BDS and "The Color Purple."

You and "Brand Israel" are the prime bologna on this thread, Hossie:

Palestine Conditions "More brutal" than in U.S. South 50 Years Ago | Alice Walker | The Official Website for the American Novelist & Poet

How many hours did you donate today to those in "dire need?"

hoss thinks a "worse" atrocity always justifies a lesser atrocity...and all for the greater glory of god.
No, Hoss recognizes a bunch of phony baloney when he sees it, but you close your eyes to whatever you don't want to know, and this has been going on for years by you..
South African lawmaker: Israel NOT an apartheid state - Israel Today | Israel News

The article says what I have seen with my own eyes. Arabs in Israel proper are doctors, nurses, and teachers...and gardeners, hairdressers and taxi-drivers. The West Bank is where it gets a little tricky.
You and "Brand Israel" are the prime bologna on this thread, Hossie:

Palestine Conditions "More brutal" than in U.S. South 50 Years Ago | Alice Walker | The Official Website for the American Novelist & Poet

How many hours did you donate today to those in "dire need?"

hoss thinks a "worse" atrocity always justifies a lesser atrocity...and all for the greater glory of god.
No, Hoss recognizes a bunch of phony baloney when he sees it, but you close your eyes to whatever you don't want to know, and this has been going on for years by you..
South African lawmaker: Israel NOT an apartheid state - Israel Today | Israel News

desmond tutu and nelson mandela disagree.

Letter from Nelson Mandella to Thomas Friedman

BBC News | AFRICA | Tutu condemns Israeli 'apartheid'
hoss thinks a "worse" atrocity always justifies a lesser atrocity...and all for the greater glory of god.
No, Hoss recognizes a bunch of phony baloney when he sees it, but you close your eyes to whatever you don't want to know, and this has been going on for years by you..
South African lawmaker: Israel NOT an apartheid state - Israel Today | Israel News

The article says what I have seen with my own eyes. Arabs in Israel proper are doctors, nurses, and teachers...and gardeners, hairdressers and taxi-drivers. The West Bank is where it gets a little tricky.

there was an institution of slavery in the united states prior to the emancipation proclamation even though there were free africaan americans.

i little bit of apartheid is like being a little bit pregnant.
Does it bother Alice Walker what is happening to her fellow Blacks in Africa and the Middle East? Has Alice Walker ever spoken up for the unfortunate Black Muslim women in Darfur living in tents now in refugee camps in Chad? Has she ever mentioned the 2,000,000 Christians murdered in the Sudan? It seems that there are people who fall all over themselves to condemn Israel but have not a care in the world about what is happening elsewhere.And dont go blathering about off topic because she takes up the Palistinan cause and forgets about her own people.

Alicia Keyes Will Go Ahead with Tel Aviv Concert; Refuses to Yield to Israel Boycotters | Simon Wiesenthal Center

alic walker is concerned about human beings, not their ethnicity. you could learn from her.
So tell us what she has done for those human beings I have mentioned if she is such a concerned person. Surely you must have a list of things she has done.

[ame=]Arundhati Roy with Alice Walker and David Barsamian - Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
hoss thinks a "worse" atrocity always justifies a lesser atrocity...and all for the greater glory of god.
No, Hoss recognizes a bunch of phony baloney when he sees it, but you close your eyes to whatever you don't want to know, and this has been going on for years by you..
South African lawmaker: Israel NOT an apartheid state - Israel Today | Israel News

desmond tutu and nelson mandela disagree.

Letter from Nelson Mandella to Thomas Friedman

BBC News | AFRICA | Tutu condemns Israeli 'apartheid'
Why not see what this Methodist preacher who actually fought apartheid in South Africa has to say. He certainly sounds more qualified to tell what is going on since he actually now lives in Israel. By the way, I saw you mention slavery in another post. Let's not forget that it is your Muslim friends who are into slavery in the 21st Century, but of course you conveniently forget that.
Israel and Apartheid | Malcolm Hedding | International Speaker | Christian Zionist
alic walker is concerned about human beings, not their ethnicity. you could learn from her.
So tell us what she has done for those human beings I have mentioned if she is such a concerned person. Surely you must have a list of things she has done.

