Bawhaaa- Hillary Clinton: "I Was On The Way To Winning


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
She should be in jail. Her Thighness Clinton with classic would of, could of, should of.


Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

Speaking during an interview on CNN, losing presidential candidate Hillary Clinton explained why she thinks she lost the election...

"I was on the way to winning before Jim Comey's letter and 'Russian' Wikileaks... scared off late voters."

So to be clear - until the head of the FBI admitted to the world that many of your actions were under investigation for potentially breaking law and WikiLeaks published 'proof' of multiple mis-dealings and relationships - you were on the way to winning? So, other than that how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?

All of this is ironic given Democratic Party strategists recent comments:

After crunching numbers for months, a group of Democratic strategists have finally figured out why Hillary lost the 2016 election: "her base didn't turn out." Sure, it probably had absolutely nothing to do with all those criminal FBI investigations or the fact that Trump was able to flip some Midwest states that haven't gone Red since Ronald Reagan. Per McClatchy:

A select group of top Democratic Party strategists have used new data about last year’s presidential election to reach a startling conclusion about why Hillary Clinton lost. Now they just need to persuade the rest of the party they’re right.

Many Democrats have a shorthand explanation for Clinton’s defeat: Her base didn’t turn out, Donald Trump’s did and the difference was too much to overcome.

Ironically, while offering up the most ridiculous explanation possible for the outcome of the 2016 election, undoubtedly in an effort to erase all blame from Hillary herself (it wasn't Hillary's fault, her team just didn't turn out the voters...they failed her), one strategist noted it's important to "learn the right lesson from 2016" and not just the one "that makes us feel good at night."

And as The Washington Post's most recent poll shows, two-thirds of Americans think the Democrats are out of touch - including nearly half of Democrats themselves.

It’s worth highlighting that last point. While the political opposition generally views Trump or either party as about equally out of touch - with about 80 to 90 percent saying so - the Democratic Party is viewed as far more out of touch by Democrats than Trump or the GOP are by Republicans.

And finally, as CNN reports, former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday indirectly knocked Hillary Clinton's failed 2016 campaign at a Thursday event, suggesting that the former secretary of state failed to talk to middle-class voters.

"What happened was that this was the first campaign that I can recall where my party did not talk about what it always stood for -- and that was how to maintain a burgeoning middle class," Biden said during an appearance at the University of Pennsylvania.

"You didn't hear a single solitary sentence in the last campaign about that guy working on the assembly linemaking $60,000 bucks a year and a wife making $32,000 as a hostess in restaurant."

"And they are making $90,000 and they have two kids and they can't make it and they are scared, they are frightened."

Despite calling half the nation 'deplorable' and beyond help, Clinton did attempt to speak to working class voters on the campaign trail, including through multiple bus trips through Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia. But the overarching message of her campaign, especially at the end, (and The Democrats since), was more often anti-Donald Trump than policy messaging toward these voters.

Other highlight from Hillary's interview (via Axios)

  • "I take absolute personal responsibility. I was the candidate. I was the person on the ballot."
  • "I am writing a book, and it is a painful process reliving the campaign."
  • Putin "certainly hurt me."
  • Electing the first female president "would have been a really big deal...There were important messages that could have sent."
  • "I'm back to being an activist citizen...part of the resistance."

  • On Trump's Syria strikes: "I don't know what kind of potentially back room deals were made with the Russians,"but Clinton said she "did support" the strike, although not publicly.
  • "I am going to publicly request that this administration not end our efforts making women's rights...central to American foreign policy..."
  • "One of the you ask people what was your last pay. If you're a women and you've been underpaid before…it looks fair, but it's not because you've got built in inequity
Hillary Clinton: "I Was On The Way To Winning Until Comey And 'Russian' WikiLeaks" | Zero Hedge
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I don't know what she stands to gain with this stuff.

It makes her feel better. It makes her be able to say "hey, it wasn't my fault".

She's human, and some people don't like to think they fucked up, they prefer to think someone else caused them to fail.

As an Engineer I know one simple fact, failures are never a result of one thing going wrong, it's usually a cascade of things going wrong that leads to a final failure.

For Hillary, to me, you need to attribute in no particular order:

1. The nasty primary fight that turned off Bernie Supporters, even if they reconciled later
2. A lack of motivating black democrats to the level of Obama's support
3. Ignoring middle class middle america whites
4. Doubling down on identity politics
5. Overconfidence in polls early on, and willful ignorance of poll trends towards the end
6. Yes, the Comney and wikileaks stuff

There are others as well.
I don't know what she stands to gain with this stuff.

