Barry Quiet As A Mouse

Other than an occasional stuttering, idiotic warning to leftists he's already endorsed, the boy is laying low.....Why? Because Barr is onto the plot and the plotters and Barry knows it's just a matter of time before he's in front of a grand jury. There's ample evidence that the coup against Trump began in the WH, common sense saying an operation of that magnitude didn't escape his daily briefings. So he knew, and he not only allowed it, but likely guided it to fruition. The only question is, who, maybe several, will flip on him to save their own skin.

Nothing will happen to Big Ears, just as nothing will happen to Hillary. They are of the protected class.

You are dreaming...sadly.
That is because Obama is far more powerful than Trump....sad
Other than an occasional stuttering, idiotic warning to leftists he's already endorsed, the boy is laying low.....Why? Because Barr is onto the plot and the plotters and Barry knows it's just a matter of time before he's in front of a grand jury. There's ample evidence that the coup against Trump began in the WH, common sense saying an operation of that magnitude didn't escape his daily briefings. So he knew, and he not only allowed it, but likely guided it to fruition. The only question is, who, maybe several, will flip on him to save their own skin.


Member how quiet Dubya was about having sabotaged McCain?

And how Clinton laid low about undermining Gore?

And how HW said nothing about shooting himself in the foot?

Another day, another wackball hallucination. :tinfoil:
I thought it was clear that Obama thought Booker was the guy, but Booker's turned out to be possibly the biggest clusterfk in the crowd. Sanders and Harris seem to have the most thought out strategy to getting the delegates. I'm not sure Obama wants to stick a fork in anybody … besides Trump
Other than an occasional stuttering, idiotic warning to leftists he's already endorsed, the boy is laying low.....Why? Because Barr is onto the plot and the plotters and Barry knows it's just a matter of time before he's in front of a grand jury. There's ample evidence that the coup against Trump began in the WH, common sense saying an operation of that magnitude didn't escape his daily briefings. So he knew, and he not only allowed it, but likely guided it to fruition. The only question is, who, maybe several, will flip on him to save their own skin.

Nothing will happen to Big Ears, just as nothing will happen to Hillary. They are of the protected class.

You are dreaming...sadly.
That is because Obama is far more powerful than Trump....sad
Obama was entirely owned by the big corporations and the 1%. I suspect Trump is no different but should he stop the invasion of illiterates from the south, thus helping poor and middle class Americans, that would be in contradiction to the wishes of the corporatists like Big Ears.
Other than an occasional stuttering, idiotic warning to leftists he's already endorsed, the boy is laying low.....Why? Because Barr is onto the plot and the plotters and Barry knows it's just a matter of time before he's in front of a grand jury. There's ample evidence that the coup against Trump began in the WH, common sense saying an operation of that magnitude didn't escape his daily briefings. So he knew, and he not only allowed it, but likely guided it to fruition. The only question is, who, maybe several, will flip on him to save their own skin.

Nothing will happen to Big Ears, just as nothing will happen to Hillary. They are of the protected class.

You are dreaming...sadly.
That is because Obama is far more powerful than Trump....sad
Obama was entirely owned by the big corporations and the 1%. I suspect Trump is no different but should he stop the invasion of illiterates from the south, thus helping poor and middle class Americans, that would be in contradiction to the wishes of the corporatists like Big Ears.
Why didn't trump close the border?

Did those big corporations stop him?

So Obama isn't a socialist radical muslim terrorist? Now he is just a basic corporate establishment politician?

Funny how quickly you guys ignore all of the previous bullshit talking points yall had about someone, just to switch them for another set of bullshit talking points
I thought it was clear that Obama thought Booker was the guy, but Booker's turned out to be possibly the biggest clusterfk in the crowd. Sanders and Harris seem to have the most thought out strategy to getting the delegates. I'm not sure Obama wants to stick a fork in anybody … besides Trump

It will be another hundred years before we have another halfrican in the WH....Obama made sure of that. Mike wouldn't allow him to endorse Kameltoe Harris....he/she knows Barry has a wandering eye for actual females...she's almost beat the hetero out of him....wait a minute....maybe that's why Barry is hiding behind the drapes....Mike is smacking him around more often than before.....poor Barry. :frown:
I thought it was clear that Obama thought Booker was the guy, but Booker's turned out to be possibly the biggest clusterfk in the crowd. Sanders and Harris seem to have the most thought out strategy to getting the delegates. I'm not sure Obama wants to stick a fork in anybody … besides Trump

It will be another hundred years before we have another halfrican in the WH....Obama made sure of that. Mike wouldn't allow him to endorse Kameltoe Harris....he/she knows Barry has a wandering eye for actual females...she's almost beat the hetero out of him....wait a minute....maybe that's why Barry is hiding behind the drapes....Mike is smacking him around more often than before. :frown:
It always amazes me the myopic racism folks like you have....

