Battle for equality: School board cancels Black history courses, ignites outrage

You tell me because it has never helped the folks it was designed to help.
BULLSHIT. When I was in graduate school, 8 were given to the only 8 (lesser qualified) blacks who applied. Everyone else was denied.

This has gone on for 59 years with many blacks getting ahead only because of the unfair practice of affirmative action. Here's a few examples > Barrack Obama, Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris, Ketanji Brown Jackson, Fani Wills, Leticia James, Al Sharpton.
Provide opportunity to others than White Males
That was the intention. It permutated into giving blacks opportunities while denying it to whites better qualified. Look at the press Secretary. Look at the VP. Look at the president of Harvard. All AA picks, and far from the best available.
BULLSHIT. When I was in graduate school, 8 were given to the only 8 (lesser qualified) blacks who applied. Everyone else was denied.

This has gone on for 59 years with many blacks getting ahead only because of the unfair practice of affirmative action. Here's a few examples > Barrack Obama, Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris, Ketanji Brown Jackson, Fani Wills, Leticia James, Al Sharpton.
Don’t forget Karine Jean Pierre. Another one selected for her skin color and in way over her head.
That’s because there are more whites than blacks. Bit blacks were more LIKELY to benefit from it.

And Gd help you if you went up against a black female for a job or promotion, Not a chance. They’d pick a HS grad over someone with a grad degree, and especially in the federal government.
Black folks have NEVER been prioritized over whites in this country, now tell us how America dumped money into black folks after slavery and Jim Crow in the same manner that they did Jewish folks after WWII. Yes, you have said plenty of racist trash about black folks.
They’ve been prioritized over white folks for 40 years, via Affirmative Action.
That was the intention. It permutated into giving blacks opportunities while denying it to whites better qualified. Look at the press Secretary. Look at the VP. Look at the president of Harvard. All AA picks, and far from the best available.
Guess what Sweetie?

White women benefitted from Affirmative Action more than any other group.

Are you claiming that white males were always the best available for all high paying positions?
If America opened up everything to Jewish folks, then why did my father and uncle have to move and take jobs with the federal government. Hint: Because Jews couldn‘t get hired in NY after WWII. Don’t kid yourself that antisemitism wasn’t bad.[/qute]
Black soldiers coming back from WWII couldn't even use the GI Bill or receive VA loans to buy a home, while their white counterparts could. If your father and Uncle couldn't receive a job how do you think black folks were being treated.
And what did Jews do for blacks? They hired them when nobody else would. They rented to them when nobody else would. They marched with them during Civil Rights and gave their lives for them.
What did black folks do for Jewish folks during the Holocaust? We were dying in Europe to help liberate the Jewish folks as well. Why can't black folks receive loans to open up businesses and buy apartment buildings, etc. Black folks don't have a history of harming Jewish folks in America.
Now you tell me: what are blacks doing for Jewish folks who are currently facing the most horrific antisemitism since WWII?
Where in the Middle East?
Why do you always demand that others do for black folks? Right now, I’d say things are worse for Jews. Nobody is marching around calling for the genocide of blacks. Blacks aren’t being told to hide in their houses.
The Jewish Community in America is doing better than the Black Community is. I don't see Jewish folks being murdered by police in America. I don't see Jewish folks being unjustly incarcerated in America. The Jewish unemployment rate is no where near what that of black folks is. I haven't seen anywhere in Georgia where Jewish folks are being told to hide in their houses.
Why is everything one-sided with you? You act like blacks are the only ones facing prejudice, and continually demand that whites and Jews do something about it. Jews have enough of our own problems to deal with: what are you doing to help US?
Jews in America are white, why are you trying to separate the 2? Jewish folks are not being harmed in America, again tell what what America did for black folks after slavery and Jim Crow, I show you the money America has given to the Jewish community after WWII.
BULLSHIT. When I was in graduate school, 8 were given to the only 8 (lesser qualified) blacks who applied. Everyone else was denied.
Who told you they were less qualified? How do you know that only 8 black people applied? Folks personal records are confidential, they don't come out ant tell you that 8 black people go it because of AA. See this is a lie that has been told for years, when a more qualified black person gets a position to save face you tell everyone that the only reason they got it was because of AA.
This has gone on for 59 years with many blacks getting ahead only because of the unfair practice of affirmative action. Here's a few examples > Barrack Obama, Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris, Ketanji Brown Jackson, Fani Wills, Leticia James, Al Sharpton.
Pres. Obama got an additional 9 million votes because he was black.

Joe Biden got an additional 10million votes because Kamala is black and a woman.

Ketanji Jackson only got it because she was black, eventhough, her qualifications were better than Barrett and Kavanaugh but that doesn't really matter.

See this is the logic of racist.
That’s because there are more whites than blacks. Bit blacks were more LIKELY to benefit from it.
White women have benefitted mostly from it.
And Gd help you if you went up against a black female for a job or promotion, Not a chance. They’d pick a HS grad over someone with a grad degree, and especially in the federal government.
What are you basing that on? Your opinion. Racial discrimination against black folks in this country when it comes to employment is well documented.
A black man was elected in 2008 .. a black man .. who can achieve the highest level in the United States.
So in 2008 ALL racial discrimination, police brutality, unemployment, etc. ended in this country. What a fucking joke, the electing of a black president didn't change a damn thing for the average black person in America.

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