Barry Builds A Wall....

President Trump skewers the hypocrite...

“President and Mrs. Obama built/has a ten foot Wall around their D.C. mansion/compound. I agree, totally necessary for their safety and security. The U.S. needs the same thing, slightly larger version!,” Trump tweeted on Sunday afternoon."

Trump points to 'wall' built around Obama's DC home during fight for border wall funding

the president is a liar... you, and everyone, should KNOW that by now.... :rolleyes:

December 31 at 1:30 PM

In one of his most recent arguments for a southern border wall, President Trump on Sunday falsely claimed that the Washington home of former president Barack Obama and Michelle Obama is surrounded by a 10-foot wall.


Trump’s assertion came as a surprise to two of the Obamas' neighbors Monday, who told The Washington Post that there is no such wall. The 8,200-square-foot structure, despite several security features, is completely visible from the street.

A neighbor, a longtime resident of the area who spoke on the condition of anonymity to preserve their privacy, said Trump “has a very active imagination.”

“There’s a fence that goes along the front of the house, but it’s the same as the other neighbors have,” the neighbor said. “It’s tastefully done.”

Trump claims there’s a 10-foot wall around the Obamas' D.C. home. Neighbors say there’s not.
President Trump skewers the hypocrite...

“President and Mrs. Obama built/has a ten foot Wall around their D.C. mansion/compound. I agree, totally necessary for their safety and security. The U.S. needs the same thing, slightly larger version!,” Trump tweeted on Sunday afternoon."

Trump points to 'wall' built around Obama's DC home during fight for border wall funding

the president is a liar... you, and everyone, should KNOW that by now.... :rolleyes:

December 31 at 1:30 PM

In one of his most recent arguments for a southern border wall, President Trump on Sunday falsely claimed that the Washington home of former president Barack Obama and Michelle Obama is surrounded by a 10-foot wall.


Trump’s assertion came as a surprise to two of the Obamas' neighbors Monday, who told The Washington Post that there is no such wall. The 8,200-square-foot structure, despite several security features, is completely visible from the street.

A neighbor, a longtime resident of the area who spoke on the condition of anonymity to preserve their privacy, said Trump “has a very active imagination.”

“There’s a fence that goes along the front of the house, but it’s the same as the other neighbors have,” the neighbor said. “It’s tastefully done.”

Trump claims there’s a 10-foot wall around the Obamas' D.C. home. Neighbors say there’s not.
Trump does not believe in gun free zones, but we can't bring guns to his rallies. More guns in the hands of more Americans means more safety! Yet we can't bring guns to Trump rallies!


Jake, the Secret Service made it gun free. Did you see the red laser dots at the Christmas ceremony? Soros, Comey and the rest of the traitors and domestic terrorists know 2019 will be a very bad year for them and might want to try to take Trump off of the board before then.
President Trump skewers the hypocrite...

“President and Mrs. Obama built/has a ten foot Wall around their D.C. mansion/compound. I agree, totally necessary for their safety and security. The U.S. needs the same thing, slightly larger version!,” Trump tweeted on Sunday afternoon."

Trump points to 'wall' built around Obama's DC home during fight for border wall funding


Idiot thats how you secure a house, not a country. There actually is a difference.

Okay, Einstein, how do you secure a country?

You think caravan of people looking to enter the country through legal assylum process makes an argument for a wall???

Give it a fucking break, most of them are not looking for asylum until they get within 100 feet of the border. You may also be surprised, because Fakebook didn't tell you, many of them were offered asylum and jobs in Mexico...dumbass.

Maybe they need Obama fence spanning the entire continent to keep them out. :rolleyes:

Yup, ya gotta be a liberal to suggest something like that.
He should set an example and tear it down. After all, he was' Da Kewl Prez', right, 'Man a Da Peeps', all that Bullshit PR manufactured rubbish.

trump has hired illegals & that is another investigation just revving up............

So you support Democrats building walls, or do you just post random stupid off-topic comments all the time?

the reason why trump wants a WALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL to begin with is for brown spanish speaking people not to come in 'illegally' at the same time he has them in his employ.

& you bashing obama is hypocritical - just like president tinkles.

Ah, so you are here just to post rubbish; I thought so. Why did Obama finance and start building it, then? And why do you think that just because criminals are brown, it's wrong to keep the criminals out, exactly? Do you think we should allow all of South America t come in, because they're mostly brown, too? We all love to hear the comedy routines from 'anti-racist' racists like yourself, so full of heart warming memes and jeenyus.

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