Apparently, in your opinion -- the fact that you feel Obama was such a bad president, that justifies a black man not being elected president again...

But no white president in the history of our country being incompetent meant that NO OTHER WHITE MALE will be president again....

Somehow, the black guy is the one who has to be singled out and you wonder why folks think you are nothing more but closeted racists who are mad at the fact that you can't be overtly racist like the good ol days
Other than an occasional stuttering, idiotic warning to leftists he's already endorsed, the boy is laying low.....Why? Because Barr is onto the plot and the plotters and Barry knows it's just a matter of time before he's in front of a grand jury. There's ample evidence that the coup against Trump began in the WH, common sense saying an operation of that magnitude didn't escape his daily briefings. So he knew, and he not only allowed it, but likely guided it to fruition. The only question is, who, maybe several, will flip on him to save their own skin.


Funny chit. Trying to change the subject from their orange buddies upcoming report showing us all what a piece of shit he really is.

Investigate Obama all, you want. All it will do is make public all the dirty shit Trump did. All the lies * covert ups.
, Trump wasd lying about his campaign's contacts with Ruissia.

And no one was supposed to do anything.

I get it.
It always amazes me the myopic racism folks like you have....

Apparently, in your opinion -- the fact that you feel Obama was such a bad president, that justifies a black man not being elected president again...

But no white president in the history of our country being incompetent meant that NO OTHER WHITE MALE will be president again....

Somehow, the black guy is the one who has to be singled out and you wonder why folks think you are nothing more but closeted racists who are mad at the fact that you can't be overtly racist like the good ol days

I haven't denied being a "racist"....the fucking apes burned down Detroit just before I shipped out to Vietnam. There we couldn't trust them out on patrol after King got shot. At home, I've seen the riots, the white man being the object of the "knock out" game and white women raped during the "wilding" attacks. I boxed at Kronk...I ain't afraid of blacks....I've knocked a shitload of them out cold dead bang. You're every bit the racist I am....but your "racism" is based on there being only so much shit we'll take off your race....boy.
Funny chit. Trying to change the subject from their orange buddies upcoming report showing us all what a piece of shit he really is.

Investigate Obama all, you want. All it will do is make public all the dirty shit Trump did. All the lies * covert ups.
, Trump wasd lying about his campaign's contacts with Ruissia.

And no one was supposed to do anything.

I get it.

If you got it, you'd spit at the mention of the Kenyan fairy's name. Trump is flushing Barry's "legacy" down the toilet and gotten us back on track.....Keep mourning your pussy messiah....the rest of the country and world is glad to be rid of the stink.
It always amazes me the myopic racism folks like you have....

Apparently, in your opinion -- the fact that you feel Obama was such a bad president, that justifies a black man not being elected president again...

But no white president in the history of our country being incompetent meant that NO OTHER WHITE MALE will be president again....

Somehow, the black guy is the one who has to be singled out and you wonder why folks think you are nothing more but closeted racists who are mad at the fact that you can't be overtly racist like the good ol days

I haven't denied being a "racist"....the fucking apes burned down Detroit just before I shipped out to Vietnam. There we couldn't trust them out on patrol after King got shot. At home, I've seen the riots, the white man being the object of the "knock out" game and white women raped during the "wilding" attacks. I boxed at Kronk...I ain't afraid of blacks....I've knocked a shitload of them out cold dead bang. You're every bit the racist I am....but your "racism" is based on there being only so much shit we'll take off your race....boy.
You a whole bitch who thinks vicariously living out your racist delusions thru Trump will help you with your lifelong insecurity...

And you remain frustrated that it doesn't help it out at all...

Because in a conversation about polices, ideas and intellect -- you are talking about "I'm not afraid of blacks, I have beat some up" are the reason I say Trumpers are pathetic....
You a whole bitch who thinks vicariously living out your racist delusions thru Trump will help you with your lifelong insecurity...

And you remain frustrated that it doesn't help it out at all...

Because in a conversation about polices, ideas and intellect -- you are talking about "I'm not afraid of blacks, I have beat some up" are the reason I say Trumpers are pathetic....

Dime store should quit while you're behind. I don't need Trump but my kids and grandkids sure do. You remember to give up any of the benefits you've gotten from deserve nothing but a shovel to dig yourself out of the ditch Barry left you in.
Other than an occasional stuttering, idiotic warning to leftists he's already endorsed, the boy is laying low.....Why? Because Barr is onto the plot and the plotters and Barry knows it's just a matter of time before he's in front of a grand jury. There's ample evidence that the coup against Trump began in the WH, common sense saying an operation of that magnitude didn't escape his daily briefings. So he knew, and he not only allowed it, but likely guided it to fruition. The only question is, who, maybe several, will flip on him to save their own skin.

Nothing will happen to Big Ears, just as nothing will happen to Hillary. They are of the protected class.

