Battle for equality: School board cancels Black history courses, ignites outrage

What is at least as relevant is the EFFECT of Affirmative Action. >> wrecking the college educations of millions of whites & Asians, taking their careers away from them, severely reducing their lifelong incomes, and wrecking their lives.
only people get educated here any more and work are illegals and immagrents.
Thousands of AA programs benefits have been given to blacks only, especially in Southern states where white liberals are foolishly inundated with guilt over slavery (despite that they played no part in it)
Name some of those programs, don't talk about it be about it.
In my graduate school (Memphis State University) only blacks received assistantships. Among those denied were 7 women. 4 Hispanics (including me), & 3 Asians
(China, Korea, India)
That sounds like bullshit, that whole group is minorities.
How do I know ? I know. One of the blacks who got an assistantship and was a very bright guy, told me 2 of the other blacks who got assistantships, paid him to rewrite their term papers. He said they misspelled half the words in the whole paper. The rest of it was what they copied from books.
The plot thickens.
After Brown vs Board of Education, my school classes became integrated. I had a black friend in my class in 1957. He told me about his family. He said both his parents grew up in New York City in the 1920s, and his grandparents were from North Carolina, where they grew up in the 1880s, and his great grandparents were from there also.
Nobody is buying that a racist like you had a black friend in 1957.
how is black history not racist . i'm glad they canceled

I have no problem with teaching black history, so long as it is accurate, fair and balanced without a hidden social agenda, and covers the good as well as the bad, all as part of the American Indian and the Mexicans, and the oppression of the South in the Civil War, so we truly KNOW our history and not to promote an agenda, so we learn from our mistakes so as to grow from them making ourselves better instead of using it just to blame others to just advance some personal political agenda.
Is a whole course needed to teach the rosa parks story and how slavery was a horrible time? That's debatable.

What is truly idiotic and ignorant is people that believe teaching those topics might somehow create division in the nation or it might teach kids not to like the country. Now that's truly repugnant.
Pres Obama wasn't the problem, it was racist like you. Mitch McConnell said there goal was to sabotage Pres. Obama and that is pretty much what the Republican Party tried to do.
Okay .. sweet ... I'm a racist now .. yeah! So where did Mitch McConnel say his goal was to sabotage Obama? I'm hearing lots of conjecture and no objective reality.
Every time black history is taught, White history is also included
Yes the liberal whites are the problem history.
Maybe the problem (I assume it's a problem) is that black appreciation is being taught in a way that focuses less on succeeding and too much on the hurdles along the way. Everyone has suffered hardship but it's the black and white racists who think the other race is the reason for it. If it is the reason for it then it is what it is but get it out da way and move forward!
Not all black history studies in high school are racist, certainly not all black literature courses. I took Black American Writers in selective English at Lone Oak High Schools (a predominately white majority school) back in 1972, as a junior.

Have you ever taken a course, or is that just prejudice against there being any black studies courses offered as electives in high school?
The waters have been muddied by the insertion of generational blame. Too many of such subjects aim to reignite the antipathy and crusade for revenge. Too many lay blame on all descendants of white heritage regardless of whether they descended from slave owners as if that was also some kind of crime. Too many are taught not for the value of the lesson but with the idea of translating the info into fodder for current day violence and retribution. THAT'S WHERE THE PROBLEM LIES.
It should be an elective....unless of course it's a tainted version designed to ignite feelings of hatred.
It shouldn't be tainted nor diluded. It should be factual and not avoided because it might cause division. If the facts are taught then it takes care of itself. If it's softened because so.e kid might form a negative opinion that's the waynit goes.

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