BB Bombshell: Jim Jordan's FBI 'whistleblowers' were paid by Trump ally and spread J6 conspiracy theories

You’re crossing your wires. I was talking about the “Russia Russia Russia investigation” which I assumed meant the Mueller investigation. Is that not right?
Russia Russia Russia was both the silly Mueller investigation and the basis for much of the congressional investigations into Trump. And the J6 select committee “investigations” were also directed at Trump.

Your wires are always crossed.

The Mueller “investigation” was also rabidly directed AT Trump regardless of the fact that it all collapsed at the end.
Jordan has already shown himself to be a fool in these hearings featuring a couple of hacks who have already been discredited.
False. Clap (or whatever disease you are) your claim that witnesses have been “discredited” is just your dishonest wishful thinking.
He wasen't allowed on the J6 hearing because HE's a hack just like the toadies he called to appear.
No. He wasn’t permitted based on the dishonest Pelousy pretense that he could be called as a witness. Such bullshit. And you lap it up. You’re an idiot.
Got it, Skippy?
You have me confused with someone else, clap. I don’t “got” the crap that you spew. You lie. Got that? Good. Gfy.
False. Clap (or whatever disease you are) your claim that witnesses have been “discredited” is just your dishonest wishful thinking.

No. He wasn’t permitted based on the dishonest Pelousy pretense that he could be called as a witness. Such bullshit. And you lap it up. You’re an idiot.

You have me confused with someone else, clap. I don’t “got” the crap that you spew. You lie. Got that? Good. Gfy.
Why does Jordan have to resort to paid witnessses at his kangaroo congressional hearing, asswipe? Is that what you consider gittin' er done, fool?

Is Gymmy so desperate to impress Putin's fanboi Trump that he has to use paid lackeys & fake whistleblowers, dope?
Why does Jordan have to resort to paid witnessses at his kangaroo congressional hearing,

Scumbag; you keep claiming that they are paid witnesses but you have no basis for that lie. You scumbag lying pissant motherfucker.
Is that what you consider gittin' er done, fool?
I have no idea what you’re now babbling about, shitface. Try English. Rey asking intelligible “questions,” assbreath.
Is Gymmy so desperate to impress Putin's fanboi Trump that he has to use paid lackeys & fake whistleblowers, dope?

Hey retardation. You still haven’t established the basis for your retarded claim. You’re a massive douche nugget.
Scumbag; you keep claiming that they are paid witnesses but you have no basis for that lie. You scumbag lying pissant motherfucker.

I have no idea what you’re now babbling about, shitface. Try English. Rey asking intelligible “questions,” assbreath.

Hey retardation. You still haven’t established the basis for your retarded claim. You’re a massive douche nugget.
Kash Patel has provided cash assistance since November 2022 to two of the phony fake whistleblowers who were called in by Jordan, cock face.

None of the fake whistleblowers have applied for whistleblower protections from the FBI or any other Federal agency, Trump asseater.

You'll never remove the stink of Trump's ass from your face, loser.
Kash Patel has provided cash assistance since November 2022 to two of the phony fake whistleblowers who were called in by Jordan,

So what? That doesn’t make them paid whistleblowers, ya lying shit breath cockbite.
None of the fake whistleblowers have applied for whistleblower protections from the FBI or any other Federal agency, Trump asseater.
We don’t know that any of them are fake, shit muncher. You sure don’t.

And it also isn’t required that they seek whistleblower protection, you diseased dishonest rat twat.
You'll never remove the stink of Trump's ass from your face,
I’ve never had it on my face, you degenerate Brandon salad tosser. Even your farts smell like Brandon’s Depends.
So what? That doesn’t make them paid whistleblowers, ya lying shit breath cockbite.

We don’t know that any of them are fake, shit muncher. You sure don’t.

And it also isn’t required that they seek whistleblower protection, you diseased dishonest rat twat.

I’ve never had it on my face, you degenerate Brandon salad tosser. Even your farts smell like Brandon’s Depends.
No, what's it make them, assface?

Do your buddies have any more "winners" to call In to testify, ankle grabber?
No, what's it make them, ?
Witnesses. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Our claim of “paid” insidiously suggests that they got paid for their testimony. You have no evidence of that. You’re a retard and a liar.
Do your buddies have any more "winners" to call In to testify
I don’t know who the committee may yet call. Why do you ask, Shit breath? You seem worried.
Russia Russia Russia was both the silly Mueller investigation and the basis for much of the congressional investigations into Trump. And the J6 select committee “investigations” were also directed at Trump.

Your wires are always crossed.

The Mueller “investigation” was also rabidly directed AT Trump regardless of the fact that it all collapsed at the end.
There were congressional investigations into Russian interference into the election, which was not a bad thing given Russia interfered with the election.

The impeachments had basically nothing to do with that.

The Mueller investigation was directed at Trump, but not “rabid”. It was a proper investigation that allowed transparency and facts to he revealed rather than the lies coming from the Trump campaign.

These whistleblowers aren’t even whistleblowers. They’re just right wingers who believe too much to right wing propaganda.
We did not lose the election. The fraud was obvious and Biden is illegitimate. Anything else?

You are not crazy. Everyone else is.

You're correct in stating that the fraud is obvious. Even Sydney Powell said in Dominion lawsuit court filings that "no reasonable person" would have believed anything she said. Sydney Powell says it's crazy to believe her and none of the courts where she filed her false claims believed her. Nobody at FOX News believed her.

But you believe her.
Witnesses. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Our claim of “paid” insidiously suggests that they got paid for their testimony. You have no evidence of that. You’re a retard and a liar.

I don’t know who the committee may yet call. Why do you ask, Shit breath? You seem worried.
They weren't paid to testify? What do you call it, ass breath? You're the one worried after Jordan's witnesses turned out to be nothing but fake whistleblowers after he raaaaaaanted & raaaaaaaaved about how they were going to blow the lid off the FBI. More hot air from another one of, like you, Trump's asseaters.
There were congressional investigations into Russian interference into the election, which was not a bad thing given Russia interfered with the election.

The impeachments had basically nothing to do with that.

The Mueller investigation was directed at Trump, but not “rabid”. It was a proper investigation that allowed transparency and facts to he revealed rather than the lies coming from the Trump campaign.
The effort to investigate alleged Russian “interference” was actually a paper thing cover to attack Trump. It failed since there was no collusion between Russia and Trump. But the suit head lying Democraps still tries to use those alleged investigations as a way of smearing Trump.
These whistleblowers aren’t even whistleblowers.
I refer to them mostly as “witnesses.”
They’re just right wingers who believe too much to right wing propaganda.
They may be right wing. But they didn’t testify about their beliefs.

Your ignorance is noted. Again.
The effort to investigate alleged Russian “interference” was actually a paper thing cover to attack Trump. It failed since there was no collusion between Russia and Trump. But the suit head lying Democraps still tries to use those alleged investigations as a way of smearing Trump.

I refer to them mostly as “witnesses.”

They may be right wing. But they didn’t testify about their beliefs.

Your ignorance is noted. Again.
Actually they did testify about their beliefs. These “witnesses” couldn’t describe actual problems, they just complained about what they believed were problems centered around how they believed that the FBI shouldn’t be investigating people who were ideologically aligned with them. This had nothing to do with the law and everything to do with their beliefs in which laws should be enforced against who.

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