Based on his policies who SHOULD hate President Trump?

/----/ Here we go again folks. Libtards rehashing this dribble every week. They're just stuck on stupid.

whenever I want to set you dumbasses off, I just have to rub your nose in that. LOL :razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::rock:
/----/ Not triggered, just rolling my eyes at you sore losers bragging about things that don't matter.
Ok Spanky you say Hildabeast won the popular vote well
Trump took 30 states while Hillary Clinton won 20.
Trump won 3,084 of 3,141 Counties, Clinton only 57
But the best one is:
Donald J. Trump won the Electoral College with 304 votes compared to 227 votes for Hillary Clinton.
Clinton won the popular vote by 3,000,000+
/----/ And she is welcome to that meaningless statistic.

Clinton winning by 3,000,000 plus votes really pisses you off. Good.
Well, we've all seen the evidence that the majority of America rejected Clinton and how you all lost your shit over it. That must really, really piss you off.

I can live with that.
Forget his bad hair, his off color tan, his gut, his hot wife, his pussy grabbing skills, his banging of porn stars, his two scoops of ice cream and all the other retarded shit that serves as LefTard talking points and tell us who should hate him based on the shit that actually matters?
I voted for Trump. Blame me. I didn't do my homework. I felt like I was putting up the middle finger to the liberals. WE had so called "sanctuary cities' forced on us against our will, people need to shut the hell up and listen. Don't lecture or moralize, LISTEN. People are being harmed by this, regardless. Americans are being hurt here. You want to be "humanitarian"? How about we worry about poor jobless Americans FIRST instead of enabling illegal aliens?
Have you even looked at the 'jobs' situation in America these past 18 months?
Meh, the American people in the 30 states who voted Trump president are happy with trump. We don't really give a shit what the east and left coast thinks.

So you trash who rape your women and cows are supposed to run the country? Remember that the majority of voters did not want the whore and the little sex queer (in the true sense of the word, not as applied to the LGBT community) in the White House. There are people, millions, who live on the coasts. These 30 states do not represent the amount of people who live in the United States. We are not all jackasses like you. Go back to kissing your cows, or put on your ten-gallon hat or MAGA CAP AND go to "church" and do that wavy-gravy thing while you shout about sex and try and figure out which of your neighbors is having it. Oh! Naughty!

Trump won the total popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes. Hillary won more in California big deal, the other 49 states chose Trump! :auiqs.jpg: The left's favorite talking point destroyed, they look sad and may cry :auiqs.jpg:

There are 50 states....Hillary won the popular vote.

No she won the popular vote in California, Trump won the popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

What a stupid way too look at it. Why not take Texas out and then Trump lost by even more. You are just a moron, not sure what other word even fits anymore.

Another triggered liberal ^^^ yep Trump won the popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes and suddenly the left doesn't want to talk about the popular vote anymore :auiqs.jpg:
Trump won the total popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes. Hillary won more in California big deal, the other 49 states chose Trump! :auiqs.jpg: The left's favorite talking point destroyed, they look sad and may cry :auiqs.jpg:

There are 50 states....Hillary won the popular vote.
/----/ Here we go again folks. Libtards rehashing this dribble every week. They're just stuck on stupid.

whenever I want to set you dumbasses off, I just have to rub your nose in that. LOL :razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::rock:
/----/ Not triggered, just rolling my eyes at you sore losers bragging about things that don't matter.
Ok Spanky you say Hildabeast won the popular vote well
Trump took 30 states while Hillary Clinton won 20.
Trump won 3,084 of 3,141 Counties, Clinton only 57
But the best one is:
Donald J. Trump won the Electoral College with 304 votes compared to 227 votes for Hillary Clinton.
Clinton won the popular vote by 3,000,000+

No Clinton won the popular vote by 4,000,000 in CALIFORNIA, Trump won the popular vote in the other 49 states by 1,000,000 OH SNAP, your ancestors felt that beat down lib. :21::21::21:
There are 50 states....Hillary won the popular vote.
/----/ Here we go again folks. Libtards rehashing this dribble every week. They're just stuck on stupid.

whenever I want to set you dumbasses off, I just have to rub your nose in that. LOL :razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::razz::rock:
/----/ Not triggered, just rolling my eyes at you sore losers bragging about things that don't matter.
Ok Spanky you say Hildabeast won the popular vote well
Trump took 30 states while Hillary Clinton won 20.
Trump won 3,084 of 3,141 Counties, Clinton only 57
But the best one is:
Donald J. Trump won the Electoral College with 304 votes compared to 227 votes for Hillary Clinton.
Clinton won the popular vote by 3,000,000+
/----/ And she is welcome to that meaningless statistic.

