Battle for equality: School board cancels Black history courses, ignites outrage

Guess what Sweetie?

White women benefitted from Affirmative Action more than any other group.

Are you claiming that white males were always the best available for all high paying positions?
Because there were more of them! But blacks were MORE LIKELY to benefit.

And when did I claim white males were always the best qualified? You libtards like to change words around in order to make your opponent seem racist. I said that when you give first priority to a group of people who comprise 13% of the population, you are LIKELY bypassing the best qualified. Not always. But usually.

It’s simple math. If there were 100 applicants for a job, 20 of whom were black, and the management said to hire a black person, thereby excluding the other eight, the odds are 80% that the best qualified was in the excluded group. The odds that you got the best qualified by limiting your choice to the 20 blacks are only 20%.
So in 2008 ALL racial discrimination, police brutality, unemployment, etc. ended in this country. What a fucking joke, the electing of a black president didn't change a damn thing for the average black person in America.
I agree .. Obama was a lackluster president. How'd he do on "racial discrimination," "police brutality," "unemployment" etc?
Because there were more of them! But blacks were MORE LIKELY to benefit.

And when did I claim white males were always the best qualified? You libtards like to change words around in order to make your opponent seem racist. I said that when you give first priority to a group of people who comprise 13% of the population, you are LIKELY bypassing the best qualified. Not always. But usually.

It’s simple math. If there were 100 applicants for a job, 20 of whom were black, and the management said to hire a black person, thereby excluding the other eight, the odds are 80% that the best qualified was in the excluded group. The odds that you got the best qualified by limiting your choice to the 20 blacks are only 20%.
Who’s best qualified is not always cut and dried

Up until Affirmative Action, best qualified was the guy who looked like me, talked like I do, had similar life experiences

Women were considered too emotional to take on authority
Blacks were better suited for menial tasks
Hispanics had a funny accent

Affirmative Action gave them a chance
It has been such a major success that nobody thinks twice if they see a woman, a black, a Hispanic in a position of authority
Who’s best qualified is not always cut and dried

Up until Affirmative Action, best qualified was the guy who looked like me, talked like I do, had similar life experiences

Women were considered too emotional to take on authority
Blacks were better suited for menial tasks
Hispanics had a funny accent

Affirmative Action gave them a chance
It has been such a major success that nobody thinks twice if they see a woman, a black, a Hispanic in a position of authority
Speak for yourself. I've seen those who are out in positions they couldn't manage and there are no shortages. This is where the Peter principal comes to light. I've seen those in management position that couldn't write a proper email or understand what they read base on the responses. They can't hide.
Speak for yourself. I've seen those who are out in positions they couldn't manage and there are no shortages. This is where the Peter principal comes to light. I've seen those in management position that couldn't write a proper email or understand what they read base on the responses. They can't hide.
Same thing happened when only white males were hired

Hired because they had a relative, knew the bosses son, were able to share stories with the boss
I agree .. Obama was a lackluster president. How'd he do on "racial discrimination," "police brutality," "unemployment" etc?
Pres Obama wasn't the problem, it was racist like you. Mitch McConnell said there goal was to sabotage Pres. Obama and that is pretty much what the Republican Party tried to do.
In teaching American History, the role of blacks has been overlooked.
The impact of slavery is glossed over
The economic contribution of blacks is ignored
Jim Crow and the battles of Civil Rights is glossed over.

But somehow, the Confederacy is honored
None of that was true when I went to school in the sixties. I doubt very much if it’s true now.
Pres Obama wasn't the problem, it was racist like you. Mitch McConnell said their goal was to sabotage Pres. Obama and that is pretty much what the Republican Party tried to do.
Obama owned both houses of the legislature and had a reliably liberal majority in SCOTUS.
Give me some specific AA programs that are for black folks only. How do you know the black folks who were awarded the graduate school assistantship weren't smarter and more qualified than you were? Oh that's right you are white, so that automatically makes you more qualified.

If the white women are benefitting, then the white men they are married to are benefitting as well.
Thousands of AA programs benefits have been given to blacks only, especially in Southern states where white liberals are foolishly inundated with guilt over slavery (despite that they played no part in it)

In my graduate school (Memphis State University) only blacks received assistantships. Among those denied were 7 women. 4 Hispanics (including me), & 3 Asians
(China, Korea, India)

How do I know ? I know. One of the blacks who got an assistantship and was a very bright guy, told me 2 of the other blacks who got assistantships, paid him to rewrite their term papers. He said they misspelled half the words in the whole paper. The rest of it was what they copied from books.
You know what country they are from and if you know that I am pretty sure you know which city in that country they are from, so go on somewhere else with that bullshit.

Our parents were cut off from that history, so how in the hell could they teach it to us.
After Brown vs Board of Education, my school classes became integrated. I had a black friend in my class in 1957. He told me about his family. He said both his parents grew up in New York City in the 1920s, and his grandparents were from North Carolina, where they grew up in the 1880s, and his great grandparents were from there also.
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Battle for equality: School board cancels Black history courses, ignites outrage

how is black history not racist .
I tend to agree with you. During American history classes do they not mention Martin Luther King, Jesse Owens, Barrack Obama, George Washington Carver,
Pres Obama wasn't the problem, it was racist like you. Mitch McConnell said there goal was to sabotage Pres. Obama and that is pretty much what the Republican Party tried to do.
Which is what the party out of power always says and does. Your problem is that the GOP controlled nothing for the first two years of the Obama administration and he still did nothing but pass Obamacare.
Who’s best qualified is not always cut and dried

Up until Affirmative Action, best qualified was the guy who looked like me, talked like I do, had similar life experiences

Women were considered too emotional to take on authority
Blacks were better suited for menial tasks
Hispanics had a funny accent

Affirmative Action gave them a chance
It has been such a major success that nobody thinks twice if they see a woman, a black, a Hispanic in a position of authority
What do they think when they see thousands of employees and 99% of them are non-white ?
Who told you they were less qualified? How do you know that only 8 black people applied? Folks personal records are confidential, they don't come out ant tell you that 8 black people go it because of AA. See this is a lie that has been told for years, when a more qualified black person gets a position to save face you tell everyone that the only reason they got it was because of AA.

Pres. Obama got an additional 9 million votes because he was black.

Joe Biden got an additional 10million votes because Kamala is black and a woman.

Ketanji Jackson only got it because she was black, eventhough, her qualifications were better than Barrett and Kavanaugh but that doesn't really matter.

See this is the logic of racist.
Already answered in Post # 112.
Are you OK with teaching WHITE history ?

PS - my ancestors are from Denmark, Italy, & Mexico

then go there and learn about them. or research it your self and read books on it yourself. when is america you learn american history then world history.
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