Baseless anti-trans theory about Uvalde shooting spreads online, touted by U.S. congressman

There are pictures of Rudy Giuliani and Madison Cawthorn in women's clothes too. That doesn't mean much.

Plus i think a certain Roman emperor supposedly did crossdressing

St Joan of arc also crossdressed and there was a rumor that one of the heads of the FBI, J Edgar Hoover wore dresses.
I am going to explain to you that your beloved monster that slaughtered innocent children and adults wore women clothes and I have not said that is what caused it!

You need to take a step back from me because I am dealing with what happened down here unlike you and I am not accusing gays or anyone lifestyle for your beloved monster did and blame his mental illness that has nothing to do with him wearing women clothing!

Do I make myself clear?

If not I am not the one who is using your beloved monster lifestyle to excuse his killings and I am not condemning cross-dressers for what he did, so walk away now!

I am correcting those calling him a Transsexual because there is a difference and it should be made clear!

Do you understand because you are pissing me off!
I am going to explain to you that your beloved monster that slaughtered innocent children and adults wore women clothes and I have not said that is what caused it!

You need to take a step back from me because I am dealing with what happened down here unlike you and I am not accusing gays or anyone lifestyle for your beloved monster did and blame his mental illness that has nothing to do with him wearing women clothing!

Do I make myself clear?

If not I am not the one who is using your beloved monster lifestyle to excuse his killings and I am not condemning cross-dressers for what he did, so walk away now!

I am correcting those calling him a Transsexual because there is a difference and it should be made clear!

Do you understand because you are pissing me off!


Sam, a transgender woman who lives in Georgia, said that on Tuesday evening, Reddit users started commenting on a photo of her that she had shared on the platform three months ago.

Isn't there a saying that you shouldn't believe everything you hear on the idiot box(the television),read online or read in the papers?
Paul Gosar is a sick fuck who needs to be voted out of office for any number of reasons
You just lost the argument.


Godwin’s Law is an internet adage that is derived from one of the earliest bits of Usenet wisdoms, which goes “if you mention Adolf Hitler or Nazis within a discussion thread, you’ve automatically ended whatever discussion you were taking part in.”
He loses EVERY argument

Sam, a transgender woman who lives in Georgia, said that on Tuesday evening, Reddit users started commenting on a photo of her that she had shared on the platform three months ago.

Isn't there a saying that you shouldn't believe everything you hear on the idiot box(the television),read online or read in the papers?
Suggesting that a mass shooter is a tranny isn't anti tranny. It's either true or false.
Paul Gosar is a sick fuck who needs to be voted out of office for any number of reasons

Hey Leech, haven't virtually all of the points Gossar made been PROVEN, despite lies from you Nazis?

Didn't Yahoo have to print a retraction, since Ramos IS in fact from a single mother who is in the country illegally - obviously Hispanic. Since Ramos DOES have a long history of violence and mental health issues. Since Ramos IS a BLM supporter?

Looks like YOU are the sick fuck.

Funny how these shootings always occur RIGHT before elections that democrats are losing. Every single time.. It really makes one wonder.
He loses EVERY argument

Like the race card, all you Nazis need to do is play it and you win, right Leech?

Metadork is a great fit for your fascist cadre - IQ under 70 and no ability to reason. Your intellectual peer.
Like the race card, all you Nazis need to do is play it and you win, right Leech?

Metadork is a great fit for your fascist cadre - IQ under 70 and no ability to reason. Your intellectual peer.
As noted.this poster is a walk-in mg example of Godwin’s Law
Paul Gosar is a sick fuck who needs to be voted out of office for any number of reasons
On TV there are endless people spouting the virtues of Progressive Socialist agendas. The four horse mares of the view do a thousand times more damage than this congressman can ever do. And I am being kind.
On TV there are endless people spouting the virtues of Progressive Socialist agendas. The four horse mares of the view do a thousand times more damage than this congressman can ever do. And I am being kind.

PLUS the Congressman was RIGHT - the DNC Media lied to attack him - as always.

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