Barry Squeals Just Like A Pig

Shitstain obama's attorney general was impeached. Eric Holder the only ag to have that distinction.

Wait a minute, Holder wasn't "impeached"... He was however found in contempt of Congress, showing the disdain that the Obama administration had for not only our system of oversight that congress has over the justice department, but the Constitution itself...

And, the irony that the democrats are showing now claiming that Barr is in Trump's pocket is stunning hypocrisy to say the least...
The Great Obama ran a corruption free administration.

Like all Real Americans, he is shocked at how Trump has corrupted the office

Hopefully that is sarcasm and not what you truly believe. Being a sheep is a terrible waste of a mind.
It’s a FACT Jack

The Great Obama was incorruptible

Obama was the definition of corruption, and as we go forward his legacy will be that of the only President in American history that used his corrupt adminstration, and FBI, CIA to go after American's in a corrupt scheme to alter an election.
He ain't even man enough to be interviewed in real time....Instead he supposedly calls his "alumni" (a collection of communist queers) and it's "intercepted" by Yahoo...huh? Of course Barry talked more about himself than Biden but figures he's giving Creepy Joe his "support" and reasons all he has to do is talk about something instead of changing it. And after 8 dismal years of paralysis by analysis, he goes back to sniffing Mike's jock strap. What a pathetic fool.
Shitstain obama's attorney general was impeached. Eric Holder the only ag to have that distinction.

Wait a minute, Holder wasn't "impeached"... He was however found in contempt of Congress, showing the disdain that the Obama administration had for not only our system of oversight that congress has over the justice department, but the Constitution itself...

And, the irony that the democrats are showing now claiming that Barr is in Trump's pocket is stunning hypocrisy to say the least...
It's called projection; the accusation that you are doing exactly what they are doing or have done.....The moonbats are aces at it....It happens among people who have absolutely no self-awareness.
Shitstain obama's attorney general was impeached. Eric Holder the only ag to have that distinction.

Wait a minute, Holder wasn't "impeached"... He was however found in contempt of Congress, showing the disdain that the Obama administration had for not only our system of oversight that congress has over the justice department, but the Constitution itself...

And, the irony that the democrats are showing now claiming that Barr is in Trump's pocket is stunning hypocrisy to say the least...
Oh, the Good Ole Days

Holder refused to turn over one document and was found in contempt.

Those same Republicans refused to hold Trump accountable toturn over any documents at all
Shitstain obama's attorney general was impeached. Eric Holder the only ag to have that distinction.

Wait a minute, Holder wasn't "impeached"... He was however found in contempt of Congress, showing the disdain that the Obama administration had for not only our system of oversight that congress has over the justice department, but the Constitution itself...

And, the irony that the democrats are showing now claiming that Barr is in Trump's pocket is stunning hypocrisy to say the least...
It's called projection; the accusation that you are doing exactly what they are doing or have done.....The moonbats are aces at it....It happens among people who have absolutely no self-awareness.

I'm aware of that concept, however, I don't think that is what he was doing...Highlighting that Obama and Holder were doing exactly what they are accusing Barr of today is revealing to normal people in America.
Shitstain obama's attorney general was impeached. Eric Holder the only ag to have that distinction.

Wait a minute, Holder wasn't "impeached"... He was however found in contempt of Congress, showing the disdain that the Obama administration had for not only our system of oversight that congress has over the justice department, but the Constitution itself...

And, the irony that the democrats are showing now claiming that Barr is in Trump's pocket is stunning hypocrisy to say the least...
Oh, the Good Ole Days

Holder refused to turn over one document and was found in contempt.

Those same Republicans refused to hold Trump accountable toturn over any documents at all

And you really believe that....Sad.
"Rule of law". This weeks liberal soundbite. Like a bunch of goddamn parrots.

Forgive me if I find their concern completely full of hypocrisy and bullshit.
They left out "our" before "law"
Social justice is really JUST US.....everyone else can lose their jobs and their homes and just starve and die.
This is communism folks.
people are about to start getting thrown out of helicopters.

many on the left refuse to see how they're WAY OUT OF BOUNDS in order to call someone who "lied" a total criminal; just to get to trump. what you allow to get what you want defines who you are.

paying porn stars to keep their mouth shut defines what again ?
Porn stars that were whores getting paid in the first place? Anyway, who cares? This is a Prog agenda that you won many decades ago. You are just bringing it up because there are people who do not live that way. I know. A Repub running for the 2016 election that was totally wholesome was going to win the election. And Progs were going to vote for that person right? If that era existed, it died around 1970 or so and kept quiet before it.
They're coming for you, ya git. :auiqs.jpg:

Former President Barack Obama on Friday reacted to the Justice Department’s move to end its case against Michael Flynn by declaring that the “rule of law is at risk” -- as new details emerge about what the former president knew about the case against Flynn in the last days of his administration.

Obama says ‘rule of law is at risk’ after DOJ dropped Michael Flynn case

Barr is a hand picked, ass kisser of Donald Trump. He has set aside justice to do the bidding of the least trustworthy, vindictive and incompetent person to ever serve as President. It's unfortunate only Obama and not G. W. Bush and Jimmy Carter haven't stood up and expressed their deep concern for the damage down by Trump.

