Barry turned his back on Iranians - Trump declares support as anti-govt protests erupt

We need to stop! There is no gratitude only hatred. Let them fight for their own freedom. Or not.

Does verbally encouraging Iranian citizens fighting for their freedom really offend / trigger snowflakes THAT much?

Does the possibility of the rogue, terrorist govt being overthrown and the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran being eliminated frighten / offend snowflakes THAT much?
We need to stop! There is no gratitude only hatred. Let them fight for their own freedom. Or not.

Does verbally encouraging Iranian citizens fighting for their freedom really offend / trigger snowflakes THAT much?

Does the possibility of the rogue, terrorist govt being overthrown and the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran being eliminated frighten / offend snowflakes THAT much?
If they can overthrow their government more power to them. It’s on them not us.
If they can overthrow their government more power to them. It’s on them not us.
As I said, JFK would not recognize the Democratic Party, Democrats and snowflakes today....

Barry can arm, finance, supply, train, and protect terrorists...even pimp out our military to Al Qaeda to help them murder a sovereign leader and take the country for their own...

Barry an help the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood take control of the govt of our ally Egypt....

Barry used US tax dollars to try to influence Israel's election in an attempt to oust Netanyahu....

Barry could withhold lethal aid to Ukraine and prevent anyone else from giving lethal military aid to help them fight off Russia's invasion...

...and snowflakes supported and protected Barry, not saying a word about any of it...

...but Snowflakes / Democrats have a problem with Trump VOICING support for the Iranian citizens rising up against their terrorist oppressors.....

Bwuhahahahahaha....good grief.
A tweet != support
It's more than Barry did.

Trump offered a message of support to the Iranian people....Barry funded Iran's terrorist activities, attacks in Americans / US troops, the shoot down of another civilian airliner, and the ammo Iran used to kill its citizens who refused to go to Soleimani's funeral....

Iran is none of our stinking government’s business. Wake the fuck up.
Yeah....I'd be embarrassed if I was a Barry-supporting snowflake right now, too...

The last great Democrat - JFK, who would not be welcome in his own party today, once declared the United States would bear any burden, pay any price, to stand with those who seek freedom.

Barry pimped out our military to Al Qaeda, terrorists who seek to take over all non-Islamic extremists and who slaughtered 3,000 Americans ... helped Russia walk into Crimea and annex it by withholding lethal military aid Ukraine needed to defend itself ... and turned his back when Iranian citizens rose up against their terrorist dictators once before and instead ended up finding / financing Iran and the largest recognized terrorist organization in the world, the very ones Iranians are protesting now...


Didn't Obama pay for those missiles that were lobbed at Iraq? Maybe even the surface to air missile that shot down the plane.
Trump is clearly trying to start WWIII........again.
Barry's funding the IRCG, the officially recognized largest terrorist organization in the world, didn't help try to do that?
Iran is none of our stinking government’s business. Wake the fuck up.
Yeah....I'd be embarrassed if I was a Barry-supporting snowflake right now, too...

The last great Democrat - JFK, who would not be welcome in his own party today, once declared the United States would bear any burden, pay any price, to stand with those who seek freedom.

Barry pimped out our military to Al Qaeda, terrorists who seek to take over all non-Islamic extremists and who slaughtered 3,000 Americans ... helped Russia walk into Crimea and annex it by withholding lethal military aid Ukraine needed to defend itself ... and turned his back when Iranian citizens rose up against their terrorist dictators once before and instead ended up finding / financing Iran and the largest recognized terrorist organization in the world, the very ones Iranians are protesting now...


Didn't Obama pay for those missiles that were lobbed at Iraq? Maybe even the surface to air missile that shot down the plane.

Everything the anti-American Kenyan Klown touched turned to shit. What would you expect from a marxist ghost with a stolen SSN and a birth certificate that looks like it was crafted by an autistic 3rd grader. Seriously.
A tweet != support
It's more than Barry did.