[ame=]Arundhati Roy with Alice Walker and David Barsamian - Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
But, Tinnie, why are these people not speaking up against the treatment of people in Muslim countries? Surely you, even as an Arab, have to be quite aware about how others are treated -- much, much worse than anything you imagine happens to your fellow Arabs in Israel. And of course you don't see Israel keeping slaves the way some of your fellow Arabs do. Could you possibly contact the people in your video to start speaking up about slavery in the Arab world? You wouldn't even have to mention to them how innocent people are being killed in the Muslim world because of their religious beliefs.
Don't give us all this baloney, Georgie Boy. The fact of the matter is that the people awlays bashing Israel and calling for boycotts close their eyes to the rest of the world where people could actually use some assistance because of their dire need. Did you ever see Palestinians looking like this? At least be grateful that you will never experience something like this since there are food pantries that will help you have things to eat in your subsidized apartment.
Photos: Somalia Famine - Plog
You and "Brand Israel" are the prime bologna on this thread, Hossie:

Palestine Conditions "More brutal" than in U.S. South 50 Years Ago | Alice Walker | The Official Website for the American Novelist & Poet

How many hours did you donate today to those in "dire need?"
Just whom do you think you are kidding, Georgie Boy, when it is obvious that your eyes are really closed to what is actually going on in the Arab world when it comes to the abuses and murder of innocent people. And, Georigie Boy, why not read up about this so-called Israel apartheid from those who actually lived under apartheid in South Africa, or perhaps it is too much trouble for you to learn the truth.

They say Apartheid in Israel is worse.
ANC Chair: Israel “far worse than Apartheid South Africa”

BDS South Africa*said in a press release distributed via email:There was widespread support from international delegates for the adoption and support of the Palestinian BDS call. However, there was one objection from a delegate from Germany who argued that Israel cannot be compared to Apartheid South Africa and thus an all-out boycott of Israel is “ill-informed.”*The ANC Chairperson,*Baleka Mbete, strongly responded saying that she has been to Palestine herself and that the Israeli regime is not only comparable but “far worse than Apartheid South Africa.”*Ms Mbete received a resounding round of applause from delegates for articulating this position. Israel ?far worse than apartheid South Africa? says ANC chair as Pretoria conference backs boycott | The Electronic Intifada
ANC Chair: Israel “far worse than Apartheid South Africa”

BDS South Africa*said in a press release distributed via email:There was widespread support from international delegates for the adoption and support of the Palestinian BDS call. However, there was one objection from a delegate from Germany who argued that Israel cannot be compared to Apartheid South Africa and thus an all-out boycott of Israel is “ill-informed.”*The ANC Chairperson,*Baleka Mbete, strongly responded saying that she has been to Palestine herself and that the Israeli regime is not only comparable but “far worse than Apartheid South Africa.”*Ms Mbete received a resounding round of applause from delegates for articulating this position. Israel ?far worse than apartheid South Africa? says ANC chair as Pretoria conference backs boycott | The Electronic Intifada
Frau Sherri, you can dig up all the articles dissing Israel as the most apartheid state (which is certainly ridiculous), and you can pull up all the videos you want, but unless these hypocrites start speaking about what is happening to innocent people in Muslim countries, to many, many people their nonsense falls on deaf ears. Keep on dragging up Jesus in your posts if it makes you feel good, but Jesus himself would be appalled at what is happening to His followers in Muslim countries, and He would think this entire BDS movement is ridiculous given what is happening in many of the countries of your friends. Maybe the people in this BDS movement have no problem with people being murdered because of their religious beliefs. Yessiree, as we can see, the Palestine Propaganda Machine is going great guns. By the way, Frau Sherri, have you ever thought of taking your dog out for regular walks? After all, it can't be healthy to sit inside all day and night bashing Israel all over the Internet, and the fresh air would do you some good.
I have no intention of responding to posters who insultingly and continuously address me as Frau Sherri. If posters cannot post with a bit of basic courtesy, they do not deserve a response to their posts. Im not German or a Frau. Sherri
I have no intention of responding to posters who insultingly and continuously address me as Frau Sherri. If posters cannot post with a bit of basic courtesy, they do not deserve a response to their posts. Im not German or a Frau. Sherri
Why, Frau Sherri, do you really think many of the posters and viewers take you seriously when you keep on throwing out "Zionists" like it was a bad word and that the IDF are child killers in your opinion when you friends are busy murdering innocent people for their religious beliefs?
So tell us what she has done for those human beings I have mentioned if she is such a concerned person. Surely you must have a list of things she has done.

