Barry Quiet As A Mouse

Other than an occasional stuttering, idiotic warning to leftists he's already endorsed, the boy is laying low.....Why? Because Barr is onto the plot and the plotters and Barry knows it's just a matter of time before he's in front of a grand jury. There's ample evidence that the coup against Trump began in the WH, common sense saying an operation of that magnitude didn't escape his daily briefings. So he knew, and he not only allowed it, but likely guided it to fruition. The only question is, who, maybe several, will flip on him to save their own skin.


I seriously doubt Obama and/or Clinton are at the top of this food chain, but it is strange both of them have gone silent.

Yes. So strange. They must be guilty of something. If they were innocent, they'd be tweeting about how corrupt the FBI is.

Yup, they must be trying to hide something.
Comey's out there tweeting like he's a patriotic American or something. Looks like he's considering an independent presidential run. :eek:
Don't kid yourself. He's active behind the scenes.

He's actively trying to cover his ass. He fucking rigged a Presidential Election, that's tough to get away with even for a democrat.

There's been a lot of shenanigans going on..and he was perpetrating quite a few of them.

In my mind, he should hang tomorrow for treason for trading 5 terrorist leaders for 1 traitor.

That's giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
Yes, you need Trump --- you are a bitch...period.....

and how pissed you will be when your kids grow up not to share in your weak pathetic insecurity......if they are lucky...

No, you're the bitch....and don't ever mention my kids again, cocksucker.
Barry should be subpoenaed to testify in answer to Strzok's text messages that state Obama demanded to be kept updated on everything they were doing in covering for Hillary and executing their coup attempt.
Barry should be subpoenaed to testify in answer to Strzok's text messages that state Obama demanded to be kept updated on everything they were doing in covering for Hillary and executing their coup attempt.

He emailed Hillary on her private server using a fake much for not knowing what she was doing....
I thought it was clear that Obama thought Booker was the guy, but Booker's turned out to be possibly the biggest clusterfk in the crowd. Sanders and Harris seem to have the most thought out strategy to getting the delegates. I'm not sure Obama wants to stick a fork in anybody … besides Trump

It will be another hundred years before we have another halfrican in the WH....Obama made sure of that. Mike wouldn't allow him to endorse Kameltoe Harris....he/she knows Barry has a wandering eye for actual females...she's almost beat the hetero out of him....wait a minute....maybe that's why Barry is hiding behind the drapes....Mike is smacking him around more often than before. :frown:
It always amazes me the myopic racism folks like you have....

Apparently, in your opinion -- the fact that you feel Obama was such a bad president, that justifies a black man not being elected president again...

But no white president in the history of our country being incompetent meant that NO OTHER WHITE MALE will be president again....

Somehow, the black guy is the one who has to be singled out and you wonder why folks think you are nothing more but closeted racists who are mad at the fact that you can't be overtly racist like the good ol days

You win that one.. Kinda elementary racism 101 to look for excuses for not having another "halfrican" for 100 years.

BUT -- I don't think even Obama is happy with the "Obama legacy".. Let's be honest about that. Last 2 years of Admin, the public had no idea what he was doing or thinking.
Obama will be seen as the president that helped America's enemies the most

He will be seen as the biggest traitor in American history

Obama intentionally weakened America more than any in history

Lowering the logjc level of the American voter is how he intentionally was trying to weaken America and help its enemies

If ever a president gets hung. It will be him

He is shaking in his boots

Trying to get help from crooked merkel who has weakened Germany in similar ways. But she is in trouble too
Obama will be seen as the president that helped America's enemies the most

He will be seen as the biggest traitor in American history

I absolutely agree!

What was his name? Barry Soetoro? where was he born?

....and so much more......

I pray he pays for everything he did against America.

Everyday I pray for Barry to pay .Shame on him!
Barry should be subpoenaed to testify in answer to Strzok's text messages that state Obama demanded to be kept updated on everything they were doing in covering for Hillary and executing their coup attempt.
Linky, linky
Barry should be subpoenaed to testify in answer to Strzok's text messages that state Obama demanded to be kept updated on everything they were doing in covering for Hillary and executing their coup attempt.
Linky, linky
Damn you are as useless as the black fag.....

New Strzok-Page texts call into question Obama's 2016 statement on FBI probes
Fox News

Feb 7, 2018 · Last Update February 8, 2018 ... FBI LOVERS' LATEST TEXT MESSAGES: OBAMA 'WANTS TO KNOW EVERYTHING' ... of a private email server during her tenure as secretary
Barry should be subpoenaed to testify in answer to Strzok's text messages that state Obama demanded to be kept updated on everything they were doing in covering for Hillary and executing their coup attempt.
Linky, linky

You're way too far behind in this treasonous act to educate. There were a couple "love notes" between Strzok and Page that said exactly that. Go find ALL of them and familiarize yourself on what Strzok is gonna tried on once he's indicted...
The Democrats' treasonous coup and crimes have been exposed. They failed. It would be in their best interest to drop it, shut up, and move on to trying to legislate.

They refuse. They continue to try to affect their coup. They continue to try to undermine this President and govt. For this reason Barr must destroy them by doing his job by bringing the criminals and traitors to justice.

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