Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

That's Russians for you. This shit will only ramp up the assistance from the west.

Prigozhin has plenty of ammunition- it's fighters he's running out of.
Prigozhin is running out of time. Yesterday he publicly insulted and criticized Putin in a video. Considering that he has political aspirations its a death sentence. He either needs to take Putin's place by a coup or hide. One of the two aren't going to live much longer.
The most terrble Holodomor was in the Polish-controlled regions of Ukraine.
And yes, even in the USSR there were much more starving regions those years, for example - Povolgie.

Currently in occupied territories Putin has publicly declared that forced internment in another location is what is going to happen to those who refuse to accept Russian citizenship. That's genocide!

So yes, it is the end of the world for those living in Ukraine.
As they say: " The True Ukrainians should live in Canada". "If they don't want to live in Russia - they can easily leave it". And absolute majority of those who live in Ukraine will continue their life in Russia.
Man, even Zelenskiy himself lived in Moscow for many years and his wife still have pretty good appartements in Sevastopol.

May be, somewhere behind Zbruch the Russians will face some kind of people-backed guerilla resistance. In Russian-speaking regions of Southern, Eastern and Central Ukraine ordinary people don't care much about it.
The most terrble Holodomor was in the Polish-controlled regions of Ukraine.
And yes, even in the USSR there were much more starving regions those years, for example - Povolgie.

As they say: " The True Ukrainians should live in Canada". "If they don't want to live in Russia - they can easily leave it". And absolute majority of those who live in Ukraine will continue their life in Russia.
Man, even Zelenskiy himself lived in Moscow for many years and his wife still have pretty good appartements in Sevastopol.

May be, somewhere behind Zbruch the Russians will face some kind of people-backed guerilla resistance. In Russian-speaking regions of Southern, Eastern and Central Ukraine ordinary people don't care much about it.
5 MILLION people have fled Ukraine when Russia attacked February of '22 and are now living in Poland....what do you think? That they are so welcoming of Russia?

Poland is building the largest military in the European theater with 500,000 men. More in the reserves....just because Putin has publicly stated he idolizes Stalin and wants to rebuild the old Soviet empire again.

And by the way.....I hear that the CIA, Mussaad and MI5 are looking for your network of information providers....maybe you are on their lists too. Just saying.

Might want to get behind an international boundary line for safety.
You clearly have no idea how stupid you sound.

Clearly, you have no idea how stupid you sound. For many years now the US has maintained a nuclear arsenal sufficient to destroy Russia three times over in case of a Russian first strike. Russia's nuclear threats are intended to compensate for the fact its conventional forces are clearly only a pale shadow of what the world had thought they were before Putin's fiasco in Ukraine, but no one is paying attention to Putin's nonsensical nuclear threats. The fact that you now feel the need to include China in a US Russia conflict shows you don't believe your own nonsense about Russia "winning" a nuclear war.
You see, if one calculates the problem, not just declares an answer, he won't agree with your wishful-thinking position.

Which means, that in the case of realistic Russian counter-force attack, something like what they describe in their military journals,

Stop with posting attachments in a foreign language. meister

survived US forces won't be effective enough to kill even one million of the Russian.
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Although it is morally reprehensible to bomb cities, it is neither rational nor irrational to be a bloodthirsty cocksucker. If following a moral code prevents you from getting what you want, are your actions rational or irrational? The answer is it has nothing to do with rationality but with values. Given one set of values, logic would lead you to one set of actions but given another set of values, logic would lead you to another set of actions.

Arguably, Putin is a sociopath who has based his decisions and actions on false assumptions about the resolve of the Ukrainian people and Ukraine's western allies to resist the invasion, but given those assumptions and his deeply flawed character, his actions have been quite rational.

I would agree with you that Putin would have no moral qualms about nuking millions of Ukrainians or Europeans or Americans if he believed it would bring him some benefit, but the Russians have studied the consequences of a nuclear as carefully as the US has and they have come to the same decision that no benefit would accrue to either side, so there is no possibility that Putin would be able to convince himself that Russia would in any way benefit from firing off nukes.
Actually, all parties concerned understand that there are plenty of scenarios, some of which ended by Russian victory.
You see, if one calculates the problem, not just declares an answer, he won't agree with your wishful-thinking position.
View attachment 782733
Which means, that in the case of realistic Russian counter-force attack, something like what they describe in their military journals,

View attachment 782734

survived US forces won't be effective enough to kill even one million of the Russian.
Russia will cease to exist as a nationality if it starts a nuclear war.

The targeting in Russian missiles is not good enough to hit where most of the USA's missiles are stashed, ready to launch. Not to mention the ABM defenses we already have in place that Russia has no concept of. They certainly don't have them . Sure they have radio free zones....but that doesn't help when the missile is using an altimeter to detonate....the radio free zones only stop the missiles from self destruct being effective if we want to stop the attack.

