BBC reports a third tower collapsing on 9/11 ...

Thirty minutes before it happened.
Wow...someone at MI6 or CIA got a good spanking for that leak, didn't they ?

To be sure, Angie, I've studied the WTC collapse quite a bit, I was an engineer in another field but I understand material science, and it isn't that hard to understand the collapse of the third building due to stress from the other buildings collapsing and damage from falling debris that I just don't buy any of the claims of doctored planes or explosions in the other building. It's not hard these days to doctor videos to put that stuff in.

And another Zionist traitor self IDs....

Tell us, genius, how did jet fuel burning at 600F produce molten steel 2200F pouring out of the south tower....

Hint - you are short 1600F....

Tell us, genius, how did jet fuel burning at 600F produce molten steel

Molten aluminum.

Hint - you are short 1600F....

Hint - you are short 60 IQ...

It was tilting more and more.
Let me guess.
You were there watching when it went down.
Thirty minutes before it happened.
Wow...someone at MI6 or CIA got a good spanking for that leak, didn't they ?

To be sure, Angie, I've studied the WTC collapse quite a bit, I was an engineer in another field but I understand material science, and it isn't that hard to understand the collapse of the third building due to stress from the other buildings collapsing and damage from falling debris that I just don't buy any of the claims of doctored planes or explosions in the other building. It's not hard these days to doctor videos to put that stuff in.

And another Zionist traitor self IDs....

Tell us, genius, how did jet fuel burning at 600F produce molten steel 2200F pouring out of the south tower....

Hint - you are short 1600F....

Tell us, genius, how did jet fuel burning at 600F produce molten steel

Molten aluminum.

Hint - you are short 1600F....

Hint - you are short 60 IQ...

Actually, jet fuel burns at one of three different energy levels depending on the amount of oxygen available. In the WTC, with all the air pulled in with the jet supercharging the interior, it likely reached about 1100°F. Since the initial impact concussively blew off the foam protectant designed to protect the steel, 1100° would be enough to soften the floor plates allowing them to sag under the weight they supported eventually to the point of slipping out from their support moorings allowing that floor deck to collapse on the one below starting a chain reaction which increased exponentially as more floors were added.

Unfortunately, the WTC had a design flaw where the floor plates were the only things connecting the outside skin of the building to the central machinery column; once the floor plates started to go, the outside of the building was too weak and totally unsupported to also not start buckling.

The steel industry put that chart out. That is steel, not aluminum, and it is 2200F.

Jet fuel in the plane that hit the south tower, the only plane used on 911, largely fire-balled out the other side. Open air jet fuel burns at 600F. How does a Jew supremacist Zionist traitor explain the missing 1600F?

See posts above...
You thought the WTC were steel framed skyscrapers.


Maybe reading up on the construction of the towers is in order....

The Zionist traitor says the WTC was an ALUMINUM framed skyscraper....

You thought the WTC were steel framed skyscrapers.


Maybe reading up on the construction of the towers is in order....

The Zionist traitor says the WTC was an ALUMINUM framed skyscraper....

The main point to make is the core columns around the elevator shafts went from the ground up and wouldn't have collapsed the way they did.
(talking about the twins....not bldg 7)
You thought the WTC were steel framed skyscrapers.


Maybe reading up on the construction of the towers is in order....

The Zionist traitor says the WTC was an ALUMINUM framed skyscraper....

The main point to make is the core columns around the elevator shafts went from the ground up and wouldn't have collapsed the way they did.
(talking about the twins....not bldg 7)
Of course they would have.
Thirty minutes before it happened.
Wow...someone at MI6 or CIA got a good spanking for that leak, didn't they ?

I thought all the conspiracy theorists were gone.
Thirty minutes before it happened.
Wow...someone at MI6 or CIA got a good spanking for that leak, didn't they ?

I thought all the conspiracy theorists were gone.


US based Mossad assets have not wiped out all patriotic Americans with IQ over 25


US based Mossad assets have not wiped out all patriotic Americans with IQ over 25
You know, there are already Muslim sleeper cells here too ?
Saudis, Iranians....let's just say, there are multiple potential war zones right here as we speak.( not just a civil war of racxial or political motivation) Ya got foreign and domestic enemies of all simply say Mossad is behind everything, defeats the purpose of this discussion, AND, gives the trolls a window to call you antisemitic ........MSS (China),MOSSAD, CIA, MI6 (five eyes), FSB ( Russia's so good, most Americans still think it's the KGB.) They all have their rogue elements.
Last edited:


US based Mossad assets have not wiped out all patriotic Americans with IQ over 25
You know, there are already Muslim sleeper cells here too ?
Saudis, Iranians....let's just say, there are multiple potential war zones right here as we speak.( not just a civil war of racxial or political motivation) Ya got foreign and domestic enemies of all simply say Mossad is behind everything, defeats the purpose of this discussion, AND, gives the trolls a window to call you antisemitic ........MSS (China),MOSSAD, CIA, MI6 (five eyes), FSB ( Russia's so good, most Americans still think it's the KGB.) They all have their rogue elements.

All of the major players in 911

Tommy franks
The Saudi Royal family
The media

All Zionists. There is reason why they attempted to do 911. They knew they had their people in place to deceive the American people, just like they did with LBJ and Hoover with JFK, MLK, andRFK.

Conspiracy theory - telling truth the media and Zionists shout down

1/6 is their latest. Why can't fox figure out the "dead" Capitol officer was never subjected to autopsy?

Heck, Fox News still cannot notice michelle Obama has a penis....

All of the major players in 911

Tommy franks
The Saudi Royal family
The media

All Zionists. There is reason why they attempted to do 911. They knew they had their people in place to deceive the American people, just like they did with LBJ and Hoover with JFK, MLK, andRFK.

Conspiracy theory - telling truth the media and Zionists shout down

1/6 is their latest. Why can't fox figure out the "dead" Capitol officer was never subjected to autopsy?

Heck, Fox News still cannot notice michelle Obama has a penis....
How does Osama bin Laden fit into your version ?

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