Trump offered a message of support to the Iranian people....Barry funded Iran's terrorist activities, attacks in Americans / US troops, the shoot down of another civilian airliner, and the ammo Iran used to kill its citizens who refused to go to Soleimani's funeral....

I did more than Obama did - I refrained from sending the ayatollahs hard cash.

Does that make me some magnificent supporter of the Iranian protesters?

No, and neither does Trump sending an ineffectual tweet. I will repeat, a tweet != support.
After celebrating Soleimani's death, after being shot by Iranian govt forces for not attending Soleimani's funeral, and after Iran was forced to admit it shot down ANOTHER civilian airline, killing ANOTHER 176 innocent men / women / children, anti-government protests have broken out all over Iran...

...and unlike Barry, President Trump has declared his and America's support:

"To the brave, long-suffering people of Iran: I've stood with you since the beginning of my Presidency, and my Administration will continue to stand with you. We are following your protests closely, and are inspired by your courage,"

Trump tweets support of Iranian anti-government protesters after Ukrainian passenger plane shot down

Iran is none of our stinking government’s business. Wake the fuck up.
Neither was Europe. But America went and crushed those fascists too.
Yeah let’s kill and die all over the world.
Been happening since the year 1. Only fools think people are equal
Hopefully the Iranian people will have success this time...
where is Pelosi's and the Democrats' resolution condemning Iran for shooting down ANOTHER civilian airliner and murdering ANOTHER 176 innocent men, women, and children?!

When Iran finally admitted to doing what everyone else already knew they had done, the Iranian people of Iran rose up in protest against Iran.

Democrats called Iran's TERRORIST government to sympathize with THEM, to apologize to THEM, and then passed a meaningless, symbolic resolution seeking to strip Trump's powers to protect Americans / this protect IRAN.

The Democrats chose to stand with the 'evil empire'...with whom they have much in common. Trump chose to stand with the PEOPLE.
Quickest way to make the life of the average Iranian better is to drop all the aggressive bullshit, end the sanctions, and treat them the same as anybody else.
That dufus John Kerry admitted yesterday that he knew some of the money that him and the Negro President gave the Mullahs would be going to terrorism but he did it anyhow.

Talk about a world class idiot.
Iran is none of our stinking government’s business. Wake the fuck up.
Yeah....I'd be embarrassed if I was a Barry-supporting snowflake right now, too...

The last great Democrat - JFK, who would not be welcome in his own party today, once declared the United States would bear any burden, pay any price, to stand with those who seek freedom.

Barry pimped out our military to Al Qaeda, terrorists who seek to take over all non-Islamic extremists and who slaughtered 3,000 Americans ... helped Russia walk into Crimea and annex it by withholding lethal military aid Ukraine needed to defend itself ... and turned his back when Iranian citizens rose up against their terrorist dictators once before and instead ended up finding / financing Iran and the largest recognized terrorist organization in the world, the very ones Iranians are protesting now...

. should write novels...nobody else could dream up your brand of fiction
After celebrating Soleimani's death, after being shot by Iranian govt forces for not attending Soleimani's funeral, and after Iran was forced to admit it shot down ANOTHER civilian airline, killing ANOTHER 176 innocent men / women / children, anti-government protests have broken out all over Iran...

...and unlike Barry, President Trump has declared his and America's support:

"To the brave, long-suffering people of Iran: I've stood with you since the beginning of my Presidency, and my Administration will continue to stand with you. We are following your protests closely, and are inspired by your courage,"

Trump tweets support of Iranian anti-government protesters after Ukrainian passenger plane shot down

Iran is none of our stinking government’s business. Wake the fuck up.
Neither was Europe. But America went and crushed those fascists too.
Yeah let’s kill and die all over the world.
Americans have been dying for the liberation of people they don’t know for over two centuries.

Good people do that. God said it’s the greatest of loves.


So suddenly you’re for us putting boots on the ground in Iran? Or are we “bad” people?

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