Barry wants to Meet me Backstage in Las Vegas!


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
I want to meet **** - Barack Obama to you - yesterday

**** --

There are 20 days until the election. I need you to go all in.

(ap) - "All in"?... Eh? - tha malcontent)

People like Senator Barbara Boxer in California, Congresswoman Mary Jo Kilroy in Ohio, and Congressman Patrick Murphy in Pennsylvania -- who courageously fought alongside us for change -- are facing millions in retaliatory attacks ads from special interests, made possible by a recent Supreme Court decision.

(Um... Talk about Dishonest. - tha malcontent)

All around the country, members of Congress who stand up for the middle class are being targeted. Special interests hope to replace our allies with candidates who will give tax breaks to the wealthy, exploding our deficits at the expense of the middle class; privatize social security; even eliminate the minimum wage.

(NOBODY is proposing cutting taxes, Barry... And you have done nothing with 3/3 Control of Government except "explode deficits". Currently, name anyone who is proposing to privatize Socialistic Insecurity or eliminate the Minimum Wage... - tha malcontent)

That's why I'm doing all I can, traveling the country over the last critical days of this campaign to support our allies and remind voters of the choice they have in this election. These are the people who stood with us when health reform seemed unlikely, when the banks tried to bully us out of Wall Street reform.

(Oh, did those mean old banks that gave you Money for your Election in 2008 bully you, Barry?... Seems to me that you gave them Billions of OUR Dollars, didn't you?... Yep, you sure did. Does it hurt talking out of both sides of your Teleprompter? - tha malcontent)

I need you to do all you can as well. Keep organizing, keep talking to your neighbors, and keep donating whatever you can afford.

(The balls on this Jackass... Seriously?... You've damn near bankrupted this REPUBLIC with your spending and you haven't created a single Job, instead Millions have been lost during your Tenure, and you have the moxy to ask for money from these people? - tha malcontent)

Will you chip in $15 right now to help win this fight?

(What do I get?... Cause I didn't get free healthcare yet. - tha malcontent)

Your donation today will not just help put organizers on the ground, resources in the hands of volunteers, or ads online in these final days of the election. Your donation is a statement -- that you and I will not sit back and allow interest groups to buy their way back into power.

(Instead YOUR interest groups will retain Power?... Got it. - tha malcontent)

And, as Mitch told you earlier this week, your donation will automatically enter you win a trip to Las Vegas to meet me backstage. I'll be there on October 22nd to stand alongside Nevada Democrats and Harry Reid, one of the best majority leaders the Senate has ever had, who has played a critical role in each of the historic victories you and I have achieved. He's one of the people we need to fight for.

(Have you ever in your Life observed a more Narcicistic person?... "The Grand Prize is getting the Honor to meet ME!" ~ Barry Hussein Obama. - tha malcontent)

There are Democrats like Harry all around the country -- folks who are under siege because they stood up to the status quo. It's up to you to give them a chance to keep fighting. And if you don't do it, nobody will.

(Guilt trip!... All aboard! Cause you know, if you don't, and the DemocRATS Fail, it's your Fault, not Barry's... Carry on. - tha malcontent)

I will be out there, making the case with you. And I hope to see you backstage at one of the final, most important, campaign stops I will make this fall.

(I'm gonna Donate... Wouldn't it be sweet if I won? - tha malcontent)

Please donate $15 to be automatically entered to win a trip to Las Vegas to meet me backstage:

Thank you for all you do,

President Barack Obama

P.S. -- Making a donation automatically registers you for the sweepstakes. You may also enter the sweepstakes without making a contribution either online or via text message -- click here to enter online or here for instructions on how to enter via text message. No minimum contribution is necessary to be registered.

(I'm still gonna Donate, because I am certain the above is a Lie. - tha malcontent)

No purchase or contribution necessary to enter. Void where prohibited. You can enter the contest without making a contribution by clicking here. Only U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents over the age of 18 who are residents of the 50 states or D.C. are eligible to enter. Entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. on 10/15/10. Three winners will receive one round-trip ticket within the continental U.S. to Las Vegas, NV; hotel accommodations for one; and a meeting with President Obama at a rally event on 10/22/10 (approximate combined retail value $1,200.00). Odds of winning depend on number of entries received. Promotion is subject to Official Rules, available here, including restrictions on eligibility.

(It's the Barry Hussein Obama Show - LIVE in Vegas!... It would be Funny if it wasn't so Fucking Pathetic. - tha malcontent)



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(approximate combined retail value $1,200.00)
I see no value in this, The thug will probably roll you.
Oh, it IS pathetic,

but YOU made it sound pretty funny! :lol:

Are they flying the folks COACH???

With only ONE ticket, regardless if you're married?

AND, if you live in Alaska or Hawaii, tough stuff ~

you ONLY get the room (as opposed to a SUITE, which only cost us $35 last time we were there :eek:),

after paying for your own transportation?

I ought to enter and if I win, just ask for the cash value so I can contribute it to the GOP for 2012! :rofl:
(approximate combined retail value $1,200.00)
I see no value in this, The thug will probably roll you.

I was Hoping to do some coke with him and slap around some whores...

Isn't that was Presidents do?


He's not a Rap Star, he just plays one when he's not Acting like he's on the PGA Tour!... True Story!


He's not a Rap Star, he just plays one when he's not Acting like he's on the PGA Tour!... True Story!



If it was me, I would meet Barry wearing my T-shirt that has his picture on an "American Deficit" credit card, and underneath it reads "who says there are things money can't buy?"

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I'm making calls for BarryInc... :rofl:



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