She thinks she is entitled to be POTUS. Just like the stupid thinking her homely daughter is next in line

I don't know what she stands to gain with this stuff.

It makes her feel better. It makes her be able to say "hey, it wasn't my fault".

She's human, and some people don't like to think they fucked up, they prefer to think someone else caused them to fail.

As an Engineer I know one simple fact, failures are never a result of one thing going wrong, it's usually a cascade of things going wrong that leads to a final failure.

For Hillary, to me, you need to attribute in no particular order:

1. The nasty primary fight that turned off Bernie Supporters, even if they reconciled later
2. A lack of motivating black democrats to the level of Obama's support
3. Ignoring middle class middle america whites
4. Doubling down on identity politics
5. Overconfidence in polls early on, and willful ignorance of poll trends towards the end
6. Yes, the Comney and wikileaks stuff

There are others as well.
Yeah, agreed. There's also the ego of national politicians, which makes it very difficult to look in the mirror. The problem is that it doesn't help the Democrats if it looks like your nominee is making excuses and people are agreeing.
Now I think I'm going down to the well tonight
And I'm going to drink till I get my fill
And I hope when I get old I don't sit around thinking about it
But I probably will
Yeah, just sitting back trying to recapture
A little of the glory of, well time slips away
And leaves you with nothing mister but
Boring stories of glory days......
I don't know what she stands to gain with this stuff.

It makes her feel better. It makes her be able to say "hey, it wasn't my fault".

She's human, and some people don't like to think they fucked up, they prefer to think someone else caused them to fail.

As an Engineer I know one simple fact, failures are never a result of one thing going wrong, it's usually a cascade of things going wrong that leads to a final failure.

For Hillary, to me, you need to attribute in no particular order:

1. The nasty primary fight that turned off Bernie Supporters, even if they reconciled later
2. A lack of motivating black democrats to the level of Obama's support
3. Ignoring middle class middle america whites
4. Doubling down on identity politics
5. Overconfidence in polls early on, and willful ignorance of poll trends towards the end
6. Yes, the Comney and wikileaks stuff

There are others as well.
Yeah, agreed. There's also the ego of national politicians, which makes it very difficult to look in the mirror. The problem is that it doesn't help the Democrats if it looks like your nominee is making excuses and people are agreeing.

And lot of them are as blind and searching for a means to externalize this loss as she is....
I don't know what she stands to gain with this stuff.

It makes her feel better. It makes her be able to say "hey, it wasn't my fault".

She's human, and some people don't like to think they fucked up, they prefer to think someone else caused them to fail.

As an Engineer I know one simple fact, failures are never a result of one thing going wrong, it's usually a cascade of things going wrong that leads to a final failure.

For Hillary, to me, you need to attribute in no particular order:

1. The nasty primary fight that turned off Bernie Supporters, even if they reconciled later
2. A lack of motivating black democrats to the level of Obama's support
3. Ignoring middle class middle america whites
4. Doubling down on identity politics
5. Overconfidence in polls early on, and willful ignorance of poll trends towards the end
6. Yes, the Comney and wikileaks stuff

There are others as well.
Yeah, agreed. There's also the ego of national politicians, which makes it very difficult to look in the mirror. The problem is that it doesn't help the Democrats if it looks like your nominee is making excuses and people are agreeing.

And lot of them are as blind and searching for a means to externalize this loss as she is....
Yeah. There have been a few who were honest enough to point some things out, but they're being ignored for the most part.
i was on my way to Huma's apt for a long night of lesbian action

Enjoy yourself, didn't know you were a lesbian.

Twenty five years of right wing hatred of Hillary was the reason she lost. Add a touch of misogyny and an illiterate electorate to the mix.
Hillary Clinton: "I Was On The Way To Winning"

Aides are reporting that she spontaneously jumps up and shouts "Bingo!" at random intervals throughout the day....
Twenty five years of right wing hatred of Hillary was the reason she lost. Add a touch of misogyny and an illiterate electorate to the mix.
This really isn't it. And I voted for her. I hope the Democrats find a mirror soon..
Hillary Clinton: "I Was On The Way To Winning


um yeah



democrats lost across the board at an alarming rate

once again

Hillary Clinton: "I Was On The Way To Winning"

Aides are reporting that she spontaneously jumps up and shouts "Bingo!" at random intervals throughout the day....
Hillary "Well According to an ABC poll of 1300 complete idiots, I had a 14 point lead over Trump". therefore, I should of won, but then at the last minute, the russians started hacking the internet and I lost by 14 Million votes"
i was on my way to Huma's apt for a long night of lesbian action

Enjoy yourself, didn't know you were a lesbian.

