BB Bombshell: Jim Jordan's FBI 'whistleblowers' were paid by Trump ally and spread J6 conspiracy theories

Syndi Syndi Syndi. You’re on your period again.

Take a Midol for the severe cramps you’re showing.

More substantively, I laughed at Alternet and I laughed at its source, The NY Slimes. The slimes relied on a group of Dumbocraps. Obviously one can only laugh at a group of Dumbocraps.

See the pattern Syndi?

Yes, credible news sources were cited so you reject them.
At least Jordan's whistleblowers, unlike Schiffs, are actual, existing people.


So you lied when you said that Schiff had met with the whistleblower???? You can't meet with someone who doesn't exist.

Jordan doesn't have "whistleblowers". There's a "whistleblower process" and they filed nothing with the whistleblower office. These are disgruntled FBI washouts. They offered no evidence of anything. The only thing that Jordan's Committee is proving is that the Trump Administration weaponized government.

The "whistleblower" that Schiff referred to filed paperwork with the whistleblower's office.
You do fuck all for this country. You just bitch about it, constantly because your political tribe couldn't get it done, and your party lost an election, and you no longer have the power to annoy the rest of us with your fucking insipid partisan grievances. Too bad. Your stupid conspiracies theories don't work. Fuck you.

Life is a bitch. get a fucking helmet, you entitled MAGA douchebag.
We did not lose the election. The fraud was obvious and Biden is illegitimate. Anything else?
How about the New York Times, one of the 2 top circulation newspapers in the US. They broke the story.

The same NY Times that won Pulitzers for intentionally writing fiction they knew was not true for years?!

Yeah, ok
HOLY COW! Jim Jordan "Whistleblowers" were paid by a Trump Ally, more proof they have nothing

what a fraud, and so are the people who believe his crap

If you're investigating fake crimes, you're gonna need fake whistle blowers. Cut Insurrection Jim some slack folks!

And who was the bag man?

Why Kash Patel of course.

Remember that name
Lol. Alternet cites the NY Slimes who quote a bunch of Democraps. And it claims that Patel have financial support to one or two of the three witnesses in question. Even if Patel had provided some “financial support” (for whatever) to the witness or witnesses, that doesn’t undercut their accounts.

The witnesses either spoke the truth or they didn’t. And slimebag reporting by Bakedbromide based on an Alternet hatchet job itself based on the NY Slimes reporting which in turn is premised on a bunch of Democraps isn’t exactly compelling.

Jordan's farcical investigation is the worse bit of hackery since the Durham probe fell flat on its face.

Jordan's farcical investigation is the worse bit of hackery since the Durham probe fell flat on its face.

Nah. The Russia Russia Russia sham investigations and the not one but two impeachments were farcical. This one is cool.
Lol. Alternet cites the NY Slimes who quote a bunch of Democraps. And it claims that Patel have financial support to one or two of the three witnesses in question. Even if Patel had provided some “financial support” (for whatever) to the witness or witnesses, that doesn’t undercut their accounts.

The witnesses either spoke the truth or they didn’t. And slimebag reporting by Bakedbromide based on an Alternet hatchet job itself based on the NY Slimes reporting which in turn is premised on a bunch of Democraps isn’t exactly compelling.
The outright lies & bullshit Gymmy Boy bellows out now for you idiots to lap up is the reason Gymmy was vetoed off the J6 committee before that clown even started. Think no one knows that Jordan is a first class fool & another one of Donny's asseaters?
The outright lies & bullshit Gymmy Boy bellows out now for you idiots to lap up is the reason Gymmy was vetoed off the J6 committee before that clown even started. Think no one knows that Jordan is a first class fool & another one of Donny's asseaters?
Wrong. He wasn’t voted off the Jan. 6 sham committee. Former Speaker Pelousy refuses to permit him to serve on it because like all DNC liberals, she is purely a hack, like you.

And, it isn’t Jim who bellows lies and bullshit. That’s the Democratics.

Your faggoty whining is just more or your endless dishonesty, clap.
Nah. The Russia Russia Russia sham investigations and the not one but two impeachments were farcical. This one is cool.
You call the investigation to be a sham but then again it reported that there was no evidence of coordination.

It’s easy to dig your head into the sand. It’s hard to argue facts.

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