Battle for equality: School board cancels Black history courses, ignites outrage

So we omit the bad history and only show the history that makes you look good.

1) What “me”? See….this is the problem. Blacktivists consider whites today to be one and the same as whites who owned slaves 200 years ago.

2) Slavery and Jim Crowe is ALREADY taught,
So it is OK for Jewish folks to receive reparations for the injustice that was done to them, but when it comes to black folks we don't deserve it.

THIS again? Jews who suffered directly during the horrors of the Holocaust got reparations. And how DARE you compare the suffering of Holocaust victims, who were maimed for life, to what YOU have gone through. If you’re under 65, you’ve had a big advantage via Affirmative Action.
Actually Lisa you prove how much of a racist idiot you are. Explain how teaching REAL American History takes away from every other subject that is taught in school. Now you don't have a problem with students being taught the evil that Germany is responsible for, but you want to sweep it under the rug when it comes to America. As I stated before you just can't hide how much of a racist idiot you truly are.

What have I said that is racist? Quote me. And yes, taking classroom time to teach young adults how evil America is and how horrible whites are WILL take away from every subject. TIME IS FINITE.

And there’s no sweeping anything under the rug. Everyone who isn’t an absolute imbecile knows that blacks were slaves hundreds of years ago.
How do we teach that segregation and slavery weren't wrong and people were discriminated on because of race? There's no way to spin these in a positive light.
it was because that is how there own people still do business. there own people enslaved caucasions a lot more of them for a lot longer than blacks ever were in america. blacks still practice slavery today in africa. you want black history then they should teach the truth.
College admissions in colleges all across th country. In New York, the CUNY colleges all had "Open Admissions" allowing in any dum dum, with any level of high school grades, preference given to blacks, and then watering down the courses, to accomodate the inferior intellects of the dum dums.

The college aid AA discrimination (one of millions) that I experienced, was the assistantships at Memphis State University in 1977.

So now that I've accomodated you with answers, while you sit here firing questions at me, here's one for YOU, Mr Question Mark. >> How old are you ?
You haven't shown me ONE program that was set up for black students only, not ONE. You just keep regurgitating the same bullshit over and over.

Nobody comes close to the set asides and privileges that white men have enjoyed.

Black students make up anywhere from 4 to 8% of the student body, you just want the good old days back where there wasn't any black students in the school.
1) What “me”? See….this is the problem. Blacktivists consider whites today to be one and the same as whites who owned slaves 200 years ago.
Many of them have the same mindset.
2) Slavery and Jim Crowe is ALREADY taught,
It's skimmed over at best.
THIS again? Jews who suffered directly during the horrors of the Holocaust got reparations. And how DARE you compare the suffering of Holocaust victims, who were maimed for life, to what YOU have gone through. If you’re under 65, you’ve had a big advantage via Affirmative Action.
See this is why the horrors and atrocities of slavery and Jim Crow need to be taught, because your ignorant ass doesn't have a clue as to what has been done to black folks in this country.
What have I said that is racist? Quote me.
Just look at that ignorant ass statement you made up above.
And yes, taking classroom time to teach young adults how evil America is and how horrible whites are WILL take away from every subject. TIME IS FINITE.
You don't have a problem teaching Jewish children the evils and horrors that Germans inflicted upon Jewish people.
And there’s no sweeping anything under the rug. Everyone who isn’t an absolute imbecile knows that blacks were slaves hundreds of years ago.
They know there was slavery, they don't know what was done.

They are not taught that they would take 4 horses, tie one on to each one of your limbs and pull that man apart.

They are not taught how they would take babies and use them as bait to hunt alligators.

They are not taught how they would tie up a pregnant woman upside down and cut her baby out of her womb to put fear into every other slave.

I could go on with this all night, so please don't tell me about trying to make comparisons, because your ignorant ass doesn't have a clue.
You haven't shown me ONE program that was set up for black students only, not ONE. You just keep regurgitating the same bullshit over and over.

Nobody comes close to the set asides and privileges that white men have enjoyed.

Black students make up anywhere from 4 to 8% of the student body, you just want the good old days back where there wasn't any black students in the school.
They weren't necessarily "set up" for black people only. That's just the way they were administered. The way it was.

You must be dreaming. The set asides & priviliges are for minorities, often just blacks, not whites.

You didn't answer my question. How old are you ?
All I know is what you, yourself posted.

I still suffer the ramifications of it, even now at age 77, and collecting Social Security, which is immensely reduced, due to the decades of reduced incomes I had, because of Affirmative Action, which completely took away my entire life's career.