You have a LOT of goofy ideas.
5 MILLION people have fled Ukraine when Russia attacked February of '22 and are now living in Poland....what do you think? That they are so welcoming of Russia?
Two million of ex-Ukrainian citizens became Russian citizens in Crimea. Almost 7 million are becoming Russian citizens in Novorossia right now. There were 3,8 million working migrants from Ukraine before 2022, and one or two millions came from Ukraine in 2022.

Poland is building the largest military in the European theater with 500,000 men. More in the reserves....just because Putin has publicly stated he idolizes Stalin and wants to rebuild the old Soviet empire again.
Half of million? Not too much against a nuclear capable superpower.

And by the way.....I hear that the CIA, Mussaad and MI5 are looking for your network of information providers....maybe you are on their lists too. Just saying.

Might want to get behind an international boundary line for safety.
Man, the most serious problem about CIA is it's incompetence. They really don't care about reality. The situation was quite bad before and during invasion in Iraq, and now it's simply terrible. Total degradation. Those soya boys and girls, raised in the years of a long peace just don't know what is their job about. They couldn't find their own ass even with a map, torch, GPS-navigator and a sat-com.
Man, the most serious problem about CIA is it's incompetence. They really don't care about reality. The situation was quite bad before and during invasion in Iraq, and now it's simply terrible. Total degradation. Those soya boys and girls, raised in the years of a long peace just don't know what is their job about. They couldn't find their own ass even with a map, torch, GPS-navigator and a sat-com
I know that YOU hope you are right.....
How about the Moussad? They always are willing to kill anybody anywhere at anytime.
Russia will cease to exist as a nationality if it starts a nuclear war.
It depends. Sure, that there is a risk of that, but they consider that the risks of NATO-occupied Ukraine are much more serious. Therefore, if there is a choice - "To start a nuclear war against the USA" or "To allow NATO occupy Ukraine", the first option is much more safe for them.

The targeting in Russian missiles is not good enough to hit where most of the USA's missiles are stashed, ready to launch.
Actually, it wasn't absolutely true even forty years ago, and now, with all those electronic things it's not true at all. In fact, Russian Sineva and Bulava warheads never missed their targeting points for more than 7 meters (21 feet) and it's more than enough for a 100 kt warhead. In "realistic" scenarios they usually count it as a 90% single-hit probability, which, with two warheads for a silo, means that there will be only four survived Minutemen, all of them without immediate capability to launch.

Not to mention the ABM defenses we already have in place that Russia has no concept of.

There are at least 68 active launchers of short-range 53T6 endoatmospheric interceptor nuclear armed missiles, 12 or 16 missiles each, deployed at five launch sites. These are tested roughly annually at the Sary Shagan test site.[15] In addition, 16 retired launchers of long-range 51T6 exoatmospheric interceptor nuclear armed missiles, 8 missiles each, are located at two launch sites.[4]

(16*8 + 68*12)/2 = (128+816)/2 = at least 472 warheads incoming not simultaneously or 42-84 warheads incoming simultaneously.

Which means, that a coordination of a possible retaliation strike demands time (likely hours, may be even days), which time the Russians (and, of course, Americans) will use for evacuation and sheltering.

What is even more important, there is a problem of the third Russian strike. If the USA attack half-empty, half-sheltered Moscow with all remaining warheads, FUBAR it, and kill, say, 500.000 Russians, the Russians will attack American cities, too. In such a situation (post-attack blackmail) there are pretty good chances that the USA could agree at almost any peace terms (except unconditional surrender, of course).

They certainly don't have them . Sure they have radio free zones....but that doesn't help when the missile is using an altimeter to detonate....the radio free zones only stop the missiles from self destruct being effective if we want to stop the attack.

You have a LOT of goofy ideas.
Non of those ideas are mine.
It depends. Sure, that there is a risk of that, but they consider that the risks of NATO-occupied Ukraine are much more serious. Therefore, if there is a choice - "To start a nuclear war against the USA" or "To allow NATO occupy Ukraine", the first option is much more safe for them.
Oh please, this is total nonsense.

You get beat with the stupid stick or something? :rolleyes:
I know that YOU hope you are right.....
How about the Moussad? They always are willing to kill anybody anywhere at anytime.
The problem of this conflict, is that the Jews are divided too. The only Jewish fraction that almost unconditionally supports Zelenskiy is Chabad. The secular Jews are more prone to support Moscow and do not support Ukrainian Neo-Nazies.
Especially giving that the word 'Pogrom' itself came from a very 'complicated' history of Jewish-Ukrainian relationships.
You know:
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Oh please, this is total nonsense.

