Barry the Magnificent says that he is going to get involved in the DACA issue.

Why don't we just expect people to immigrate legally and apply immigration laws to everyone regardless of their origin? Seems fair and simple enough. Why complicate this with extraneous laws that we don't need anyway?
You would think so.......however, lefties do not follow the law when it is not in their interest......DACA was an abuse of executive power by Obama.....basically an amnesty program which encouraged thousands of children to be sent here illegally.....of course their parents intended to follow the children and also be let in.....after all, 'who wants to spit up families'....
Yes, "who wants to break up families" is a concern, one concern law enforcement dosen't seem too bothered about. How many people with families get convicted of felonies (manslaughter, auto theft, robbery etc.) and are put in prison. It's never a concern in those instances, WHY is it one with illegal immigrants? I often wondered about the legitimacy of this concern. It seems like an emotional ploy than anything valid.
Blacks don't worry about splitting up families, 70% of all black children do not have two married parents living under the same roof
Why don't we just expect people to immigrate legally and apply immigration laws to everyone regardless of their origin? Seems fair and simple enough. Why complicate this with extraneous laws that we don't need anyway?
You would think so.......however, lefties do not follow the law when it is not in their interest......DACA was an abuse of executive power by Obama.....basically an amnesty program which encouraged thousands of children to be sent here illegally.....of course their parents intended to follow the children and also be let in.....after all, 'who wants to spit up families'....
Yes, "who wants to break up families" is a concern, one concern law enforcement dosen't seem too bothered about. How many people with families get convicted of felonies (manslaughter, auto theft, robbery etc.) and are put in prison. It's never a concern in those instances, WHY is it one with illegal immigrants? I often wondered about the legitimacy of this concern. It seems like an emotional ploy than anything valid.
It's a soft soap sell feelings things
What I don't understand is how Obama thinks his word is law....forever. So, when he is no longer POTUS, other POTUS' have to go along with whatever he proclaimed as law? Um. No.
Why don't we just expect people to immigrate legally and apply immigration laws to everyone regardless of their origin? Seems fair and simple enough. Why complicate this with extraneous laws that we don't need anyway?
You would think so.......however, lefties do not follow the law when it is not in their interest......DACA was an abuse of executive power by Obama.....basically an amnesty program which encouraged thousands of children to be sent here illegally.....of course their parents intended to follow the children and also be let in.....after all, 'who wants to spit up families'....
Yes, "who wants to break up families" is a concern, one concern law enforcement dosen't seem too bothered about. How many people with families get convicted of felonies (manslaughter, auto theft, robbery etc.) and are put in prison. It's never a concern in those instances, WHY is it one with illegal immigrants? I often wondered about the legitimacy of this concern. It seems like an emotional ploy than anything valid.
We aren't breaking up families. The illegal kids are welcome to join their illegal Mexico.
I thought that fool was off vacationing on some billionaires yacht? If he has an issue with Trump ending DACA then he shouldn't have put his legacy on the line by backing Hillary.
Where is my favorite photo of him on an undersized bike, wearing a helmet and grinning like a simpleton?
As some of you might have figured out, I am not a big fan of illegals. Their culture is moot, their HUGE numbers and the fact some of you jolly folks don't understand history or see the full impact of their forceful presence as if is invisible is mind boggling. It's like you are just a bunch of Quislings sell outs and pat each on the back congratulating each other as to how well you are traitorous sell outs. Good lord, Mexicans are right. We are just a bunch of crazy gringos.
I thought that fool was off vacationing on some billionaires yacht? If he has an issue with Trump ending DACA then he shouldn't have put his legacy on the line by backing Hillary.
Did you ever notice all of these high profile lefties never vacation in Central America? None of them threaten to leave the USA and move there either. It's like it's a cause for their politics but way too disgusting for them to even consider going themselves.
I thought that fool was off vacationing on some billionaires yacht? If he has an issue with Trump ending DACA then he shouldn't have put his legacy on the line by backing Hillary.
Did you ever notice all of these high profile lefties never vacation in Central America? None of them threaten to leave the USA and move there either. It's like it's a cause for their politics but way too disgusting for them to even consider going themselves.

Probably because they don't want to be raped and murdered by the cartels.
I thought that fool was off vacationing on some billionaires yacht? If he has an issue with Trump ending DACA then he shouldn't have put his legacy on the line by backing Hillary.
Did you ever notice all of these high profile lefties never vacation in Central America? None of them threaten to leave the USA and move there either. It's like it's a cause for their politics but way too disgusting for them to even consider going themselves.

Probably because they don't want to be raped and murdered by the cartels.
Didn't that retard Clooney move his family back here from his socialist paradise because it wasn't safe? Hope he didn't move next door to an antifa trust fund nut bag.
Obama left office with higher approval ratings than Trump. This is the 1 instance where Obama is right.

Yeah Buddy...

His approval ratings were high...BECAUSE HE WAS LEAVING OFFICE.

If they're only polling on college campuses I can see how they come up with their polling results.

Meanwhile the majority of working Americans loathe the moonbat messiah.

What bothers me is the ethics, or lack there off . Mexican culture, whom am I to judge? But, poor illegals from Mexico, they don't seem to have any quandaries or ethical issues about violating immigration laws or dragging their kids into this. Why should we, then? DECA was totally artificial and it just helped illegals and prolong the inevitable confrontation. Most people have no reason NOT to immigrate illegally, just excuses that only profit exploiters and politicians.
I suffer under the oppression of illegals. I am a dreamer. I dream of the day I get my country back from the hands of reckless politicians pandering to foreign influences as if it was a good thing. I want responsible leadership instead of reckless pandering to Mexican illegals and the deep pockets of realtors, developers or who ever else is feeding into this ferocious need for illegal aliens. And we have all these homeless people here that need jobs and homes, Why the focus on illegal aliens from Mexico? Why?
People who are opposed to enforcing our immigration laws are racist.
People who refuse to accept that America is a sovereign country are racist
People who oppose Voter ID are racist

Obama is a flaming racist.
/----/ And don't forget those Global Warmer racists.
I hate to be a hater, but's its hard .l lost my job of 25 years. Gone. I see all these wetters here, and oh aren't they busy bees and hard workers. They are kids, they are well under forty with families want make a new life for them selves. I wish them well, accept they are ignoring the past and stepping on our toes and pretending our hurt they can ignore. I accept ANY culture if they accept the past and don't ignore it. It's perhaps the number one thing I despise about Hispanics. They barge in and pretend they own the bloody place.They are offended we are offended by them, what chutzpah is behind illegal immigration.
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Well, MaryL, I will probably be dead before I get into subsidized housing because all the families living there that are illegal, and their DACA kids going to school and college and whatnot. Isn't that so speshul? We get to work all our lives as born citizens, pay taxes, go broke when we get sick because of the health costs and then when ya get old and have to retire, live on that which was taken from our checks even though we only got a buck raise in how many years for SS?....and then have to get on a list just to have a roof but some schmuck from wherever sneaks in, then openly shows they are illegal, drive new cars with their licenses they were given AS illegals, wear their gold chains and designer apparel while living in section 8 and the rest of us? Meh. We don't count.

THAT'S whats fucked up.
Have bigger things to worry about, cant blame Mexicans for huricanes, or N Korea nukes, plus rampant hate of your white friends & family that you cant talk to any more because of there politics. jobs moving over seas, job loss from automation, and all our leaders are bought & paid for or are dumb as a rock.

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