I think Bernie won 2nd place, he still has influence and power, Hillary not so much.
Forget his bad hair, his off color tan, his gut, his hot wife, his pussy grabbing skills, his banging of porn stars, his two scoops of ice cream and all the other retarded shit that serves as LefTard talking points and tell us who should hate him based on the shit that actually matters?
Illegals and those whose families include illegals.

I’d say the alphabet bunch, feminazis, weirdos and welfare lifers should probably hate him as well...he comes across as someone who expects better from Americans and who appreciates normalcy....that group hates normalcy and expectations.

I'd be fine with splitting the country in 2, let these liberal filth piss off to California and run their own country while we MAGA!
/----/ I'm not sure the folks in Oregon, Nevada and Arizona want to live next door to Venezuela North.

Bro we'll build a wall :muahaha:
Forget his bad hair, his off color tan, his gut, his hot wife, his pussy grabbing skills, his banging of porn stars, his two scoops of ice cream and all the other retarded shit that serves as LefTard talking points and tell us who should hate him based on the shit that actually matters?
I voted for Trump. Blame me. I didn't do my homework. I felt like I was putting up the middle finger to the liberals. WE had so called "sanctuary cities' forced on us against our will, people need to shut the hell up and listen. Don't lecture or moralize, LISTEN. People are being harmed by this, regardless. Americans are being hurt here. You want to be "humanitarian"? How about we worry about poor jobless Americans FIRST instead of enabling illegal aliens?
Have you even looked at the 'jobs' situation in America these past 18 months?

MAGA jobs!!!
Forget his bad hair, his off color tan, his gut, his hot wife, his pussy grabbing skills, his banging of porn stars, his two scoops of ice cream and all the other retarded shit that serves as LefTard talking points and tell us who should hate him based on the shit that actually matters?
I voted for Trump. Blame me. I didn't do my homework. I felt like I was putting up the middle finger to the liberals. WE had so called "sanctuary cities' forced on us against our will, people need to shut the hell up and listen. Don't lecture or moralize, LISTEN. People are being harmed by this, regardless. Americans are being hurt here. You want to be "humanitarian"? How about we worry about poor jobless Americans FIRST instead of enabling illegal aliens?
Have you even looked at the 'jobs' situation in America these past 18 months?
Yeah. I HAVE. I see Mexicans taking over the lower income job market. From slaughterhouses to the construction industry and everything in between . Who, guess who, used to do those SAME Jobs? And those non educated Americans jobless might NOW dispossessed by legal aliens? So Illegal aliens want a better life? Don't the people dispossessed by illegals count ? They want a better life, to.
Last edited:
Forget his bad hair, his off color tan, his gut, his hot wife, his pussy grabbing skills, his banging of porn stars, his two scoops of ice cream and all the other retarded shit that serves as LefTard talking points and tell us who should hate him based on the shit that actually matters?
I voted for Trump. Blame me. I didn't do my homework. I felt like I was putting up the middle finger to the liberals. WE had so called "sanctuary cities' forced on us against our will, people need to shut the hell up and listen. Don't lecture or moralize, LISTEN. People are being harmed by this, regardless. Americans are being hurt here. You want to be "humanitarian"? How about we worry about poor jobless Americans FIRST instead of enabling illegal aliens?
Have you even looked at the 'jobs' situation in America these past 18 months?
Yeah. I HAVE. I see Mexicans taking over the lower income job market. From slaughterhouses to the construction industry and everything in between . Who, guess who,. used to do those SAME Jobs? And those non educated Americans less might NOW dispossessed by legal aliens? Illegal aliens want a better life? Don't the people dispossessed by illegals count?
You're talking cross purposes here.

Our jobs market is improved significantly in the past 18 months. The problem with illegals and other immigrants taking jobs is a separate issue.
Forget his bad hair, his off color tan, his gut, his hot wife, his pussy grabbing skills, his banging of porn stars, his two scoops of ice cream and all the other retarded shit that serves as LefTard talking points and tell us who should hate him based on the shit that actually matters?

