BB Bombshell: Jim Jordan's FBI 'whistleblowers' were paid by Trump ally and spread J6 conspiracy theories

Madcow? MS-LSD?


Sounds to me like the usual bunch of lying deep state leftards.

I wouldn't believe a single word coming out of these fucktards.
Wrong. He wasn’t voted off the Jan. 6 sham committee. Former Speaker Pelousy refuses to permit him to serve on it because like all DNC liberals, she is purely a hack, like you.

And, it isn’t Jim who bellows lies and bullshit. That’s the Democratics.

Your faggoty whining is just more or your endless dishonesty, clap.
I said he was vetoed off asswipe before he even started. Try to keep up.

How many more "whistleblowers" is Gymmy going to trot out so he can show again that he's nothing but a clown putting on a show for you dopes to drool over?
You call the investigation to be a sham but then again it reported that there was no evidence of coordination.

It’s easy to dig your head into the sand. It’s hard to argue facts.
It was a sham investigation designed to smear Trump. Everybody saw them as it was happening. Open your eyes.

And I agree. It is hard for you to grasp facts.
HOLY COW! Jim Jordan "Whistleblowers" were paid by a Trump Ally, more proof they have nothing

what a fraud, and so are the people who believe his crap

If you're investigating fake crimes, you're gonna need fake whistle blowers. Cut Insurrection Jim some slack folks!

The GOP/QANON is the brother Mafia and traitor Family of Fox News, who knows better but, as Rupert Murdock admits, knowingly lies to the morons to keep them watching.
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You're shstick is done. Try to live with it. Or don't. Whatever. I don't control losers that can't take a hint that most of America thinks magaturds are c*nts..
Your lie is done. No one believes Biden is legitimate and no one trusts his fascist regime but traitors. You really think the majority of Americans are traitors?
It was a sham investigation designed to smear Trump. Everybody saw them as it was happening. Open your eyes.

And I agree. It is hard for you to grasp facts.
But it didn’t smear Trump, did it? If it’s intended to smear him, then it would have “exonerated” him.
Of course not. The majority of Americans are sane, rational people. Unfortunately, a shrinking minority of loudmouthed extremists (ie, YOU) are led to believe they are a majority.
The only thing shrinking is your credibility. In fact, it has curled up and died. RIP.
Madcow? MS-LSD?


Sounds to me like the usual bunch of lying deep state leftards.

I wouldn't believe a single word coming out of these fucktards.
Nobody cares what things “sound like” to you. You moron.
I said he was vetoed off asswipe before he even started. Try to keep up.

How many more "whistleblowers" is Gymmy going to trot out so he can show again that he's nothing but a clown putting on a show for you dopes to drool over?
It wasn’t a “veto,” either, ya stupid assmuncher. It was simply a partisan hack power play by that nasty bitch, Pelousy.

And just because you imagine that the witnesses are dishonest whistleblowers doesn’t mean that they are. The article was bullshit.
But it didn’t smear Trump, did it?

Of course it did. Every fucking day. Endless and breathless reports based on “leaks” from shitstains like pencil neck.
If it’s intended to smear him, then it would have “exonerated” him.

You dope. The sham committee was never in any position to exonerate him or otherwise. They did smear him. And their conclusion didn’t either exonerate him or otherwise.
Of course it did. Every fucking day. Endless and breathless reports based on “leaks” from shitstains like pencil neck.

You dope. The sham committee was never in any position to exonerate him or otherwise. They did smear him. And their conclusion didn’t either exonerate him or otherwise.
You’re crossing your wires. I was talking about the “Russia Russia Russia investigation” which I assumed meant the Mueller investigation. Is that not right?
It wasn’t a “veto,” either, ya stupid assmuncher. It was simply a partisan hack power play by that nasty bitch, Pelousy.

And just because you imagine that the witnesses are dishonest whistleblowers doesn’t mean that they are. The article was bullshit.
Jordan has already shown himself to be a fool in these hearings featuring a couple of hacks who have already been discredited. He wasen't allowed on the J6 hearing because HE's a hack just like the toadies he called to appear.

Got it, Skippy?
HOLY COW! Jim Jordan "Whistleblowers" were paid by a Trump Ally, more proof they have nothing

what a fraud, and so are the people who believe his crap

If you're investigating fake crimes, you're gonna need fake whistle blowers. Cut Insurrection Jim some slack folks!

Alternet? Really? And you bought it hook, line, and sinker….lol

what a joke.

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