Basic differences between conservatives and liberals today


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
I asked a fairly precise question of an AI chatbot:

What is the fundamental honest philosophical difference between conservatives and liberals in America today?

Here is what it answered:

The fundamental philosophical difference between conservatives and liberals in America today is their differing views on the role of government in society. Conservatives generally believe in limited government intervention in both the economy and personal lives, favoring individual responsibility, free markets, and traditional values. They also tend to prioritize national security and law and order.

On the other hand, liberals believe that government has a responsibility to play an active role in promoting social justice, equality, and the general welfare of society. They generally favor government regulation of the economy, progressive taxation, and the provision of social services and programs. They tend to prioritize individual rights and freedoms, including civil rights, reproductive rights, and LGBTQ+ rights.

It is important to note, however, that these are broad generalizations and that individuals may hold a variety of beliefs that do not align perfectly with either political ideology. Additionally, political ideologies and positions can evolve and change over time.

I think first that it’s remarkable that any artificial intelligence could grasp the question and so quickly provide that answer.

But, secondarily, I find that the answer (albeit a bit simplistic perhaps) is generally fair. It even provided a limited qualification.

I’m wondering what others might say about this.
I asked a fairly precise question of an AI chatbot:

Here is what it answered:

I think first that it’s remarkable that any artificial intelligence could grasp the question and so quickly provide that answer.

But, secondarily, I find that the answer (albeit a bit simplistic perhaps) is generally fair. It even provided a limited qualification.

I’m wondering what others might say about this.
It did just as well as you would expect when a leftist coder programs their own biases & misconceptions into an algorithm.

The part about American "liberals" being in favor of individual rights & freedoms is laughable since well before the days of lockdowns, masks & clot shot mandates.

Individual rights & freedoms are strictly the domain of the right side of the spectrum.
This includes the rights of unborn innocents & protections of children from perversions & derangements.
It did just as well as you would expect when a leftist coder programs their own biases & misconceptions into an algorithm.

The part about American "liberals" being in favor of individual rights & freedoms is laughable since well before the days of lockdowns, masks & clot shot mandates.

Individual rights & freedoms are strictly the domain of the right side of the spectrum.
This includes the rights of unborn innocents & protections of children from perversions & derangements.
I wonder if the liberal coders could install programming to reflect such a bias? Instead, I gather that what the AI does is aggregate the “news” reporting and opinion pieces it “reads” electronically and then boils that stuff down. It would seem logical that a liberal bias might ensue since liberals tend to control the media.

At least it acknowledges the need for some hesitation.

For example, sure: perhaps the “liberals” do place high stock on individual liberties and freedoms ON PAPER. I agree however that they do not really do so where the rubber meets the road. That’s actually more of a conservative base value.

An AI — scanning biased news reporting, however — wouldn’t glean that. How could it?
If we had free markets why do we need to get the governments approval to sell our products?
Why don’t you start a thread on that topic? Even a dope like you must have some glimmer of a realization that you’re way off topic here.
Why don’t you start a thread on that topic? Even a dope like you must have some glimmer of a realization that you’re way off topic here.

Why when this topic has it right in it?

Did you not actually read it?

favoring individual responsibility, free markets, and traditional values.

Don't post stuff if you don't want it discussed.
Why when this topic has it right in it?

Did you not actually read it?

favoring individual responsibility, free markets, and traditional values.

Don't post stuff if you don't want it discussed.

Try to post on topic. Cherry picking individual portions of the AI bots response isn’t posting “on topic” concerning the actual thread topic.

I would love to have the topic itself discussed. I just don’t think you’re up to it, pknucklehead.
Try to post on topic. Cherry picking individual portions of the AI bots response isn’t posting “on topic” concerning the actual thread topic.

I would love to have the topic itself discussed. I just don’t think you’re up to it, pknucklehead.

Said the one who thinks silly name calling suffices for a rebuttal.

What is a "Traditional Value"? Back to days when interracial marriage was outlawed?
Said the one who thinks silly name calling suffices for a rebuttal.

What is a "Traditional Value"? Back to days when interracial marriage was outlawed?
Again, pknucklehead, I’m not interested in your diversion efforts.

You are, in my opinion, intentionally off topic.

I’ll toss you this bone however. There are , indeed, facets of the values and priorities of the respective “sides” as set forth by the AI chatbot which ARE debatable.

Still, I see no useful purpose on THIS thread to “discuss” them individually.
As I said earlier, if you consider any of those things worthy of individual discussion, start a thread. I’d be happy to discuss such matters on your thread or threads.
Again, pknucklehead, I’m not interested in your diversion efforts.

You are, in my opinion, intentionally off topic.

I’ll toss you this bone however. There are , indeed, facets of the values and priorities of the respective “sides” as set forth by the AI chatbot which ARE debatable.

Still, I see no useful purpose on THIS thread to “discuss” them individually.
As I said earlier, if you consider any of those things worthy of individual discussion, start a thread. I’d be happy to discuss such matters on your thread or threads.

I get it. You prefer vast generalizations as opposed to having to defend the specifics.
I get it. You prefer vast generalizations as opposed to having to defend the specifics.
What you actually “get”’is even more microscopic than your IQ.

I prefer to discuss the AI matter rather than the cherry-picked components which I did concede ARE individually debatable. And contrary to your false spin effort, I also said I’d discuss such facets with you in the proper thread.
If we had free markets why do we need to get the governments approval to sell our products?
I knew it, a "free market" as described by Adam Smith IS NOT free from government influence. It is free from "rents", which Adam Smith believe was inherently unjust. One of the areas that Smith believed the government had a role in was protecting people from injustice, including economic injustice through what is called "rent seeking". In that regard Smith believed patents and copyrights should be of a limited duration. He believed that the government should regulate the money supply, should implement usury laws, and should fight corruption at all levels.
What you actually “get”’is even more microscopic than your IQ.

I prefer to discuss the AI matter rather than the cherry-picked components which I did concede ARE individually debatable. And contrary to your false spin effort, I also said I’d discuss such facets with you in the proper thread.

The "AI matter" is a worthless generalization. I already addressed that.
I knew it, a "free market" as described by Adam Smith IS NOT free from government influence. It is free from "rents", which Adam Smith believe was inherently unjust. One of the areas that Smith believed the government had a role in was protecting people from injustice, including economic injustice through what is called "rent seeking". In that regard Smith believed patents and copyrights should be of a limited duration. He believed that the government should regulate the money supply, should implement usury laws, and should fight corruption at all levels.

Nobody is any account has any desire to do that so my original point stands.
I asked a fairly precise question of an AI chatbot:

Here is what it answered:

I think first that it’s remarkable that any artificial intelligence could grasp the question and so quickly provide that answer.

But, secondarily, I find that the answer (albeit a bit simplistic perhaps) is generally fair. It even provided a limited qualification.

I’m wondering what others might say about this.
Well I got a big problem with this claim,

Conservatives generally believe in limited government intervention in both the economy and personal lives,

Sure, real conservatives have that position. But real conservatives ain't going to give two shits about rather two gay people want to get married, if Johnny wants to have sexual reassignment surgery, or if Sam wants to dress like a woman and play on the female tennis circuit. Real conservatives are not looking to ban books or tell teachers how to teach. And real conservatives damn sure as hell aren't going to be interfering in the market, picking winners and losers, by adopting tariffs and fighting against free trade.

Real conservatives don't tell local governments what they can, or cannot tax. They don't tell them what regulations they can, or cannot pass.

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