As the great John McClane once said, our POTUS is the fly in the ointment, the monkey in the wrench, of the postmodern radical Left who worship the ghosts of Voltaire and Marx. The radical American revolutionary mind circa 2016 was dead set certain their cultural war had been won and Empress Hillary would take the throne and usher in a neo-Postmodern Age of psychotic anti-truth whose first victims, Christianity and the ancient Patriarchy, would be burned at the stake on her inauguration day. Pres. Trump was and remains the thunder and rain on their little fairy parades. So, those who hate America and men and truth and logic and God and family and reality and personal responsibility, should by all means accordingly hate Donald Trump and the cadre of military intelligence and special direct action cohorts who ring him like gauntlets of whirling razors, and will fall on swords to ensure his legal, by Constitution term as POTUS. Hunters From The Sky! Down To Earth! Sua Sponte! Yippee Ki Yay Mother****er!
Forget his bad hair, his off color tan, his gut, his hot wife, his pussy grabbing skills, his banging of porn stars, his two scoops of ice cream and all the other retarded shit that serves as LefTard talking points and tell us who should hate him based on the shit that actually matters?
I voted for Trump. Blame me. I didn't do my homework. I felt like I was putting up the middle finger to the liberals. WE had so called "sanctuary cities' forced on us against our will, people need to shut the hell up and listen. Don't lecture or moralize, LISTEN. People are being harmed by this, regardless. Americans are being hurt here. You want to be "humanitarian"? How about we worry about poor jobless Americans FIRST instead of enabling illegal aliens?
Have you even looked at the 'jobs' situation in America these past 18 months?
Yeah. I HAVE. I see Mexicans taking over the lower income job market. From slaughterhouses to the construction industry and everything in between . Who, guess who,. used to do those SAME Jobs? And those non educated Americans less might NOW dispossessed by legal aliens? Illegal aliens want a better life? Don't the people dispossessed by illegals count?
You're talking cross purposes here.

Our jobs market is improved significantly in the past 18 months. The problem with illegals and other immigrants taking jobs is a separate issue.
Because you are out of touch with history. That seems to be how this works. Some Neophyte giving pedantic lectures. Believe me kid, but illegal aliens are up there with slavery. We don't want it and it isn't morally excusable , think of me as a illegal alien abolitionist.
In reading the first page of thread alone, I have found zero that do with actual objections to policy. So far OP is making his point
So you trash who rape your women and cows are supposed to run the country? Remember that the majority of voters did not want the whore and the little sex queer (in the true sense of the word, not as applied to the LGBT community) in the White House. There are people, millions, who live on the coasts. These 30 states do not represent the amount of people who live in the United States. We are not all jackasses like you. Go back to kissing your cows, or put on your ten-gallon hat or MAGA CAP AND go to "church" and do that wavy-gravy thing while you shout about sex and try and figure out which of your neighbors is having it. Oh! Naughty!

Trump won the total popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes. Hillary won more in California big deal, the other 49 states chose Trump! :auiqs.jpg: The left's favorite talking point destroyed, they look sad and may cry :auiqs.jpg:

There are 50 states....Hillary won the popular vote.

No she won the popular vote in California, Trump won the popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

What a stupid way too look at it. Why not take Texas out and then Trump lost by even more. You are just a moron, not sure what other word even fits anymore.

Another triggered liberal ^^^ yep Trump won the popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes and suddenly the left doesn't want to talk about the popular vote anymore :auiqs.jpg:

That is like saying a football team won the except for the fourth quarter. It makes no sense at all. You are truly one of the dumbest people on this forum, and that takes some serious work.
I voted for Trump. Blame me. I didn't do my homework. I felt like I was putting up the middle finger to the liberals. WE had so called "sanctuary cities' forced on us against our will, people need to shut the hell up and listen. Don't lecture or moralize, LISTEN. People are being harmed by this, regardless. Americans are being hurt here. You want to be "humanitarian"? How about we worry about poor jobless Americans FIRST instead of enabling illegal aliens?
Have you even looked at the 'jobs' situation in America these past 18 months?
Yeah. I HAVE. I see Mexicans taking over the lower income job market. From slaughterhouses to the construction industry and everything in between . Who, guess who,. used to do those SAME Jobs? And those non educated Americans less might NOW dispossessed by legal aliens? Illegal aliens want a better life? Don't the people dispossessed by illegals count?
You're talking cross purposes here.

