Barry by the numbers: year one


Gone and forgotten
Nov 27, 2008
A by-the-numbers look at Obama's first year

7,949.09—Dow Jones Industrial Average close on Jan. 20, 2009.

10,609.65—Dow Jones Industrial Average close on Jan. 15, 2010.

13 million—Number of people 16 and older unemployed as of January 2009.

14.7 million—Number of people 16 and older unemployed as of December 2009

7.7 percent—Unemployment rate January 2009

10.0 percent—Unemployment rate December 2009

$787 billion—Cost of economic stimulus approved by Congress.

$10.6 trillion—Outstanding public debt Jan. 20, 2009.

$12.3 trillion—Outstanding public debt Jan. 14, 2009.

There are more at the link.

If that old standard of are you better off now then a year ago is used, barry would lose to Chimpola.

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