Battle for equality: School board cancels Black history courses, ignites outrage

Our history is much more than just the struggles in America, we were taught a little about slavery, Crispus Attucks, a little bit about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad and a little of the Civil War.

It shocks me that a Jewish woman would even say some of the stupid ass, racist shit that you spew. Tell me the history of Jewish folks in America, show me how you were treated worse in this country than black folks were.

America opened up everything to Jewish folks after the Holocaust to set up Israel, what did they do for the slaves when slavery ended? What did they do for black folks when Jim Crow ended? What did they do for black folks after WWII?
Who is "they?" ... and what should "they" have done for black folks after Jim Crow or WW2? "Black folks" were phenomenal pilots in WW2 ...

Just more bitching with no outcomes ..
FOOL!! How many times have I corrected you on that stupid full-of-holes talking point ? 10 ? 20 ?

OK. Here we go again >>

As for white women victimized by AA, that occurs in 2 ways:

1. By AA programs that grant preference only to blacks (like the one that once denied me, and 7 non-black women) a graduate school assistantship.

2. The 118 million white women in America, who are daughters or wives of white men being discriminated against by race-based Affirmative Action.

Information-deprived liberals need tutoring. On MSM, they don't get it. Here they do.
What's the purpose of Affirmative Action?
What is at least as relevant is the EFFECT of Affirmative Action. >> wrecking the college educations of millions of whites & Asians, taking their careers away from them, severely reducing their lifelong incomes, and wrecking their lives.
FOOL!! How many times have I corrected you on that stupid full-of-holes talking point ? 10 ? 20 ?

OK. Here we go again >>

As for white women victimized by AA, that occurs in 2 ways:

1. By AA programs that grant preference only to blacks (like the one that once denied me, and 7 non-black women) a graduate school assistantship.
Give me some specific AA programs that are for black folks only. How do you know the black folks who were awarded the graduate school assistantship weren't smarter and more qualified than you were? Oh that's right you are white, so that automatically makes you more qualified.
2. The 118 million white women in America, who are daughters or wives of white men being discriminated against by race-based Affirmative Action.

Information-deprived liberals need tutoring. On MSM, they don't get it. Here they do.
If the white women are benefitting, then the white men they are married to are benefitting as well.
Our history is much more than just the struggles in America, we were taught a little about slavery, Crispus Attucks, a little bit about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad and a little of the Civil War.

It shocks me that a Jewish woman would even say some of the stupid ass, racist shit that you spew. Tell me the history of Jewish folks in America, show me how you were treated worse in this country than black folks were.

America opened up everything to Jewish folks after the Holocaust to set up Israel, what did they do for the slaves when slavery ended? What did they do for black folks when Jim Crow ended? What did they do for black folks after WWII?
I’ve said nothing racist. I just don’t believe in prioritizing one race over another.
I’ve said nothing racist. I just don’t believe in prioritizing one rwce over another.
Black folks have NEVER been prioritized over whites in this country, now tell us how America dumped money into black folks after slavery and Jim Crow in the same manner that they did Jewish folks after WWII. Yes, you have said plenty of racist trash about black folks.
Ding ding ding


The only "black history" they want to allow is teaching kids how much blacks benefitted from slavery.

From what we hear….they learned valuable skills and were better off as slaves than being free in the jungle.

Want to hear the one where black people also owned slaves?

Bigots view of Critical Race Theory
Black folks have NEVER been prioritized over whites in this country, now tell us how America dumped money into black folks after slavery and Jim Crow in the same manner that they did Jewish folks after WWII. Yes, you have said plenty of racist trash about black folks.
Who was elected president in 2008?
From what we hear….they learned valuable skills and were better off as slaves than being free in the jungle.

Want to hear the one where black people also owned slaves?

Bigots view of Critical Race Theory

Blacks did own slaves you nincompoop

Good gawd. . for that matter so did Native Americans

You slept through history?

Here dumbass

William Ellison Jr
Our history is much more than just the struggles in America, we were taught a little about slavery, Crispus Attucks, a little bit about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad and a little of the Civil War.

It shocks me that a Jewish woman would even say some of the stupid ass, racist shit that you spew. Tell me the history of Jewish folks in America, show me how you were treated worse in this country than black folks were.

America opened up everything to Jewish folks after the Holocaust to set up Israel, what did they do for the slaves when slavery ended? What did they do for black folks when Jim Crow ended? What did they do for black folks after WWII?
If America opened up everything to Jewish folks, then why did my father and uncle have to move and take jobs with the federal government. Hint: Because Jews couldn‘t get hired in NY after WWII. Don’t kid yourself that antisemitism wasn’t bad.

And what did Jews do for blacks? They hired them when nobody else would. They rented to them when nobody else would. They marched with them during Civil Rights and gave their lives for them.

Now you tell me: what are blacks doing for Jewish folks who are currently facing the most horrific antisemitism since WWII? Why do you always demand that others do for black folks? Right now, I’d say things are worse for Jews. Nobody is marching around calling for the genocide of blacks. Blacks aren’t being told to hide in their houses.

Why is everything one-sided with you? You act like blacks are the only ones facing prejudice, and continually demand that whites and Jews do something about it. Jews have enough of our own problems to deal with: what are you doing to help US?

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