BBC reports a third tower collapsing on 9/11 ...

All of the major players in 911

Tommy franks
The Saudi Royal family
The media

All Zionists. There is reason why they attempted to do 911. They knew they had their people in place to deceive the American people, just like they did with LBJ and Hoover with JFK, MLK, andRFK.

Conspiracy theory - telling truth the media and Zionists shout down

1/6 is their latest. Why can't fox figure out the "dead" Capitol officer was never subjected to autopsy?

Heck, Fox News still cannot notice michelle Obama has a penis....
How does Osama bin Laden fit into your version ?

After 911, one former CIA asset claimed that "Osama" was really someone named col tim osman, who led a CIA mission based in Pakistan to disrupt the then soviet occupation of afghan. He had no photos.

In 2017, the KGB put out three photos....

Search for
Ziggy Osama

Click on images

To see for yourself. That is jimmy carter's NSA, zbigniew, talking to col Tim osman decked out as a Pakistani military guy.

Zbigniew was alive on 911 and well enough years later to "advise" the homO administration. Ziggy never mentioned he knew "Osama."

Search for

Nypost 911 Saudi FBI obstructionist

There is a NY post piece quoting FBI saying Saudi was uncooperative after 911 about "Osama," who was never there.... He was col Tim osman.

Why would Saudi do that?

Search for

Saudi Royal family Jewish

All of the major players in 911

Tommy franks
The Saudi Royal family
The media

All Zionists. There is reason why they attempted to do 911. They knew they had their people in place to deceive the American people, just like they did with LBJ and Hoover with JFK, MLK, andRFK.

Conspiracy theory - telling truth the media and Zionists shout down

1/6 is their latest. Why can't fox figure out the "dead" Capitol officer was never subjected to autopsy?

Heck, Fox News still cannot notice michelle Obama has a penis....
How does Osama bin Laden fit into your version ?

After 911, one former CIA asset claimed that "Osama" was really someone named col tim osman, who led a CIA mission based in Pakistan to disrupt the then soviet occupation of afghan. He had no photos.

In 2017, the KGB put out three photos....

Search for
Ziggy Osama

Click on images

To see for yourself. That is jimmy carter's NSA, zbigniew, talking to col Tim osman decked out as a Pakistani military guy.

Zbigniew was alive on 911 and well enough years later to "advise" the homO administration. Ziggy never mentioned he knew "Osama."

Search for

Nypost 911 Saudi FBI obstructionist

There is a NY post piece quoting FBI saying Saudi was uncooperative after 911 about "Osama," who was never there.... He was col Tim osman.

Why would Saudi do that?

Search for

Saudi Royal family Jewish
Osama was a CIA asset, and is probably hiding in Iran right now.
So was Saddam Hussein.
But I'm sure you knew that too.


All of the major players in 911

Tommy franks
The Saudi Royal family
The media

All Zionists. There is reason why they attempted to do 911. They knew they had their people in place to deceive the American people, just like they did with LBJ and Hoover with JFK, MLK, andRFK.

Conspiracy theory - telling truth the media and Zionists shout down

1/6 is their latest. Why can't fox figure out the "dead" Capitol officer was never subjected to autopsy?

Heck, Fox News still cannot notice michelle Obama has a penis....
How does Osama bin Laden fit into your version ?

After 911, one former CIA asset claimed that "Osama" was really someone named col tim osman, who led a CIA mission based in Pakistan to disrupt the then soviet occupation of afghan. He had no photos.

In 2017, the KGB put out three photos....

Search for
Ziggy Osama

Click on images

To see for yourself. That is jimmy carter's NSA, zbigniew, talking to col Tim osman decked out as a Pakistani military guy.

Zbigniew was alive on 911 and well enough years later to "advise" the homO administration. Ziggy never mentioned he knew "Osama."

Search for

Nypost 911 Saudi FBI obstructionist

There is a NY post piece quoting FBI saying Saudi was uncooperative after 911 about "Osama," who was never there.... He was col Tim osman.

Why would Saudi do that?

Search for

Saudi Royal family Jewish
Osama was a CIA asset, and is probably hiding in Iran right now.

Col tim osman was a CIA/Mossad double agent, a traitor similar to the CIA Jew who tipped off Israel about the mission of the USS Liberty, which was to investigate reports of Zionist concentration camps in the newly conquered occupied territories.

Why did Israel deliberately and knowingly attack and murder the USS Liberty?

Because Einstein was 100% right about Zionist fascism.....
Search for

911 WTC south tower molten steel

And click on images....

2200F molten steel, compete with the steel industry temp chart....
Search for

911 WTC south tower molten steel

And click on images....

2200F molten steel, compete with the steel industry temp chart....

If the fire didn't melt the steel, how did it melt?
What if it was aluminum?

To demo a steel framed skyscraper, THERMITE is used.

Someone used thermite? Who? How much did they use?
How/when did they install it?
Why were no thermite rigs found in the debris?
Nice try.

Here is a better thing for you to ponder...

How can we engineer a power plant to use thermite as fuel?

Step 1 - thermite needs to get to 600F to burn. Use a laser....

Step 2 - engineer a tray to hold burning thermite = good luck

Solve it and rusted metal generates electricity....
Nice try.

Here is a better thing for you to ponder...

How can we engineer a power plant to use thermite as fuel?

Step 1 - thermite needs to get to 600F to burn. Use a laser....

Step 2 - engineer a tray to hold burning thermite = good luck

Solve it and rusted metal generates electricity....

Nice try.

Asking you to support your silly claims?
More like futile try.

How can we engineer a power plant to use thermite as fuel?

You want to use thermite as a fuel? Why?

All of the major players in 911

Tommy franks
The Saudi Royal family
The media

All Zionists. There is reason why they attempted to do 911. They knew they had their people in place to deceive the American people, just like they did with LBJ and Hoover with JFK, MLK, andRFK.

Conspiracy theory - telling truth the media and Zionists shout down

1/6 is their latest. Why can't fox figure out the "dead" Capitol officer was never subjected to autopsy?

Heck, Fox News still cannot notice michelle Obama has a penis....
How does Osama bin Laden fit into your version ?

After 911, one former CIA asset claimed that "Osama" was really someone named col tim osman, who led a CIA mission based in Pakistan to disrupt the then soviet occupation of afghan. He had no photos.

In 2017, the KGB put out three photos....

Search for
Ziggy Osama

Click on images

To see for yourself. That is jimmy carter's NSA, zbigniew, talking to col Tim osman decked out as a Pakistani military guy.

Zbigniew was alive on 911 and well enough years later to "advise" the homO administration. Ziggy never mentioned he knew "Osama."

Search for

Nypost 911 Saudi FBI obstructionist

There is a NY post piece quoting FBI saying Saudi was uncooperative after 911 about "Osama," who was never there.... He was col Tim osman.

Col tim osman was a CIA/Mossad double agent, a traitor similar to the CIA Jew who tipped off Israel about the mission of the USS Liberty, which was to investigate reports of Zionist concentration camps in the newly conquered occupied territories.

Why did Israel deliberately and knowingly attack and murder the USS Liberty?

Because Einstein was 100% right about Zionist fascism.....
All the same, your theories aren't conclusive, and don't absolutely matter on this subject.

Here we Go again. All the ratbags creep from their burrows every full moon and regurgitate the conspiracy theories like indigestion.

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