BBC reports a third tower collapsing on 9/11 ...

Naudet video is photo shopped.

Plane is too slow and vullshit.
You can clearly see what looks like a wingspan of an airplane at the impact area.

The "hole" the media first showed us looked like a plane. It was designed to look that way.

Problem - if the "plane" entered there, the metal would be bent in, but it is not according to close ups I observed. It is bent out.

Easy to rig bombs to blow out a hole the size and shape of a plane.

If you watch the whole north tower video,you see the following...

After 10 or so minutes, it looks like the smoke is decreasing. Then it just goes into overdrive. It smokes up much much more. That is the start of the thermite.

A demo of a steel framed skyscraper is from the inside out. Before the north tower came down, it was hollowed out. Minutes before it came down, there is a huge crash inside. Once that sound ends, you are observing a completely hollow tower ready to be demo-Ed one floor at a time....
Pentagon - cruise missile
This is always fun....

Explain the light poles being knocked down. Surely a missile couldn't have done that.

Your move.

Post photos of them.

Are they bent?

You want us to believe a 757 going 500 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground (which puts the bottom of the engines several feet IN THE GROUND) whacked those poles but left no bend or dent....nice....
There is also a group called pilots for 911 truth

And they do not believe the pentagon official version at all.
Pentagon - cruise missile
This is always fun....

Explain the light poles being knocked down. Surely a missile couldn't have done that.

Your move.

Post photos of them.

Are they bent?
Screen Shot 2021-07-11 at 9.58.27 PM.png
Yes, several are bent.

How'd a missile knock down five light poles?
This is the difference between a ^^conspiracy theorist, and myself, a truth seeker.

Trying to differentiate yourself from conspiracy kooks isn't working. You buy into every one of them too. And, thusly, you're thought of as a complete loser.

Here we Go again. All the ratbags creep from their burrows every full moon and regurgitate the conspiracy theories like indigestion.
No you go again.
I've been onto this since day one.
You're nothing but a troll, going around starting shit.

You've been onto it. 20 years and still nothing. Oh you're on to it alright.
You should be on medication for your paranoia.
I've seen less nuts in an almond orchard.
Funny how the 9/11 truth-deniers are always the same ones who think Trump colluded with Russia.

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