Battle of Kyiv - How putin and his empire lost the largest since WW2 battle in Europe !I DOCUMENTARY


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
the Ukrainians adapted so fast in every step of this war! They are true heroes.

Katya S.

3 days ago

My father was stuck outside of Kyiv in the Kyiv Oblast during the first days of the invasion. Not far from us other villages were completely massacred - like Makariv and motyzhin. At some point around February 27 or 28th, I completely lost contact with him for about 24/48 hours. I didn’t know, but at the time the intense battle near completely destroyed electrical towers, and our village was cut off from electricity. There was no cellular connection either. They were already rationing food and many of our neighbors hid in our basement - as our house was one of the few to have a basement. They were pretty much completely surrounded by battles. It was the most horrifying time of my life. I had at that point bid farewell to my dad because there was no reason to think that he wouldn’t wind up dead - although I still had some hope. Didn’t help that few days prior the Russian soldiers already shot someone living next to our village. And then, about a day after I lose contact with him, he manages to escape with many other neighbors . Somehow they found an open window of opportunity, and everyone got in their cars and escaped. And I remember just crying because my father recorded videos of him driving out of our village and that very highway which I drove so many times was just completely obliterated. Burnt up cars and tanks and gas stations. Destroyed houses. A shop we frequented. When i returned to kyiv last summer to check on our house, we found out that while the Russian soldiers destroyed neighboring villages, all of them chose to live in ours and made great use of our beds, toilets. A video came out where some Russian soldiers who was shot in our village had stolen female panties and a vibrator with him - vital efforts for denazification you know. We were extremely lucky that month. Many weren’t, unfortunately.

Even Canada was training the Ukranians, they will be more nimble and dynamic than the world, including Russia; would have given them credit for. Their only issue is numbers and weapons.
Moron Titloose
There never was an attack on Kyiv .
US and Nazi Ukeys were fooled by an immediate switch east which tapped the Ukeys on the eastern front who faced Russians and then had Russians obliterating them from behind .
You clowns have no idea what went on .

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