Maybe his last FUBAR will insight deserved criticism, that is the intent to mislead the public on the danger of opening up too soon. See:

Got to love how you commies lie. That was a draft document that was leaked, it hadn't been reviewed and finalized. But hey, it's clear facts have no place in your commie propaganda.

They're coming for you, ya git. :auiqs.jpg:

Former President Barack Obama on Friday reacted to the Justice Department’s move to end its case against Michael Flynn by declaring that the “rule of law is at risk” -- as new details emerge about what the former president knew about the case against Flynn in the last days of his administration.

Obama says ‘rule of law is at risk’ after DOJ dropped Michael Flynn case
Barry knows he directed all of it....and that the finger of guilt points directly at him.
I'm seeing this COVID-19 scare as yet another attempt to delay any arrests till after the election.
Democrats hope they can take back Congress and the White House and squash this thing before the guilty parties end up behind bars.
Democrats want to delay everything and stretch out the lock down till after the election.
They'll be blaming all of the destruction they're causing Trump and hope fools enough idiots into believing it.

Over 60 million of these stupid fucks are going to vote for Biden.
Porn stars that were whores getting paid in the first place? Anyway, who cares? This is a Prog agenda that you won many decades ago. You are just bringing it up because there are people who do not live that way. I know. A Repub running for the 2016 election that was totally wholesome was going to win the election. And Progs were going to vote for that person right? If that era existed, it died around 1970 or so and kept quiet before it.

They were called "Rockefeller Republicans", they were always in the minority, and they went along with the "socialists"' (before they revealed themselves to be communists) to get a few table scraps for their districts. Both sides were content with this scenario until Reagan came along.
Obama lecturing America about the "rule of law" is almost has funny as Madonna lecturing people about chastity.
How many Obama administration officials were indicted for all their supposed lawlessness?

Protected species.

Perhaps the protection is being lifted.
So you are saying that getting protection from the justice dept. is a corrupt practice?

Indeed. Now compare the Holder DOJ to the Barr DOJ.

C'mon, make us laugh.

You do it, and try to make a case that Barr is honest and seeks justice, and not the favor of the president.

Typical commie bullshit. It's on you to prove your accusations. With all the evidence you commies are ignoring, that would be a tall task.

Shitstain obama's attorney general was impeached.

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department’s inspector general on Wednesday issued a scathing critique of federal officials for their handling of the botched gun-trafficking case known as Operation Fast and Furious, but essentially exonerated Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., whom many Republicans have blamed for the scandal.
Shitstain obama's attorney general was impeached.

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department’s inspector general on Wednesday issued a scathing critique of federal officials for their handling of the botched gun-trafficking case known as Operation Fast and Furious, but essentially exonerated Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., whom many Republicans have blamed for the scandal.

What's that? The NYTimes was defending Holder, and Obama? Shocking.
NO, they weren't....And Durham is going to show you that in the near future...
That's a virtual lock now that we have seen Billy the Bagman once again prove there are no lengths he won't go to in prostituting the DOJ in support of Dear Leader.

Aww, what's the matter? Your corruption about to be revealed? Tough shit...I know you'd like to have two standards, one for Republican's and one for Democrats, but decent people see through that BS.
The Great Obama ran a corruption free administration.

Like all Real Americans, he is shocked at how Trump has corrupted the office

Who in the administration of the Great Obama was even indicted let alone convicted ?

Never saw the Great Obama impeached like Crooked Donnie

If your point is that the filthy marxist shitstains lied and covered for each other, it's duly noted. Although I wouldn't brag about it.

That fucking "wingman" needs some serious correctional shit-dicking in the showers. Just sayin'.....
his point is he drops snark and hope someone will reply to validate his pathetic existance.

outside that all he has to offer is shit in a coke bottle. just don't ask how that shit got in there.
The Great Obama ran a corruption free administration.

Like all Real Americans, he is shocked at how Trump has corrupted the office

Who in the administration of the Great Obama was even indicted let alone convicted ?

Never saw the Great Obama impeached like Crooked Donnie

If your point is that the filthy marxist shitstains lied and covered for each other, it's duly noted. Although I wouldn't brag about it.

That fucking "wingman" needs some serious correctional shit-dicking in the showers. Just sayin'.....
his point is he drops snark and hope someone will reply to validate his pathetic existance.

outside that he ain't got shit in a coke bottle to offer anyone. just don't ask how that shit got in there.

I agree, that's why I try hard to ignore their BS most of the time....Unless that is, they happen to utter something near relevant to the conversation.
The Great Obama ran a corruption free administration.

Like all Real Americans, he is shocked at how Trump has corrupted the office

Who in the administration of the Great Obama was even indicted let alone convicted ?

Never saw the Great Obama impeached like Crooked Donnie

If your point is that the filthy marxist shitstains lied and covered for each other, it's duly noted. Although I wouldn't brag about it.

That fucking "wingman" needs some serious correctional shit-dicking in the showers. Just sayin'.....
his point is he drops snark and hope someone will reply to validate his pathetic existance.

outside that he ain't got shit in a coke bottle to offer anyone. just don't ask how that shit got in there.

I agree, that's why I try hard to ignore their BS most of the time....Unless that is, they happen to utter something near relevant to the conversation.
don't think there's a time he's ever been relevant.

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