[ame=]Arundhati Roy with Alice Walker and David Barsamian - Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
But, Tinnie, why are these people not speaking up against the treatment of people in Muslim countries? Surely you, even as an Arab, have to be quite aware about how others are treated -- much, much worse than anything you imagine happens to your fellow Arabs in Israel. And of course you don't see Israel keeping slaves the way some of your fellow Arabs do. Could you possibly contact the people in your video to start speaking up about slavery in the Arab world? You wouldn't even have to mention to them how innocent people are being killed in the Muslim world because of their religious beliefs.

One of the reasons I support Palestine is that it is an Arab/Muslim country that is not like Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan. It sets a good example for the other countries in the region.
Don't give us all this baloney, Georgie Boy. The fact of the matter is that the people awlays bashing Israel and calling for boycotts close their eyes to the rest of the world where people could actually use some assistance because of their dire need. Did you ever see Palestinians looking like this? At least be grateful that you will never experience something like this since there are food pantries that will help you have things to eat in your subsidized apartment.
Photos: Somalia Famine - Plog
You and "Brand Israel" are the prime bologna on this thread, Hossie:

Palestine Conditions "More brutal" than in U.S. South 50 Years Ago | Alice Walker | The Official Website for the American Novelist & Poet

How many hours did you donate today to those in "dire need?"
Just whom do you think you are kidding, Georgie Boy, when it is obvious that your eyes are really closed to what is actually going on in the Arab world when it comes to the abuses and murder of innocent people. And, Georigie Boy, why not read up about this so-called Israel apartheid from those who actually lived under apartheid in South Africa, or perhaps it is too much trouble for you to learn the truth.
Your crocodile tears over the many abuses and murder of innocent people in the Arab world seems hypocritical since they serve primarily as a deflection against documented instances of Israeli apartheid in Palestine, or maybe I've missed the many threads you've started on Arab atrocities in Sudan and Somalia?

"In a 2007 report, United Nations Special Rapporteur for Palestine John Dugard stated that 'elements of the Israeli occupation constitute forms of colonialism and of apartheid, which are contrary to international law' and suggested that the 'legal consequences of a prolonged occupation with features of colonialism and apartheid' be put to the International Court of Justice.[36]

"In 2009 South Africa's statutory research agency the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) published a report stating that 'the State of Israel exercises control in the [Occupied Palestinian Territories] with the purpose of maintaining a system of domination by Jews over Palestinians and that this system constitutes a breach of the prohibition of apartheid.'"

Can you refute the claim that Jews currently enforce a system of domination over Arabs living between the River and the sea?

Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You and "Brand Israel" are the prime bologna on this thread, Hossie:

Palestine Conditions "More brutal" than in U.S. South 50 Years Ago | Alice Walker | The Official Website for the American Novelist & Poet

How many hours did you donate today to those in "dire need?"

hoss thinks a "worse" atrocity always justifies a lesser atrocity...and all for the greater glory of god.
No, Hoss recognizes a bunch of phony baloney when he sees it, but you close your eyes to whatever you don't want to know, and this has been going on for years by you..
South African lawmaker: Israel NOT an apartheid state - Israel Today | Israel News
Do you recognize a lie when you see it?

