Barry Squeals Just Like A Pig

They're coming for you, ya git. :auiqs.jpg:

Former President Barack Obama on Friday reacted to the Justice Departmentā€™s move to end its case against Michael Flynn by declaring that the ā€œrule of law is at riskā€ -- as new details emerge about what the former president knew about the case against Flynn in the last days of his administration.

Obama says ā€˜rule of law is at riskā€™ after DOJ dropped Michael Flynn case

Barrack really fucked up with his assumption trump woudln't win and he could just do whatever he wanted to him and his campaign

History books will not be kind to him on this topic

There is no way he approves any of this without believing trump had a shot to win even the primary

history books love impeached presidents who lost 33 million jobs on their watch -
trumps legacy


food banks
"Rule of law". This weeks liberal soundbite. Like a bunch of goddamn parrots.

Forgive me if I find their concern completely full of hypocrisy and bullshit.
They left out "our" before "law"
Social justice is really JUST US.....everyone else can lose their jobs and their homes and just starve and die.
This is communism folks.
people are about to start getting thrown out of helicopters.

many on the left refuse to see how they're WAY OUT OF BOUNDS in order to call someone who "lied" a total criminal; just to get to trump. what you allow to get what you want defines who you are.
"Rule of law". This weeks liberal soundbite. Like a bunch of goddamn parrots.

Forgive me if I find their concern completely full of hypocrisy and bullshit.
They left out "our" before "law"
Social justice is really JUST US.....everyone else can lose their jobs and their homes and just starve and die.
This is communism folks.
people are about to start getting thrown out of helicopters.

many on the left refuse to see how they're WAY OUT OF BOUNDS in order to call someone who "lied" a total criminal; just to get to trump. what you allow to get what you want defines who you are.

paying porn stars to keep their mouth shut defines what again ?
They're coming for you, ya git. :auiqs.jpg:

Former President Barack Obama on Friday reacted to the Justice Departmentā€™s move to end its case against Michael Flynn by declaring that the ā€œrule of law is at riskā€ -- as new details emerge about what the former president knew about the case against Flynn in the last days of his administration.

Obama says ā€˜rule of law is at riskā€™ after DOJ dropped Michael Flynn case

Actually, he's right . The rule of law is at risk, if those who abused their power in his regime aren't called to task over their treatment of Gen. Flynn.
Obama lecturing America about the "rule of law" is almost has funny as Madonna lecturing people about chastity.
How many Obama administration officials were indicted for all their supposed lawlessness?

Patience, the prosecutor Mr. Durham is looking at a whole host of Obama officials to indict. Will it be Comey? Strzok? Page? McCabe? Maybe people higher on the Food Chain? We shall see. If Vice President Biden is thrown into jail, he'd be the first socialist to run from his jail cell since Eugene V. Debs,exactly 100 years ago
"Rule of law". This weeks liberal soundbite. Like a bunch of goddamn parrots.

Forgive me if I find their concern completely full of hypocrisy and bullshit.
They left out "our" before "law"
Social justice is really JUST US.....everyone else can lose their jobs and their homes and just starve and die.
This is communism folks.
people are about to start getting thrown out of helicopters.

many on the left refuse to see how they're WAY OUT OF BOUNDS in order to call someone who "lied" a total criminal; just to get to trump. what you allow to get what you want defines who you are.

paying porn stars to keep their mouth shut defines what again ?

:rolleyes: You idiots just can't help yourselves can you? Do you even realize how desperate you look when you continue in that fashion?

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