Battle for equality: School board cancels Black history courses, ignites outrage

It WAS NOT my failure, I was told I was in the top 5 of my grad school class of 33 students.The blame goes to the racist pig liberals who enacted this racist AA program at my university (and 1000s of others like it)

You are in denial that you are RACIST, and complicit with these racists. You are just like all the other libs who think it is perfectly OK to racially discriminate, as long as blacks are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims.

As for what you said about "sucks", I have a music youtune channel, and an online art gallery of 43 paintings that you could not equal, if your imcompetent life depended on it. :biggrin:

You were a white male and in the top 5 of your Grad School Class and still failed at life?

I suspect serious personality problems that prevented you from amounting to much
You were a white male and in the top 5 of your Grad School Class and still failed at life?

I suspect serious personality problems that prevented you from amounting to much
You suspect wrong. Maybe obtaining more information might help you to be a better suspecter.

I didnt say I failed at life. In fact, in many ways I succeeded way above 99% of the population. Click my links for 2 demonstrative examples. No need to continue being ignorant.
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You suspect wrong. Maybe obtaining more information might help you to be a better suspecter.

I didnt say I failed at life. In fact, in many ways I succeeded way above 99% of the population. Click my links for 2 demonstrative examples. No need to continue being ignorant.

All I know is what you, yourself posted.

I still suffer the ramifications of it, even now at age 77, and collecting Social Security, which is immensely reduced, due to the decades of reduced incomes I had, because of Affirmative Action, which completely took away my entire life's career.

As a White Male who graduated in the middle of my class I still managed to get managerial promotions in a heavy AffirmatIve Action environment.
I saw other White Males who had graduated near the top of their class that never managed to get promoted beyond journeyman positions. Affirmative Action had nothing to do with it.
They had people issues, short tempers and were considered by others to be Assholes

I suspect that is what took away your “entire life’s career”
^^^ Now, here is proof of what I just said above:

1) how the anti-American leftists want to teach how “evil” America and get kids to hate the country.
So we omit the bad history and only show the history that makes you look good.
2) that its all about getting whites to fork over reparations.
So it is OK for Jewish folks to receive reparations for the injustice that was done to them, but when it comes to black folks we don't deserve it.
Superbadbro is so stupid that he doesn’t realize he just proved my points as to why the Left wants to have dedicated courses on black history. At this rate, our high school grads won’t be able to read or write above a fifth grade level, but they’ll sure know what an evil country we have and how whitey owes blacks big money.
Actually Lisa you prove how much of a racist idiot you are. Explain how teaching REAL American History takes away from every other subject that is taught in school. Now you don't have a problem with students being taught the evil that Germany is responsible for, but you want to sweep it under the rug when it comes to America. As I stated before you just can't hide how much of a racist idiot you truly are.
1, College admissions
Post the specific program.
2, College financial aid
Post the college aid that is set aside for just black students.
3. Job hiring
4. Job promotions
5. Business loans
Just more racist propaganda, no specifics just your opinion.
It sounds like bullshit to YOU, because you just dont know any better.
it sounds like bullshit, because that is what it is.
I've had black friends all my life, I had a black roommate when I was in college, and I have MANY black friends & neighbors, right now. I live in a building which is 70% black residents.
You are a know-nothing fool.
There is no way, if you did you wouldn't be a racist POS.
More like a battle for domination rather than equality. The assumption by the left seems to be that everything we think we know about American history is racist and wrong and we are not one Nation.
I cannot argue against you there. Out here in the hinterland of America, we simply do not know that to be the case, for certain, without hearing the lesson plans and application, specific to the courses. But, there is certainly a high potential to be just as you warn. For those not in the class (such as parents) and of course, the rest of us, not taking the time or having the access to read or talk with students, it is actually an unknown, but at the very least, the potential is there for programming, damaging to society. Either way, the subject is an important one, and can be taught with an even hand, if that is the intent and there is self-discipline. We just do not know. I figure they will work it out. I took a course "Black American Writers" and was one of only 4 white students in the first class offered at Lone Oak, when I was a Junior. It was taught evenly and with no BS, simply as an author, message, and concept familiarization class. So, I know it can be done, but do not know it to be the case in St Louis.
its caucasion
How do we teach that segregation and slavery weren't wrong and people were discriminated on because of race? There's no way to spin these in a positive light.
Post the specific program.

Post the college aid that is set aside for just black students.

Just more racist propaganda, no specifics just your opinion.

it sounds like bullshit, because that is what it is.
There is no way, if you did you wouldn't be a racist POS.
College admissions in colleges all across th country. In New York, the CUNY colleges all had "Open Admissions" allowing in any dum dum, with any level of high school grades, preference given to blacks, and then watering down the courses, to accomodate the inferior intellects of the dum dums.

The college aid AA discrimination (one of millions) that I experienced, was the assistantships at Memphis State University in 1977.

So now that I've accomodated you with answers, while you sit here firing questions at me, here's one for YOU, Mr Question Mark. >> How old are you ?
Obama had both houses for a few months and used it to drive through Obamacare
SCOTUS has been Conservative for decades
Wrong, SCOTUS was controlled by the liberals for decades. Constitutionalists only took control during the Trump years. Obama had control of both houses for two years.
Wrong, SCOTUS was controlled by the liberals for decades. Constitutionalists only took control during the Trump years. Obama had control of both houses for two years.

Show me any time in the last 40 years the court was controlled by liberals appointed by Democrats

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