Your link:

"In my numerous visits to Israel, I did not see any of the above," stated Meshoe. "Black, brown and white Jews and the Arab minority mingle freely in all public places, universities, restaurants, voting stations and public transportation. All people have the right to vote."

In fact only a minority of Arabs living between the River and the sea have the right to vote for those writing the laws they currently live under. Is Meshoe calling for one person; one vote in Palestine?

Are you?
You and "Brand Israel" are the prime bologna on this thread, Hossie:

Palestine Conditions "More brutal" than in U.S. South 50 Years Ago | Alice Walker | The Official Website for the American Novelist & Poet

How many hours did you donate today to those in "dire need?"
Just whom do you think you are kidding, Georgie Boy, when it is obvious that your eyes are really closed to what is actually going on in the Arab world when it comes to the abuses and murder of innocent people. And, Georigie Boy, why not read up about this so-called Israel apartheid from those who actually lived under apartheid in South Africa, or perhaps it is too much trouble for you to learn the truth.
Your crocodile tears over the many abuses and murder of innocent people in the Arab world seems hypocritical since they serve primarily as a deflection against documented instances of Israeli apartheid in Palestine, or maybe I've missed the many threads you've started on Arab atrocities in Sudan and Somalia?

"In a 2007 report, United Nations Special Rapporteur for Palestine John Dugard stated that 'elements of the Israeli occupation constitute forms of colonialism and of apartheid, which are contrary to international law' and suggested that the 'legal consequences of a prolonged occupation with features of colonialism and apartheid' be put to the International Court of Justice.[36]

"In 2009 South Africa's statutory research agency the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) published a report stating that 'the State of Israel exercises control in the [Occupied Palestinian Territories] with the purpose of maintaining a system of domination by Jews over Palestinians and that this system constitutes a breach of the prohibition of apartheid.'"

Can you refute the claim that Jews currently enforce a system of domination over Arabs living between the River and the sea?

Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Interesting note from your link :

The Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law was passed by the Knesset in 2003 as an interim emergency measure after Israel had suffered its worst ever spate of suicide bombings[45] and after several Palestinians who had been granted permanent residency on the grounds of family reunification took part in terrorist attacks in Israel

Israel gave citizenship to Palestinians, and in return, they blew themselves up and took down Israelis with them.
But, Tinnie, why are these people not speaking up against the treatment of people in Muslim countries? Surely you, even as an Arab, have to be quite aware about how others are treated -- much, much worse than anything you imagine happens to your fellow Arabs in Israel. And of course you don't see Israel keeping slaves the way some of your fellow Arabs do. Could you possibly contact the people in your video to start speaking up about slavery in the Arab world? You wouldn't even have to mention to them how innocent people are being killed in the Muslim world because of their religious beliefs.

One of the reasons I support Palestine is that it is an Arab/Muslim country that is not like Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan. It sets a good example for the other countries in the region.

Explain to me how Palestine sets an example for anyone.

For a period of time this video could be watched in full, but I notice now you can only watch a preview and have to pay a rental fee to watch the full documentary. It can also be purchased online, and TShirts are also being sold online.

Ah so this is your deal, your here to sell Palestinian merchandise and videos. I got you.

For a period of time this video could be watched in full, but I notice now you can only watch a preview and have to pay a rental fee to watch the full documentary. It can also be purchased online, and TShirts are also being sold online.

Ah so this is your deal, your here to sell Palestinian merchandise and videos. I got you.
Call now to get your Hamas Alarm Clocks, T-Shirts, Bobbleheads, Coffee Mugs, Anti-Israel propaganda signs and much much more before they are all sold out !

Call 1-800-JIHAD90

Call Now !!
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