You are dreaming...sadly.
That is because Obama is far more powerful than Trump....sad
Obama was entirely owned by the big corporations and the 1%. I suspect Trump is no different but should he stop the invasion of illiterates from the south, thus helping poor and middle class Americans, that would be in contradiction to the wishes of the corporatists like Big Ears.
Why didn't trump close the border?

Did those big corporations stop him?

So Obama isn't a socialist radical muslim terrorist? Now he is just a basic corporate establishment politician?

Funny how quickly you guys ignore all of the previous bullshit talking points yall had about someone, just to switch them for another set of bullshit talking points
You clearly have me confused with a conservative.
Other than an occasional stuttering, idiotic warning to leftists he's already endorsed, the boy is laying low.....Why? Because Barr is onto the plot and the plotters and Barry knows it's just a matter of time before he's in front of a grand jury. There's ample evidence that the coup against Trump began in the WH, common sense saying an operation of that magnitude didn't escape his daily briefings. So he knew, and he not only allowed it, but likely guided it to fruition. The only question is, who, maybe several, will flip on him to save their own skin.

Nothing will happen to Big Ears, just as nothing will happen to Hillary. They are of the protected class.

You are dreaming...sadly.
That is because Obama is far more powerful than Trump....sad
Obama was entirely owned by the big corporations and the 1%. I suspect Trump is no different but should he stop the invasion of illiterates from the south, thus helping poor and middle class Americans, that would be in contradiction to the wishes of the corporatists like Big Ears.
Why didn't trump close the border?

Did those big corporations stop him?

So Obama isn't a socialist radical muslim terrorist? Now he is just a basic corporate establishment politician?

Funny how quickly you guys ignore all of the previous bullshit talking points yall had about someone, just to switch them for another set of bullshit talking points
You clearly have me confused with a conservative.
You can claim you are an imaginary libertarian or anarcho-capitalist libertarian or whatever 4039543 different versions of failed libertarian circle jerk ideologies that are out there these days -- at the end of the day -- you will cheerlead every conservative policy that comes out of republicans and then pretend you don't support them when they become policy disasters.
Other than an occasional stuttering, idiotic warning to leftists he's already endorsed, the boy is laying low.....Why? Because Barr is onto the plot and the plotters and Barry knows it's just a matter of time before he's in front of a grand jury. There's ample evidence that the coup against Trump began in the WH, common sense saying an operation of that magnitude didn't escape his daily briefings. So he knew, and he not only allowed it, but likely guided it to fruition. The only question is, who, maybe several, will flip on him to save their own skin.


I seriously doubt Obama and/or Clinton are at the top of this food chain, but it is strange both of them have gone silent.

Yes. So strange. They must be guilty of something. If they were innocent, they'd be tweeting about how corrupt the FBI is.
He hasn't "gone silent". He hasn't said much about anything since leaving office. That's just how Presidents do for their first few years out of office. :dunno:

Yep, perhaps he doesn't have his teleprompter.

He once had a teleprompter is a grade school classroom to talk to 8 year olds.....he falls into his stuttering routines without one.

This moron believes fake internet memes. Why? Because he's a moron.
Other than an occasional stuttering, idiotic warning to leftists he's already endorsed, the boy is laying low.....Why? Because Barr is onto the plot and the plotters and Barry knows it's just a matter of time before he's in front of a grand jury. There's ample evidence that the coup against Trump began in the WH, common sense saying an operation of that magnitude didn't escape his daily briefings. So he knew, and he not only allowed it, but likely guided it to fruition. The only question is, who, maybe several, will flip on him to save their own skin.


Indictments coming soon...right? :rolleyes:

Let me give you an update on Obama:


Barack Obama sightings post-presidency
obama copy.jpg
Nothing will happen to Big Ears, just as nothing will happen to Hillary. They are of the protected class.

You are dreaming...sadly.
That is because Obama is far more powerful than Trump....sad
Obama was entirely owned by the big corporations and the 1%. I suspect Trump is no different but should he stop the invasion of illiterates from the south, thus helping poor and middle class Americans, that would be in contradiction to the wishes of the corporatists like Big Ears.
Why didn't trump close the border?

Did those big corporations stop him?

So Obama isn't a socialist radical muslim terrorist? Now he is just a basic corporate establishment politician?

Funny how quickly you guys ignore all of the previous bullshit talking points yall had about someone, just to switch them for another set of bullshit talking points
You clearly have me confused with a conservative.
You can claim you are an imaginary libertarian or anarcho-capitalist libertarian or whatever 4039543 different versions of failed libertarian circle jerk ideologies that are out there these days -- at the end of the day -- you will cheerlead every conservative policy that comes out of republicans and then pretend you don't support them when they become policy disasters.
you clearly don't know me, but stupidly think you do. why be stupid on purpose?

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