Twenty five years of right wing hatred of Hillary was the reason she lost. Add a touch of misogyny and an illiterate electorate to the mix.

When you automatically attribute political disagreement with an ist/ism/ic, the problem isn't their side, its yours.

If it happens in the next 8 years, I'll vote for Nikki Haley in heartbeat, how is that sexist?

I wanted to draft Condelezza Rice as the VP candidate, how is that racist or sexist?
She should be in jail. Her Thighness Clinton with classic would of, could of, should of.


Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

Speaking during an interview on CNN, losing presidential candidate Hillary Clinton explained why she thinks she lost the election...

"I was on the way to winning before Jim Comey's letter and 'Russian' Wikileaks... scared off late voters."

So to be clear - until the head of the FBI admitted to the world that many of your actions were under investigation for potentially breaking law and WikiLeaks published 'proof' of multiple mis-dealings and relationships - you were on the way to winning? So, other than that how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?

All of this is ironic given Democratic Party strategists recent comments:

After crunching numbers for months, a group of Democratic strategists have finally figured out why Hillary lost the 2016 election: "her base didn't turn out." Sure, it probably had absolutely nothing to do with all those criminal FBI investigations or the fact that Trump was able to flip some Midwest states that haven't gone Red since Ronald Reagan. Per McClatchy:

A select group of top Democratic Party strategists have used new data about last year’s presidential election to reach a startling conclusion about why Hillary Clinton lost. Now they just need to persuade the rest of the party they’re right.

Many Democrats have a shorthand explanation for Clinton’s defeat: Her base didn’t turn out, Donald Trump’s did and the difference was too much to overcome.

Ironically, while offering up the most ridiculous explanation possible for the outcome of the 2016 election, undoubtedly in an effort to erase all blame from Hillary herself (it wasn't Hillary's fault, her team just didn't turn out the voters...they failed her), one strategist noted it's important to "learn the right lesson from 2016" and not just the one "that makes us feel good at night."

And as The Washington Post's most recent poll shows, two-thirds of Americans think the Democrats are out of touch - including nearly half of Democrats themselves.

It’s worth highlighting that last point. While the political opposition generally views Trump or either party as about equally out of touch - with about 80 to 90 percent saying so - the Democratic Party is viewed as far more out of touch by Democrats than Trump or the GOP are by Republicans.

And finally, as CNN reports, former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday indirectly knocked Hillary Clinton's failed 2016 campaign at a Thursday event, suggesting that the former secretary of state failed to talk to middle-class voters.

"What happened was that this was the first campaign that I can recall where my party did not talk about what it always stood for -- and that was how to maintain a burgeoning middle class," Biden said during an appearance at the University of Pennsylvania.

"You didn't hear a single solitary sentence in the last campaign about that guy working on the assembly linemaking $60,000 bucks a year and a wife making $32,000 as a hostess in restaurant."

"And they are making $90,000 and they have two kids and they can't make it and they are scared, they are frightened."

Despite calling half the nation 'deplorable' and beyond help, Clinton did attempt to speak to working class voters on the campaign trail, including through multiple bus trips through Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia. But the overarching message of her campaign, especially at the end, (and The Democrats since), was more often anti-Donald Trump than policy messaging toward these voters.

Other highlight from Hillary's interview (via Axios)

  • "I take absolute personal responsibility. I was the candidate. I was the person on the ballot."
  • "I am writing a book, and it is a painful process reliving the campaign."
  • Putin "certainly hurt me."
  • Electing the first female president "would have been a really big deal...There were important messages that could have sent."
  • "I'm back to being an activist citizen...part of the resistance."

  • On Trump's Syria strikes: "I don't know what kind of potentially back room deals were made with the Russians,"but Clinton said she "did support" the strike, although not publicly.
  • "I am going to publicly request that this administration not end our efforts making women's rights...central to American foreign policy..."
  • "One of the you ask people what was your last pay. If you're a women and you've been underpaid before…it looks fair, but it's not because you've got built in inequity
Hillary Clinton: "I Was On The Way To Winning Until Comey And 'Russian' WikiLeaks" | Zero Hedge

Thinking about it, Hillary was never reallocate thought to highly of ever. Shin Bill was president it seemed like everyone let Bill bring her because he was the cool kid. She has always just comes off as a money hungry whore .
Hillary Clinton: "I Was On The Way To Winning


um yeah



democrats lost across the board at an alarming rate

once again

Bill Clinton: "You know, I was well on my way to not having sex with that hot white chick, "Miss Lewinsky""
Hillary is a loser.

Go with Bill to the sex island and get schlonged. It may help your rutty complexion.



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