Our jobs market is improved significantly in the past 18 months. The problem with illegals and other immigrants taking jobs is a separate issue.
Because you are out of touch with history. That seems to be how this works. Some Neophyte giving pedantic lectures. Believe me kid, but illegal aliens are up there with slavery. We don't want it and it isn't morally excusable , think of me as a illegal alien abolitionist.

Perhaps you should think about this for a while.
Forget his bad hair, his off color tan, his gut, his hot wife, his pussy grabbing skills, his banging of porn stars, his two scoops of ice cream and all the other retarded shit that serves as LefTard talking points and tell us who should hate him based on the shit that actually matters?

Anyone who believes in a free market and less government interference in our lives.
Trump won the total popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes. Hillary won more in California big deal, the other 49 states chose Trump! :auiqs.jpg: The left's favorite talking point destroyed, they look sad and may cry :auiqs.jpg:

There are 50 states....Hillary won the popular vote.

No she won the popular vote in California, Trump won the popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

What a stupid way too look at it. Why not take Texas out and then Trump lost by even more. You are just a moron, not sure what other word even fits anymore.

Another triggered liberal ^^^ yep Trump won the popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes and suddenly the left doesn't want to talk about the popular vote anymore :auiqs.jpg:

That is like saying a football team won the except for the fourth quarter. It makes no sense at all. You are truly one of the dumbest people on this forum, and that takes some serious work.
This just in; Hillary won by 3,000,000+ votes.
Forget his bad hair, his off color tan, his gut, his hot wife, his pussy grabbing skills, his banging of porn stars, his two scoops of ice cream and all the other retarded shit that serves as LefTard talking points and tell us who should hate him based on the shit that actually matters?

As the great John McClane once said, our POTUS is the fly in the ointment, the monkey in the wrench, of the postmodern radical Left who worship the ghosts of Voltaire and Marx. The radical American revolutionary mind circa 2016 was dead set certain their cultural war had been won and Empress Hillary would take the throne and usher in a neo-Postmodern Age of psychotic anti-truth whose first victims, Christianity and the ancient Patriarchy, would be burned at the stake on her inauguration day. Pres. Trump was and remains the thunder and rain on their little fairy parades. So, those who hate America and men and truth and logic and God and family and reality and personal responsibility, should by all means accordingly hate Donald Trump and the cadre of military intelligence and special direct action cohorts who ring him like gauntlets of whirling razors, and will fall on swords to ensure his legal, by Constitution term as POTUS. Hunters From The Sky! Down To Earth! Sua Sponte! Yippee Ki Yay Mother****er!
I agree, Trump he is a rock though the front window of liberals; We want a down to earth discussion here. ON immigration,for instance. Sanctuary cities without the consent of the people , that violates the ideal of democracy in its purest form. Anyone ever get to vote on if your city/state was a sanctuary for legal aliens? Speaking of Democracies being hijacked?
In reading the first page of thread alone, I have found zero that do with actual objections to policy. So far OP is making his point

The cuts to nearly every department except Homeland Security and #3
There are 50 states....Hillary won the popular vote.

No she won the popular vote in California, Trump won the popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

What a stupid way too look at it. Why not take Texas out and then Trump lost by even more. You are just a moron, not sure what other word even fits anymore.

Another triggered liberal ^^^ yep Trump won the popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes and suddenly the left doesn't want to talk about the popular vote anymore :auiqs.jpg:

That is like saying a football team won the except for the fourth quarter. It makes no sense at all. You are truly one of the dumbest people on this forum, and that takes some serious work.
This just in; Hillary won by 3,000,000+ votes.

But lost where it counted......BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

There are 50 states....Hillary won the popular vote.

No she won the popular vote in California, Trump won the popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

What a stupid way too look at it. Why not take Texas out and then Trump lost by even more. You are just a moron, not sure what other word even fits anymore.

Another triggered liberal ^^^ yep Trump won the popular vote in the other 49 states by 1 million votes and suddenly the left doesn't want to talk about the popular vote anymore :auiqs.jpg:

That is like saying a football team won the except for the fourth quarter. It makes no sense at all. You are truly one of the dumbest people on this forum, and that takes some serious work.
This just in; Hillary won by 3,000,000+ votes.

Who cares? It means nothing.

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