You get beat with the stupid stick or something? :rolleyes:
Man, the Russians started their Special Military Operation because they thought the open conflict (however escalated) is much more safe than waiting for Ukrainian attack against Donbass, WMD-production or joining NATO.
You may like it or not like it but it was a result of their calculations and their analysis of the situation.
Man, the Russians started their Special Military Operation because they thought the open conflict (however escalated) is much more safe than waiting for Ukrainian attack against Donbass, WMD-production or joining NATO.
You may like it or not like it but it was a result of their calculations and their analysis of the situation.
Sorry, that's a crock of shit. Russia invaded because Putin saw an opportunity. He knows Biden is weak, and he thought the west would be divided on supporting Ukraine. And he thought he would present a fait accompli before anyone had a chance to react.

And the Russians were losing in Donbas, and the AFU would have reclaimed that territory if Putin didn't do something.

Which is still what's going to happen...

There was no imminent possibility of Ukraine joining NATO- he precluded that in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea and the war in the Donbas, and everyone understood that.

Silly narratives about nukes and WMD's and biolabs will not change anything. The Russian conduct of the war has only solidified the support from Ukraine's allies.
Sorry, that's a crock of shit. Russia invaded because Putin saw an opportunity. He knows Biden is weak, and he thought the west would be divided on supporting Ukraine. And he thought he would present a fait accompli before anyone had a chance to react.

And the Russians were losing in Donbas, and the AFU would have reclaimed that territory if Putin didn't do something.

Which is still what's going to happen...

There was no imminent possibility of Ukraine joining NATO- he precluded that in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea and the war in the Donbas, and everyone understood that.

Silly narratives about nukes and WMD's and biolabs will not change anything. The Russian conduct of the war has only solidified the support from Ukraine's allies.
My, and the Ukrainian's fear is that the mandatory evacuations AKA forced internment in Russian Gulags of Donbas and Crimean citizens (children go to "re-education" centers for programming) is going to destroy the culture of these places and the loss of people is going to be catastrophic.

If they can be liberated in time or the people returned before they suffer too much more.....
Sorry, that's a crock of shit. Russia invaded because Putin saw an opportunity. He knows Biden is weak, and he thought the west would be divided on supporting Ukraine. And he thought he would present a fait accompli before anyone had a chance to react.

Biden's decision to support Kievan regime was stupid, and Putin knew about it. This conflict makes NATO and the USA weaker, not stronger.
And the Russians were losing in Donbas, and the AFU would have reclaimed that territory if Putin didn't do something.
You are still talking about territory, not about people.

Which is still what's going to happen...
No. Ukraine won't survive even few weeks without Western support.

There was no imminent possibility of Ukraine joining NATO- he precluded that in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea and the war in the Donbas, and everyone understood that.
The question is not about formalities. The question is about real cooperation. And, de facto, Ukraine became a member of NATO.

Silly narratives about nukes and WMD's and biolabs will not change anything. The Russian conduct of the war has only solidified the support from Ukraine's allies.
The problem is, that this conflict also solidified the Shanghai block cooperation.
My, and the Ukrainian's fear is that the mandatory evacuations AKA forced internment in Russian Gulags of Donbas and Crimean citizens (children go to "re-education" centers for programming) is going to destroy the culture of these places and the loss of people is going to be catastrophic.

If they can be liberated in time or the people returned before they suffer too much more.....
Man, the culture of those places is Russian, and always have been. Actually, the Russians consider Ukrainian culture as a part of the Russian culture.
You see, if one calculates the problem, not just declares an answer, he won't agree with your wishful-thinking position.
View attachment 782733
Which means, that in the case of realistic Russian counter-force attack, something like what they describe in their military journals,

View attachment 782734

survived US forces won't be effective enough to kill even one million of the Russian.
Your table comes from a study by
You see, if one calculates the problem, not just declares an answer, he won't agree with your wishful-thinking position.
View attachment 782733
Which means, that in the case of realistic Russian counter-force attack, something like what they describe in their military journals,

View attachment 782734

survived US forces won't be effective enough to kill even one million of the Russian.
As always, nothing but bullshit in your post. The tables you are showing come from a computer simulation by a group of anti war scientists who put together a computer simulation based on current arsenals which shows European Russia, in which 75% if the Russian population lives, would be virtually obliterated, meaning that the Russian losses from the initial exchanges would certainly number in the tens of millions, perhaps as high as 70 million, and that would be only the deaths that resulted from the explosions and many more Russians would die from radiation, starvation and disease in the ruins of European Russia during the humanitarian crisis that would follow.

There is nothing here that supports your absurd claim about only one million Russian casualties.
Man, the culture of those places is Russian, and always have been. Actually, the Russians consider Ukrainian culture as a part of the Russian culture.
That's why Russia is bombing Ukraine to rubble and then firebombing the rubble, and has killed tens of thousands of Ukrainians? Because they are the same "culture"?

And why Russian state television talks endlessly about eliminating Ukraine as a nation and killing everyone who is "Russophobic"?

Whatever brainwashed Russians may think, Ukrainians obviously think something very different.

If Ukraine was what you say, there wouldn't even be a war. Ukrainians would have not voted for independence in 1991.

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