As a White Male who graduated in the middle of my class I still managed to get managerial promotions in a heavy AffirmatIve Action environment.
I saw other White Males who had graduated near the top of their class that never managed to get promoted beyond journeyman positions. Affirmative Action had nothing to do with it.
They had people issues, short tempers and were considered by others to be Assholes

I suspect that is what took away your “entire life’s career”
There you go with your really lamebrain suspecting again. And the quote of mine that you posted, doesn't negate anything I said. Yes, I lost my career to AA, my income was reduced, as well as my Social Security, but still found successes in other ways (developing a skilled trade, owning my own business, art, music).
Get it ? I won't be surprised if you don't.

As for white male with managerial promotions in a heavy AffirmatIve Action environment, come to my VA hospital with 16,000 employees, and show me one example of that.
So it is OK for Jewish folks to receive reparations for the injustice that was done to them, but when it comes to black folks we don't deserve it.

Actually Lisa you prove how much of a racist idiot you are. Explain how teaching REAL American History takes away from every other subject that is taught in school. Now you don't have a problem with students being taught the evil that Germany is responsible for, but you want to sweep it under the rug when it comes to America. As I stated before you just can't hide how much of a racist idiot you truly are.
That's correct you DON'T DESERVE IT What the hell should you get reparations for ? You haven't suffered.
Since 1965, you have been the BENEFICIARY of racial discrimination (Affirmative Action). It is whites & Asians who hav been the victims.

THEY are who should get reparations to compenstate them for the money they've lost.
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They weren't necessarily "set up" for black people only. That's just the way they were administered. The way it was.

You must be dreaming. The set asides & priviliges are for minorities, often just blacks, not whites.

You didn't answer my question. How old are you ?
If there are any so called set asides like that, they are few and far in between. White women have benefitted from AA far more than any black person.

I am in my 60s, next question.
That's correct you DON'T DESERVE IT What the hell should you get reparations for ? You haven't suffered.
How do you know what black person has suffered and what black person hasn't suffered? That's just a weak ass cop out.
Since 1965, you have been the BENEFICIARY of racial discrimination (Affirmative Action). It is whites & Asians who hav been the victims.

THEY are who should get reparations to compenstate them for the money they've lost.
That has to be one of the most ignorant, stupid ass statements I have ever heard in my life. First of all idiot only a small % of black folks have benefitted from AA, here is another tidbit of information Asians have benefitted from AA as well. To say that AA is reparations for slavery, Jim Crow and all the racism and discrimination that black folks have suffered in this country is asinine and stupid.
That's correct you DON'T DESERVE IT What the hell should you get reparations for ? You haven't suffered.
Since 1965, you have been the BENEFICIARY of racial discrimination (Affirmative Action). It is whites & Asians who hav been the victims.

THEY are who should get reparations to compenstate them for the money they've lost.
Thank you! And it’s really insulting for Superbro to compare his “suffering” (complete with affirmative action programs that gave him advantages over whites) to Jews who suffered through concentration camps, lost their family members, had all their property stolen, and then spent the remaining 40 years of their lives dealing with the physical damage caused by the starvation.
You’re just like that other idiot Lisa, you are both racist as hell and then try to come out and claim you are not.
Except you’ve never been able to quote one racist thing I’ve said.

I see what the plan is: to scream RAAAACIST at any white who is opposed to reparations.
I don't know what in the world you find "racist" about me. I think you're just a bit off the tracks. :cuckoo:
He calls everyone racist if they don’t think blacks should get reparations or if they don’t think people should get ”bonus points” for college admission or job promotions due to skin color.
That's correct you DON'T DESERVE IT What the hell should you get reparations for ? You haven't suffered.
Since 1965, you have been the BENEFICIARY of racial discrimination (Affirmative Action). It is whites & Asians who hav been the victims.

THEY are who should get reparations to compenstate them for the money they've lost.
And remember….its not just money that Jews had stolen. They suffered lifelong physical damage and had their familles murdered.

And somehow, Superbro thinks that the blacks in my father’s college, who, assuming they were hard workers, went on to successful professional careers, should get money funded by the white working class?

Or, look at it this way: why should the white young man who lost his seat at medical school to blacks with worse college GPAs and MCATs and thus settled for being a Physician Assistant now have to pitch into a fund that will provide even more money to the black doctors who got in via their race?
Except you’ve never been able to quote one racist thing I’ve said.

I see what the plan is: to scream RAAAACIST at any white who is opposed to reparations.
You mean like you scream ANTISEMITIC at anyone who doesn't bow down to you.

Your posts are anti black, you whine about AA when you gave benefitted from it a helluva alot more than I have.

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