Bashing oil companies for record profits won’t lower prices

In years past, the congressional committees that were investigating price gouging from the
Big Oil Companies always came up with zero's trying to hang them.
You would think they would learn.
Makes good fodder to feed the sheeples and make them think you’re accomplishing something.
What will stop inflation and high fuel cost?

Get rid of the Democrats!

It worked in 1980 and it will work now.

We only have this disaster because we allowed the Democrats to get away with stealing an election.
Preface: There is a VAST difference between the terms greed and GREED, corporate and CORPORATE and capitalist vs CAPITALIST! The former is normal and the LATTER is PSYCHOTIC!

This contemporary economic/commodities event is a new high (LOW) in the of the manipulations of market by CORPORATIONs and CAPITALISTs regardless of their product or means in the history of mankind! Crude oil is a fundamental of commodities and it is also a fundamental of the stock markets, the money markets and the energy markets, all of which are absolutely ESSENTIAL to our modern world. Right now, the world is deeply involved with at least minimizing one of those oil functions and deeply affecting the other two.

Simply said, crude oil's function as an energy source days are severely numbered. Oil is actually falling and failing in basic intrinsic value. To mask this fall in the necessity of oil as a fuel is being artificially manipulated to falsely describe quantity of supply and/or the inability of distribution as the culprits in the ridiculous pricing of the genuine artificial and deliberately minimized supply of withholding production and distribution. It is all a massive CORPORATE/CAPITALIST ploy of market manipulation for the sake of the most evil word in the history of mankind...GREED! There will come a point, when the genius of the original Nikolai Tesla means of supplying enough energy to fuel the entire world that is thoroughly monopolized by the GREEDY, that oil will become magically plentiful and available again to make the rest of its products (plastics, medicines, fabrics, and more at super inflated prices. Then and only then will relief (if any sane person can call it that) be felt by the enslaved and captured "consumers". This oil 'event' is NOT a natural thing. It is, in fact, ENTIRELY man-made, artificial and corrupt by the so-called CORPORATIONs and CAPITALISTs who are the GREEDIEST demonic PIGS of wealth that the world has EVER experienced! Don't kid yourselves. This world is most assuredly changing and until/unless we rid ourselves of the GREEDY, it will only get worse and worse and worst!
prove it
The problem may thing impacting prices is the gouging being done, and admitted to by the oil companies.

The blame is theirs, and theirs alone.
then why is xiden blaming putin? I bet you're gonna tell me xiden didn't blame putin. go ahead. When you do, I'll post xiden's letter.
Proving is unnecessary in light of the glaring and blatant picture painted right in front of us. They have done that and continue to do that to themselves. For instance, your arrogant demand indicates that like an egotistical criminal who is caught, the fake two word stone wall is only offered as a delaying challenge. The traditional retort is, "prove me wrong".
Your class envy is showing. You say oil’s days are numbered. It doesn’t look like it. Where is the viable energy alternative to replace oil? Electric cars with a higher cost of ownership and limitations such as running out of power in the middle of nowhere is not viable. Punishing oil companies does nothing as it only punishes consumers. Reward alternative energy, not punish oil.
Class envy?! Punishing oil companies?! It doesn't look like it?!

Good lord, get off the hallucinogens! The only statement that I saw with any ration, intelligence or thought is the statement that punishing the oil companies would punish consumers! That's because there isn't a single penny that CORPORATIONs won't TAKE to cover their own asses...and MORE!

How long have you worked for an oil company?
Proving is unnecessary in light of the glaring and blatant picture painted right in front of us. They have done that and continue to do that to themselves. For instance, your arrogant demand indicates that like an egotistical criminal who is caught, the fake two word stone wall is only offered as a delaying challenge. The traditional retort is, "prove me wrong".
what's the crime I asked you to prove?
what's the crime I asked you to prove?
It becomes ever more clear to me that you have difficulty reading and comprehending the American English language. In NO portion of my comment did I ask, imply or otherwise provide direction that you had asked me to prove any crime. Enough. My tolerance of rampant stupidity and willful ignorance is microscopic. I am done with you.
It becomes ever more clear to me that you have difficulty reading and comprehending the American English language. In NO portion of my comment did I ask, imply or otherwise provide direction that you had asked me to prove any crime. Enough. My tolerance of rampant stupidity and willful ignorance is microscopic. I am done with you.
Then why are you stupid?
So you are saying that Oil companies are keeping prices higher as retaliation?


Biden and the green idiots could add aditional moronic regulations at any time.
Would you invest billions of dollars in new drilling when you already saw what Biden did to huge investments in pipelines? When you already heard the threats he made against fossil fuels as well as against oil and gas producers, refiners and even gasoline retailers.

Holding off on big new investments isn't retaliation, it's just common sense.

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