohammad al-Qahtani, and a dozen other inmates are slated for parole hearings this year, documents reveal.

Biden is clearing out the cells despite being fully briefed by his intelligence agencies that one in three released detainees have gone back to fighting against America — and some have actually managed to kill more Americans.

"Based on trends identified during the past 17 years, we assess that some detainees currently at GTMO will seek to reengage in terrorist or insurgent activities after they are transferred," a recent US intelligence report warned.

According to the December 2020 declassified report by the Office of National Intelligence, a total of 229 of the 729 detainees released from Gitmo have reengaged in terrorist activities, including conducting and planning attacks and recruiting and funding terrorists. That’s a recidivism rate of 31%. (The share would be even higher if US intelligence included engagement in anti-US statements or propaganda in its definition of "terrorist activities.")

Some of the repeat offenders have since died or been recaptured, but 151 — or 66% — are still at large, the document reveals.

And some have American blood on their hands. At least 12 released detainees have launched attacks on US forces in Afghanistan and killed about a half-dozen American soldiers and civilians. The exact figure remains classified.

In fact, most of the former detainees found reengaging in terrorist activities are Afghans, which raises security alarms given the Taliban’s sacking of the US-backed government in Kabul and the flood of largely unvetted Afghan refugees being resettled in US cities. More than 200 Afghan prisoners have been repatriated from Gitmo.

One notorious Gitmo recidivist, Abdullah Gulam Rasoul, became the Taliban’s operations commander in southern Afghanistan soon after his 2007 release from the prison. He was blamed for masterminding a surge in roadside attacks against American troops and organizing assaults on US aircraft in Afghanistan.

The Taliban has relied on former detainees to fill other key leadership roles as well, including the "Taliban Five" who were released by President Obama in 2014 over Pentagon objections and are now top dogs in the revamped enemy group. As the Post first reported Monday, at least one of the freed Taliban commanders engaged in talks with Biden diplomats to secure the precipitous withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. In addition, Mullah Zakir was sent from Gitmo to Afghanistan in 2007, where he became one of the Taliban’s top military chiefs.

Donald Trump released 5,000 Taliban from Afghan jails.

The huge blunder was Trump's surrender agreement with the Taliban.
Donald Trump released 5,000 Taliban from Afghan jails.
a lie

the afghan govt released them in exchange for 1000 of their own the Taliban had. Trump helped broker the deal, which was a step towards peace and a peaceful withdraw

Xiden tossed that process out
Not surprised as the Democrat's love justifying prisoner's as being locked up unjustly, and to their utter surprise (maybe not), the prisoner's rape or kill again when released. I said it, and I'll keep saying it - Biden is a national security threat to this nation.

You as usual have no clue what you are talking about.
a lie

the afghan govt released them in exchange for 1000 of their own the Taliban had. Trump helped broker the deal, which was a step towards peace and a peaceful withdraw

Xiden tossed that process out

The Afghan government opposed the release of these prisoners. They were pressured by Trump into doing so.
The Afghan government opposed the release of these prisoners. They were pressured by Trump into doing so.
As the age of the warrior increases and the age of intellectual recedes, we will see many deaths. We are to busy having violence here in our nation that even is helping to hasten the change.
The Afghan government opposed the release of these prisoners. They were pressured by Trump into doing so.
haha they were their prisoners to release! haha yeah i’m real sure they opposed getting 1000 of their people back!

you wanna know what the afghan govt really opposed? xiden’s surrender! now their country is in chaos
Another huge blunder by Obama/Biden.

More American blood on Joe's hands

Hundreds of released Gitmo detainees back to killing Americans​

Biden reversed Trump's order to keep Guantanamo Bay open after assuming office​

Last month, the president freed his first prisoner — accused terrorist Abdul Latif Nasser — leaving the number of remaining detainees at 39. Ten others have been cleared for release, including some of Osama bin Laden’s bodyguards and 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s safehouse operator, according to Gitmo parole board documents.

Still other detainees have appealed to the Biden administration through their pro-bono defense lawyers to ensure their release, despite the risk of them returning to militant activities. The suspected 20th hijacker, Mohammad al-Qahtani, and a dozen other inmates are slated for parole hearings this year, documents reveal.

Biden is clearing out the cells despite being fully briefed by his intelligence agencies that one in three released detainees have gone back to fighting against America — and some have actually managed to kill more Americans.

"Based on trends identified during the past 17 years, we assess that some detainees currently at GTMO will seek to reengage in terrorist or insurgent activities after they are transferred," a recent US intelligence report warned.

According to the December 2020 declassified report by the Office of National Intelligence, a total of 229 of the 729 detainees released from Gitmo have reengaged in terrorist activities, including conducting and planning attacks and recruiting and funding terrorists. That’s a recidivism rate of 31%. (The share would be even higher if US intelligence included engagement in anti-US statements or propaganda in its definition of "terrorist activities.")

Some of the repeat offenders have since died or been recaptured, but 151 — or 66% — are still at large, the document reveals.

And some have American blood on their hands. At least 12 released detainees have launched attacks on US forces in Afghanistan and killed about a half-dozen American soldiers and civilians. The exact figure remains classified.

In fact, most of the former detainees found reengaging in terrorist activities are Afghans, which raises security alarms given the Taliban’s sacking of the US-backed government in Kabul and the flood of largely unvetted Afghan refugees being resettled in US cities. More than 200 Afghan prisoners have been repatriated from Gitmo.

One notorious Gitmo recidivist, Abdullah Gulam Rasoul, became the Taliban’s operations commander in southern Afghanistan soon after his 2007 release from the prison. He was blamed for masterminding a surge in roadside attacks against American troops and organizing assaults on US aircraft in Afghanistan.

The Taliban has relied on former detainees to fill other key leadership roles as well, including the "Taliban Five" who were released by President Obama in 2014 over Pentagon objections and are now top dogs in the revamped enemy group. As the Post first reported Monday, at least one of the freed Taliban commanders engaged in talks with Biden diplomats to secure the precipitous withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. In addition, Mullah Zakir was sent from Gitmo to Afghanistan in 2007, where he became one of the Taliban’s top military chiefs.

You mean Dotard negotiated with some of those released from GITMO? Your boy was played by the Taliban because they were "nice" to him which is all Trump needs for him to sell this Country down the river, along with some campaign cash.
You mean Dotard negotiated with some of those released from GITMO? Your boy was played by the Taliban because they were "nice" to him which is all Trump needs for him to sell this Country down the river, along with some campaign cash.
no xiden is the one that has been…folks he helped release. They are now leading the Taliban and holding our people hostage

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