Basically Someone Can Release Anthrax in the White House and Never Get Caught

The Secret Service's responsibility is to protect the President. I doubt they could give a poop about a small bag of cocaine. They are not narcotics officers or any type of general law enforcement officers.
Just a matter of time until it’s anthrax, shitforbrains.
Yet you have NOTHING that indicates that this was left by Hunter. Just some wild MAGGOT fantasy.
We very much do have a security problem.

Classified documents showing up all over the place - Rep and Dem - that's a problem!

Cocaine in the White House? That's a problem too!

And it ripples all the way down to the ground layer, in multiple ways including election security.

Dudes and dudettes - if a construction worker can get cocaine into the White House, then a construction worker can get any other white powder into the White House too.

And if Joe Blow can do it, so can Julie Deng.

This is a HORRIBLE security picture, and clearly, it is CULTURAL in Washington DC.

This is a big, very serious problem.

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